Challenge! Color Textures Fun

Jun 19, 2007 04:15

This is something I've been wanting to do for a while now and I really hope many of you will decide to join in. There are tons of icon challenges out there but never really any resource challenges after all. So I hereby present you...
Color Textures Fun!
The challenge, if you choose to participate, is to make a set of "color" themed textures and go ( Read more... )


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Comments 78

helenahandbag June 18 2007, 21:37:07 UTC
I am definitely interested in participating :)


colorfilter June 18 2007, 21:46:17 UTC
Yay! I really hope you will- am totally looking forward to it. :D


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colorfilter June 18 2007, 22:14:50 UTC
Ooh much thanks for the pimp! :) It's too bad you won't be participating; I would've loved to see your entries. I do hope you'll get the creative boost back soon though!


kinda0punk June 18 2007, 22:05:25 UTC
This sounds fun, I haven't made textures in a while. I'll probably give it a shot :)


colorfilter June 18 2007, 22:17:27 UTC
Glad you think so! I'll be looking forward to it. ;D


x2xbandgeekx2x June 18 2007, 22:07:07 UTC
I've never really made much as far as textures, however I think I might take a stab at this. =)


colorfilter June 18 2007, 22:21:53 UTC
Oh, double the fun I think! I was hoping that those who don't normally make resources would give it a go as well. :)


indelikatt June 18 2007, 22:10:33 UTC
Hell, I'll do it. I've never made textures, but I think I could do it. :)

I think....crap, I don't even know what color I wanna do! There's so many possibilities! you need to know what color up front or when we post our stuff?


colorfilter June 18 2007, 22:26:36 UTC
Yay for giving it a try even though you've never made textures. :D I hope you'll have fun with it!

As for the colors... I don't need to know the color up front (unless you want to tell me), since I don't want anyone to feel "tied down" to their color in case they get a sudden case of inspiration while making the textures. :)


indelikatt June 18 2007, 23:58:32 UTC
I think i will! :)

And that's probably a good thing. I can go off on tangents sometimes and completely change my origonal plans, so having it loose will be fun. :D


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