donate a special deck.If you earned the privilege to donate a special deck and have an idea for one, please comment below with either your suggestion for the special deck, or even better, images for the special deck.
Special decks can either be of minor characters, characters who don't have enough official art for decks of their own, or characters from the series that fit a certain theme if the series has a lot of characters. (ie: Shinigami captains from Bleach,). Your suggestion must be of characters for the same series. You cannot suggest a deck that uses characters from more than one series since that might conflict with Scrapbook decks.
Ideally, the deck should feature 20-21 different characters. Each card should only feature one character, but the master badge can feature more or it can be a repeat of one of the characters already in the deck. We'll be needing your help to figure out how to make the deck work!
Decks look the best if all the images are from the same source! (ie: a card set for the series, a sticker sheet, a group shot with all the characters...). So try aiming for that if possible~
Please comment with the following form:
Your name:♥
Link to mod comment saying you earned the right to donate a special deck:♥
Description of deck: (minor characters, full cast, villains, etc)
Deck name suggestion:♥
Reason for name:♥
Preferred Outside Border Color:♥
Preferred Stripe and Number Color:♥
Who should go where?01:
Link to donation: (If you have images, please link them here. If you don't have images and don't plan on gathering images, please state so and we will ask for community help.)
If you have images, it will be helpful for you to name them 01, 02, 03, etc, and master for which image should go where since deckmakers might not be as familiar with the series as you are. If you do not have images, please fill out the form completely with which character should go where and either let us know that you need help or that you will be gathering the images at a later date. If you will be gathering images, please reply to your own comment when you have the images ready.
If an image doesn't fit the vertical template or is not high quality enough, I might ask you to find another image of the same character. (Also remember that master badges are horizontal, so for that, we'd need something that fits a horizontal template!)
If you aren't sure who you should omit and who you should include in the deck, try asking around for other people's opinions! Perhaps try
-2 random cards for making a suggestion
-3 random cards, 1 crayon for donating images
-when the deck is released, the player who made the suggestion will be able to claim one card from the deck in addition to other deck release freebies
Apologies for the huge chunks of text. Perhaps I'll rewrite this later into bullet points. ^^;; Hopefully this makes sense! Feel free to ask if something doesn't make sense.