Title: Camping Fandom: DCU Character(s)/Pairing(s): Wally West, Garth, Donna Troy, Dick Grayson, Roy Harper Rating: G/K Word count: 200 Warnings: None Challenge: 001- First
Oh, precious babies! Loved how there's this slightly sorrowful tinge to it, the way parents and guardians have never shared this with them before, and then the last line had my face splitting into a huuuuuge smile!
Thanks so much! The thing I love about these guys is that they're able to do stuff and have fun without being overly angsty because they can get over it together. :)
Hee, thanks! This was actually inspired by another original-Titans-go-camping piece- I can't remember if it was a scan or fanart or a really vivid fic, but the memory of that piece just popped in my head when I saw the prompt.
It's really sad how these guys would never have gotten to do any 'normal' things that people do as kids with their families. I like the idea of them sharing this activity with each other.
I would like to write a sequel, but I have no idea what I would do for one, to be honest. :P
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It's really sad how these guys would never have gotten to do any 'normal' things that people do as kids with their families. I like the idea of them sharing this activity with each other.
I would like to write a sequel, but I have no idea what I would do for one, to be honest. :P
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