Misery loves company

Feb 17, 2010 06:32

This just hasn't been my week. Month. Season. Whatever ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

rymrytr February 17 2010, 07:12:57 UTC

I wish I was there. There is nothing so frustrating, as "frustration" when you are alone!

I've been in that situation and it makes me just want to run away.

Take a deep breath and when you can, treat yourself to something special. Remember, you may be alone physically, but you are never alone in problems! We, your friends, are always here, somewhere. :O)



comeshootwithme February 17 2010, 20:03:08 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm so glad to have online friends in situations like these... It's much better now - heat's back on!


fenjer February 17 2010, 10:53:01 UTC

Awww, hon it all just sounds horrid. Wish I could help!

Sounds like a complete and utter duvet day to me...take theday off, stay in your duvet make hot drinks and watch balck and white movies. Wait on the heating engineer type person.

*more hugs*


comeshootwithme February 17 2010, 20:04:44 UTC
Thanks for the hug! I stayed in bed for hours (it was the only place that was warm...), the repair man showed up, he fixed it, the house got warm, I took a shower, I did some shopping... and things got better.


london_fan February 17 2010, 13:04:44 UTC

Hope it worked out somehow? I always have a minor freak out when I need something fixed because of my working hours, too.

Fingers crossed that you won't get sick for real (and if you do, get some rest and heat!!!). ♥


comeshootwithme February 17 2010, 20:07:06 UTC
Thanks! It did work out. I called the repairman, who could come nearly right away (he said it'd be midday, and it was, 20 past noon). So then I called work and swapped my day off - I stayed home today and now I'll have to go in tomorrow. Boss D complained for a bit but I just said "listen, it's 14 degrees in my living room, I can't shower, and I'm not going to wait for tomorrow to have someone come over to fix it". And she gave in! *YAY*


eers February 17 2010, 17:39:34 UTC
Aw, poor thing. Staying in bed all day sounds nice. :D And get well soon! Or better, don't get ill. xD

It'll all be fixed, I'm sure. *hugs* :)


comeshootwithme February 17 2010, 20:08:36 UTC
Thanks. It WAS fixed. I showered. I got warm. And felt soooo much better.... life's quite good, sort of, right now.


eers February 17 2010, 20:20:32 UTC
Ah, brilliant! The mantra works, right. Alleskomtgoedalleskomtgoed. :D


comeshootwithme February 17 2010, 20:24:47 UTC
Exactly. I sent a card to a friend recently saying "Keep Calm and Carry On". She says it works like magic and she's positioned it in the middle of her dinner table. Alles Komt Goed, als je maar gelooft.


imnotacommittee February 17 2010, 20:55:24 UTC
Oops, I didn't want to post that picture as a link, but not the picture itself.

Anyway, here's the mountain of snow that was created after last week's blizzard. I am ready for at least a few days above freezing.

... )


comeshootwithme February 17 2010, 21:00:27 UTC
My goodness. That is... a lot of snow. I've only ever seen that much when I was visiting my friend who lives in Norway.
I really do suggest we all, everyone, everywhere, collectively go into hibernation from 1 December until 1 April, waking up only to celebrate Christmas and New Year's. If we ALL stay warm and snug in bed, nobody's going to miss anybody, right?


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