Title: Reaching Reality - Part 4/8 - [[AmeCan, USUK]]
Author/Artist: colonel_alqui
Character(s) or Pairing(s): America, England, Canada, America/Canada, America/England.
Rating: R
Warnings: Language and sexual situations.
Summary: Squirming, Alfred read the recently-received text message from Arthur over and over again, the glare of his cell phone’s
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Comments 18
Loved the chapter by the way ;D
I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thank you for reading and commenting~!
:O ....
:O .......
Oh lud, what is going to happen now? ;_____________;
You'll have to wait for the next chapter to find out! xD Thank you for reading and commenting!
Damn, Matthew, get over with Alfred and love that French teacher ASAP!
Oh, Oh, Arthur's so cute when he's so affectionate. I hope he will still love Alfred despite his dirty little secret.
So happy for the update!
Hey, who knows? Maybe Matthew will get with his French teacher, and maybe Arhur will still love Alfred after this.
Thank you for reading and commenting~! <3
This is an awesome fic & I can't hardly wait until I get to read more. I love both AmCan & USUK and when I get to see them together it just makes my heart fill with joy. I hope there's a happy ending for them all, but most especially Matt, he's my baby, even though I love to see him angst. Do my eyes decieve me or did I see a reference to potential Franada later on up there?
Keep up the good work! :D
Wow, I think you're the only one here, besides myself, who loves both AmeCan and USUK, yay! And Matthew is my baby, too, so I hope to even out the angst with a bit of happiness for him. Indeed, that was my silly Franada reference!
Thank you for reading and commenting~!
Thank you for reading and commenting! : )
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