The Hills Were Alive... with Days of Relaxation!

Oct 22, 2009 14:27

I'm back!

Six days in Derbyshire and I've reached Complete Relaxation.  Too bad that one day back at The Office has immediately reduced my newly acquired Zen levels back to zero, but I'll save all that for my next entry. Now: a holiday report!

First of all a general impression: It Was Fabulous. The B&B was great, the weather was great, the ( Read more... )

winter depression, holiday, walking

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Comments 3

anonymous October 22 2009, 17:54:58 UTC
comeshootwithme October 22 2009, 19:49:42 UTC
The Peak District IS lovely, and you should go! If you do, contact me, and I can point you toward the good pubs, a great Indian restaurant, and the world's coolest B&B.
K is one of my many friends with a K - remember, public journal, so no names ;-) It's a good thing I have so many friends with K or M, that really adds to easiness of understanding...


london_fan October 22 2009, 23:46:04 UTC
Lol1 What a lovely report! Next time you'll stay somewhere remember to bring a flashlight for the nightly trips to the bathroom... or don't, because it's way more amusing that way! ;9


comeshootwithme October 23 2009, 03:25:55 UTC
We had such a great time! I didn't even mind crashing into the wardrobe or falling down into the mud. All was good!


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