What did you expect?

Apr 12, 2009 11:17

Happy pagan spring fertility festival, everybody! Eat, drink, be merry, and have lots of sex! :D 

lulz, love and science

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Comments 5

wanderingsmith April 12 2009, 17:28:15 UTC
rotflmao!! oh you aer so leading my brai to bad places... again!


comanche_rider April 13 2009, 00:03:35 UTC
"The worst thing to hit Atlantis since the wraith - Easter! In which they make like bunnies, and we don't mean running."


wanderingsmith April 13 2009, 00:37:00 UTC
VVVEG!!!! throw that anuna's way? please?


draco_somnians April 12 2009, 17:45:21 UTC

I like the sound of that holiday! Can I still have an Easter Egg? *g*


comanche_rider April 13 2009, 00:01:50 UTC
Yup. :D I've already had a...um...couple...myself.


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