November Craziness.

Nov 18, 2009 14:58

Well, that was a bit of a hiatus due to attacks of

** omfg I'm too busy at home too busy at work winter depression is hitting I just want to stay in bed.**
Of course, I didn't. Stay in bed, I mean ( Read more... )

winter depression, quotes, life, randomness, translation

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Comments 29

eers November 18 2009, 16:12:10 UTC
Oooh, you have new mood thingies! :D

Also... LOL at the computer thing. I had that with a keyboard once, in secondary school. I was all "OMFG, it's not working aaah halp!" and the lady at the desk came to look and found that the plug of the keyboard wasn't in the computer. :P

Me: *says something silly and then has a fit of giggles over that*
I have that regularly. Most of the time I'm already having the fit of giggles when I'm still saying the silly stuff, which therefore becomes even more silly and definitely less understandable, usually resulting in me being the only one laughing and then having to repeat it to other people who don't think it's funny to begin with. :P

Also... how do Harlequin think it's a good idea to drastically change a text instead of just translating it properly? Do they think they have readers who cannot read or something? :S


comeshootwithme November 18 2009, 16:30:21 UTC
LOL, yes, I felt the Goth girl was more "me" than the happy stars, haha.
And the computer thing -> you know, it's silly in secondary school (but it happens to everyone) but it's STUPID if you're a 40-year old regular teacher in a huge company that uses computers all the time. Or isn't it...?

I like people who think themselves funny. LOL. I'm one of them. Or should I say "Them", with a capital T...

Harlequin-> I think they realise the stories aren't very good, and they want to improve them. Which is ok, except, they've been written BY SOMEONE ELSE. They just want to have easy, nice-to-read stories. I just want to translate what the writer wrote. And if he wrote a strange thought at a strange moment, who am I to change that? I thought the whole bloody book and both main characters were off their rocker, so I couldn't judge it very well... I don't want to edit. I could, but it's not translating, is it?


eers November 18 2009, 16:51:47 UTC
Ah, well. It's still silly, but perhaps a bit more embarrassing. :P

I occasionally think myself funny as well. We are... er... I was going to say "one of Them" but "one" is not entirely grammatical, I think. xD

Well, if Harlequin wants you to improve the stories, why didn't they say so from the start?
And they were off their rocker, indeed. That was the silly woman who became a puddle the moment her egocentric employer walked in the room right? :P


comeshootwithme November 18 2009, 19:16:32 UTC
Well be Two of Them. Tots! :P
Harlequin did indeed say to feel free to make alterations, and I did. Just not as many as they would've liked... :( I just decided I'm so far off their target audience that if I'd edited out everything I thought needed removing, I'd have ended up with a novel three pages long.


mssnowy November 18 2009, 19:14:32 UTC
I love the poem. :)
Strange ppl those Harlequin ppl...
A winter depression :(
Isn't your lamp helping?
Will try to cheer you up tomorrow, but I have a small winter depression as well.
So, I might not be of much help.


comeshootwithme November 18 2009, 19:18:09 UTC
We'll cheer each other up. Also, Gin and Tonics might play a role in that effort!
Don't you love Goethe? He's just so unembarressedly dramatic, it's perfect.


mssnowy November 18 2009, 19:38:26 UTC
Lol, yes that might help.
I think I must give it a try for once. ;)


comeshootwithme November 18 2009, 19:48:27 UTC
Or Bailey's, if you prefer. Irish Coffee. Anything with alcohol, really. :D


maruchina November 23 2009, 11:11:27 UTC
Yeah, I really wasn't joking. LOLOL.


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