Cocoa of course, lots of cocoa happens around this time, we also make Christmas cookies as well as peanutbutter cookies with the hershey kiss in the middle. I also like to make Paper snowflakes to hang around the house. We also get a GIGANTIC Christmas tree and decorate it so it's ridiculous. We would start a game "My Tree is so Gaudy..." and we'd have to think of silly things like "My tree is so gaudy I have to put sunglasses on when I look at it". lol
On Christmas Eve we'd sit around the fireplace and drink cocoa while my mom would read a randomly picked Christmas story out of an old book with old Christmas stories in it. We try to go Caroling every year too.
Ah winter! :3 :3
Cocoa of course, lots of cocoa happens around this time, we also make Christmas cookies as well as peanutbutter cookies with the hershey kiss in the middle. I also like to make Paper snowflakes to hang around the house. We also get a GIGANTIC Christmas tree and decorate it so it's ridiculous. We would start a game "My Tree is so Gaudy..." and we'd have to think of silly things like "My tree is so gaudy I have to put sunglasses on when I look at it". lol
On Christmas Eve we'd sit around the fireplace and drink cocoa while my mom would read a randomly picked Christmas story out of an old book with old Christmas stories in it. We try to go Caroling every year too.
I'll be taking quiet02, watermelon20
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