Welcome to the GK Battle!

May 24, 2010 19:45

Welcome to the GK Battle: Day vs. Night!

**There are only 1 spot left on TEAM DAY. 1 Spot on TEAM NIGHT.**

Wow! I'm flabbergasted that we got all the spots filled so quick. If you're still interested, please feel free to sign up as a backup. :) If many people are interested, we can always run the challenge again later on in the year.

What is GK Battle?
A friendly prompt-based fanworks competition between two teams of ten people each. Team members can be writers or artists. The two teams each receive the same prompts for members to chose from. One prompt per person so that all ten prompts are distributed. Upon receiving their prompt, team members are tasked with creating one piece of fanwork that fits both the team theme and the selected prompt. This is based on the snarry_games and mcshep_match challenge.

What are the two teams?
The two teams will be Team Day and Team Night!

Team Day: Daylight is all about truth, about life. It means work, it means dealing with shit and getting the job done. It is inescapable and necessary. During the day, we must acknowledge the truth about ourselves and the situation we find ourselves in. Daylight also brings the promise of new things, the start of a new life. It can be rich and satisfying even as it presents a constant new struggle. lunasky is the Captain for Team Day.

Team Night: What happens when the sun goes down? Nighttime often cloaks the things we'd rather not see in daylight. It lends an air of mystery, stirs feelings of forgiveness and opens up possibilities that would otherwise never be considered. There's also fear in the darkness--of things we cannot see and of ghosts that might haunt us. Nighttime brings exhaustion, self-doubt and worry but also the blissful peace of sleep. shoshannagold is the Captain for Team Night.

What are the Rules?

Stories must be 1000 word minimum for each writer, and all stories must be betaed. Artists may create just one work or several works that are inter-related and tell a story about their prompt.

No crossovers. All entries must be based on the characters of the HBO series, and not the real marines. For this challenge, no actor RPF / RPS.

All participants must join their team community: gk_day or gk_night and at least watch combat_jack.

Because of the nature of the challenge, extension time is very limited. If you know that you will not be able to finish your prompt by your deadline, please contact your captain as soon as possible.

What are the prompts?

There are ten super-secret prompts that will be released to the two teams on their respective team communities: gk_day or gk_night for claiming. Prompts will only be visible to the team members until posting starts.

When/how will the entires be posted?

When posting starts, the two entries (one from each team) that correspond to the first prompt will be posted anonymously. Then, both challenge participants and readers will be able to vote on the fanwork, assessing three criteria:

1. How well the entry fulfills the prompt.
2. How well the entry fits the team theme.
3. How much they liked the entry overall.

The votes will be averaged for each entry and then the average is added to the team total.

One prompt will be revealed per day along with the two fanworks created for it, until all entries have been posted.

And the end of the battle, the team with the most points is declared the winner and the artists/authors will be revealed.

What does the winning team win?

Bragging rights, of course!

Timeline of events

Sign-ups open: Monday, May 24, 2010
Prompts distributed: Monday, May 31 2010
Deadline for entries: Monday, July 5, 2010
Posting Starts: Monday, July 12, 2010

How to sign up?

Reply to this post with the following:

Subject Line: Team X (i.e. whichever team you want to join.)
Comment box:
LJ name:
Email address:

I can't commit right now but can I offer to be a back-up writer/artist?

Yes, please! Please leave a comment with the same information, only put Back Up in the subject line.

I'm still not sure I totally understand:

Leave a comment below with Question as the subject.

Requisite but heartfelt moto:
Luna and Shosh are really excited about this challenge and look forward to getting together with our teams!

Sign up in the comments below! We'll see you on the other side.

challenge: gk battle

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