The Joys of Lack of Sleep

Oct 28, 2009 10:19

I'm tired, because I didn't sleep much last night (images of funerals combined with blocked sinuses and dry coughs do not a good night's sleep make). I'm yawning and looking quite puffy-eyed, which in itself is not too bad because I'll get over it, but... I just went to the loo, as one does occassionally... and well...

I fell asleep while sitting on ( Read more... )

the office

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Comments 4

eers October 28 2009, 10:20:33 UTC
Wow. I've been tired, like, really tired, but I've never fallen asleep on the loo. That's... interesting. :P

Um. Good luck today, then. With not falling asleep, and things. :P


comeshootwithme October 28 2009, 10:49:31 UTC
Yes, I admit, it was a bit of a Bad Moment. I do feel a bit better now (and at least slightly more awake), suppose it's the sunshine. Oh and the Ibuprofen, paracetamol, vitamine C and zinc tablets I took may have something to do with it as well.


imnotacommittee October 28 2009, 22:44:29 UTC

That's both devastating and hysterical. Good thing no one encountered that and told the entire office.


comeshootwithme October 29 2009, 09:54:30 UTC
What if I'd sat there for an hour and people would've come looking for me...?? Can't think what I would have said!
Good to see you online - how are you?


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