The Road to Atheism

Apr 15, 2008 17:40

You know what really annoys me? People who think that atheists just wake up one day and know they're atheists. Atheism is a journey, and not an easy one at that. An atheist really isn't an atheist until they've completed enough of that journey to be comfortable with that title. It varies for different people - some aren't ever comfortable with ( Read more... )

damn fundies, atheism, random complaints

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comanche_rider April 16 2008, 01:27:26 UTC
The best part is that when they try to call us evil and ignore us, or repress us, they're just proving our point! We have every right to be angry and every right to fight so that others don't have to go through what we went through. And to give the less rational people a chance at a life without the fear and oppression of extremist religion.


meridith_smith April 16 2008, 03:49:59 UTC
As usual, this entry is awesome. :D

I totally get this, though I personally didn't really go through the whole 'fear' stage, seeing my dad's atheist and my mom doesn't really practice anything, just believes in God. I consider myself rather lucky that way, actually. :)

Though, thinking about it... I'm at basically at peace with the whole atheist thing, but I see to have carried on some of the 'anger' stage. XD See:

You may begin to have bad feelings toward religion in general

*raises hand* Guilty as charged. :D


comanche_rider April 16 2008, 14:54:43 UTC
The fear stage, as I said, seems to be much more prominent with conservative Christians who've had religion shoved down their throat from a young age. Honestly, I've pretty much always been an agnostic as well. I just didn't understand before that there WAS a choice to not believe in anything (and that's not even considering the fact that "atheist" translates to "egotistic maniac" around here, though I suppose they're right in my case).

I think, even when I get to stage 5, that I'll still have the bad feelings. You just don't act on them as much, and you're more comfortable to live and let live. I'm not at that stage yet, and, hell, I might never be. As I say a lot, take it as it comes. XD


alternate0ego April 16 2008, 05:49:37 UTC
Hmm. Interesting take on it. I agree; atheism is made up of stages. Of course, I don't quite consider myself and atheist (yet?) and I never had a religion to believe/doubt in to begin with, seeing as both my parents never went to church and were sort of like "Oh, well, religion? Whatever, let's eat lunch." They had the same attitude towards God, too. And I'm pretty much the same... If someone asks if I'm religious, I laugh and say no (since, yeah, I always thought religion was full of BS, *especially* after picking up a Bible for the first time and reading about how women were *impure* and how men should *dominate* them. Ha ha, NO). If they ask if I believe in God, I wonder about it for ten seconds and say no, because their definition of God is usually something totally different than mine. Because the idea of some dude up there planning our lives and if we go to "heaven" or "hell"? Seems... absurd ( ... )


comanche_rider April 16 2008, 15:01:46 UTC
Yep, religion has always been BS to me. But it's hard to understand that as a little kid, especially when all sorts of stories and songs talk about religious voodoo and you think you're missing out on something just because you have parents who happen to have a sliver of common a PhD. XD

I've heard "God" defined in a million different ways. None of them have suitably impressed me. Really, I'd rather there was either no God or a non-interfering deist God who made the universe then sat back and ate popcorn. BibleGod is a disgusting monster.

Yay for big words! People always think I make them up, then I tell them to look it up in the dictionary. Especially when I use "floccinaucinihilipilification."


alternate0ego April 17 2008, 21:42:06 UTC
BibleGod is a disgusting monster.

Don't even get me started! I love how BibleGod says in the second (or third, or whatever) commandment that he'll curse five generations of any person who worships an idol, because he's a jealous God - but here I thought he wasn't bound by the petty emotions of us mortals. Or how homosexuals are evil - but then why did he make them homosexual? (Oh, I forgot - it's a CHOICE! /sarcasm)

Especially when I use "floccinaucinihilipilification."

*grabs nearest dictionary* Holy smokes, it IS a real word! *promptly memorizes word* Ahaha, I love the meaning! So perfect when talking about religion! XD


comanche_rider April 17 2008, 21:48:36 UTC
*snort* I read on another blog a while ago that in the Bible God kills over 32 Million people. Satan? 10. I'll take the devil, thank you very much. XD

Holy smokes, it IS a real word!

LMAO. While you're at it, I find "pulchritudinous" comes in handy when explaining the J-Flan to non-SGA people.


greenconverses April 16 2008, 07:03:44 UTC
Great post. I've been struggling with my religious views for at least four years. I used to be a rather devout Catholic (attended Catholic school until high school) and I come from a long line of Catholics on my mom's side, so when I started to doubt my faith when I got into high school, I was scared shitless. Plus, my self-doubt story is really lame: I read The da Vinci Code and saw Dogma, and was like, "You know what? Organized religion is crap!" But to each his/her own, right?

Most of my family still doesn't know that I'm no longer a Catholic and I plan on keeping it that way as long as I can because I know there'd be a freakout session like none other when it finally comes out. I don't even want to imagine what the reaction will be like when I tell them my eventual children aren't going to be baptized.

I still don't quite associate myself as an "athesist," but as more as an "apathetic agnostic." I don't care what's out there, so long as there could be something out there. Is there a proper term for that? :) My younger sister's ( ... )


comanche_rider April 16 2008, 15:16:52 UTC
You'd probably be considered an ignostic - someone who doesn't know, doesn't care and assumes it doesn't really matter ( ... )


greenconverses April 16 2008, 15:45:18 UTC
Ignostic sounds just about right for me. Now I officially know what to call myself when people ask ( ... )


comanche_rider April 16 2008, 15:57:22 UTC
Sounds like a good April fool's prank - "Hey, ma! Called to tell you that I'm joining [insert creepy cult here]!"

I'm not afraid that my family won't want to associate with me any more, just that they'll keep trying to convert me again or something.

That's usually where I say "I deny the Holy Spirit. There. I can no longer be saved. Go away." One of the few advantages about being open about it is that people (usually) give up on you and mind their own business. Unless they decide that you should be burnt at the stake for blasphemy.

I just get pissed when someone tries to shove in down my throat or tries to legislate their religion.

i.e. Huckabee wanting to change a perfectly good constitution to fit his own agenda.


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