promise of a lifetime - part 3

Oct 05, 2009 00:27

Title: Promise of a lifetime
Fandom: Twilight
Pairing: Quil/Claire
Rating: T for the themes, I guess. It'll probably change on later chapters.
Summary: Multi-chapter story sequel to my oneshot Just Breathe.

part 3 )

promise of a lifetime, claire/quil, fanfic

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Comments 5

sunnyzim October 5 2009, 08:25:10 UTC
Sorry, I pressed "post comment' by accident - the mistake is as follows:

He grabs a dirty hag and wipes his hands, waiting for her to continue.

Yeah...You might want to correct that!! The mental image it gave me was priceless and I literally have tears in my eyes right now!! But otherwise, this is good!


colorless_ideas October 5 2009, 14:38:51 UTC
HAHAHAHA thanks for catching that typo. Just fixed it. ;D


arion1986 October 23 2009, 15:38:30 UTC
ZOMG I was on vacation and missed an update for this awesome fic?!

Anyway, I love it. Just like always. The last conversation between them is so bittersweet. Amazing job! >


bendleshnitz1 December 16 2011, 01:02:58 UTC
Aaww, I really wish you had continued with this story. It looks amazing and very promising :)


nightfall_child December 18 2011, 22:10:18 UTC
second the comment above


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