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Comments 45

p_h_h May 4 2007, 05:07:34 UTC
Ahh, the perfect way to not study - just like I promised, give you some FO banners! And by some, I mean a hell of a lot. I'm an FO banner fiend, I hoard these babies. Also, they're mostly Dean-related. Because, um, yeah ;)

Here's some green-related sorta kinda ones for ya, if you want something to go with your layout:
by abigailmarissa (actually I think that's Dark Angel, but it's SO pretty), by causette, by causette, by famineghost, by famineghost, by famineghost, by shalowater, by shalowater, and by xsleepingswanx.

Here's a few other goodies, in case those don't tickle your fancy:
by andune_85, by causette, by dirsi, by icons_de_smidge, by kelzies, by lostmemento, by lostmemento, by lostmemento, by lostmemento, by misty_creates, by pastrypack (*snickers*), by onlyquacking (*snickers more*), by saharaam, by vartanluvva, by xsleepingswanx, by xsleepingswanx, by _______heather, and by toasted_space (my current one ( ... )


comically_so May 4 2007, 05:11:59 UTC
OMG YOU RULE! Thank you so much! :DDD


p_h_h May 4 2007, 05:54:25 UTC
*twirls* No problem! :)


docwarnerfan May 19 2007, 18:21:49 UTC
Hey do you mind adding me to your friends list? since we both like Crossing Jordan. I know that sounds like a really lame reason. Also I responded back to your post at psp9_Fun


floridapeaches May 21 2007, 19:30:26 UTC
Hi! :) I followed a post from lindy_grl123's journal where you said you missed out on the friending meme (I snuck onto the tail end of it), and I'm eager to meet new SPN peeps, and thought you might be too. I'm gonna add you, and I hope you add me back. ;)

Here is my friending meme post, if you wanna read a bit about me before you decide whather to friend back or not.


comically_so May 21 2007, 23:43:27 UTC
Cool! I'm always up for SPN fans on my FList so you're definitely friended back. :D


jacoba06 July 17 2007, 06:26:58 UTC
Hey there, found you on "winchestercases", and I'm friending you! Love the icons!


comically_so July 17 2007, 20:22:59 UTC
Thank you! You're friended back!


julian_wilbury September 25 2007, 18:31:47 UTC
Hey, I've seen you around before on MST3k communties and stolen a couple of your icons a while back (I was the fellow Cambot-lover)...may I add?

And I saw in your picspam post...YAY "MONSTER MOVIE"! I do agree, MST3k does have some of the best fics ever. And um, I hope you didn't read that silly chapter some young teenage fangirl added on to the end of "Homecoming" with the author's permission. That was, uh, really bad. *hides blushing face*

(The things I did as a 13-year-old fangirl...)


comically_so September 26 2007, 00:30:30 UTC
YES. You're definitely friended! ♥♥♥ "Monster Movie"!!!

You're kidding me! I love that chapter of "Homecoming"! And I'm not just saying that. It's Cambot and Joel interaction! And the moment when Servo and Crow realize they're going to be without Mike for the first time since forever kills me.


Mystery Science Theater 3000: General TV lea724 December 1 2007, 13:26:39 UTC
Hi, I'm one of the mods at the LJ community, icons100.

I wanted to make sure that you were aware that the subject that you hold, "Mystery Science Theater 3000: General TV" has gone past its 10-week deadline.

Do you still want to make icons for this topic (in which case, you'll need to request an extension at the subject claims list (http://community.livejournal.com/icons100/1732314.html ))?

If I don't hear back from you by December 3, 2007, I'll assume you're no longer interested and remove you from that claim.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you.


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