Pieces (9/16)

Jun 23, 2012 14:14

Title: Pieces
Pairing: Rachel/Santana, Shelby
Spoilers: Up to season 3
Summary: Rachel never expected to find out she's a werewolf, and once the reality of it sinks in, she feels like a monster. Surprisingly enough there's someone unexpected who helps her keep onto the humanity inside her.
Note: This is written for the Glee Big Bang.

Rachel was ignoring everyone again, which was easy for the most part, except Puck was still trying to get close to her.  She refused to let him in, and to save herself the trouble from Santana too, she purposely tried to avoid her as much as possible.

When it was lunch, she hid in the auditorium and curled up into a ball.  She hoped Santana listened to her, that Santana shouldn’t try to help and see what was wrong.

Suddenly, it seemed like everything caught up to Rachel again, and she felt exhausted and depressed.  She knew she had to push Santana and everyone away, but she couldn’t help but feel happy that she actually cared, that she was actually trying.  Not because Santana needed to, but wanted to.

And the fact that Rachel couldn’t even accept her hurt.

Rachel closed her eyes and felt her eyes tearing up.  She should be used to it, this feeling of loneliness.  She had it before, before she joined Glee and made friends, so she should be able to handle the feeling now when it was for the best.

So why did she feel like crying?  She had been so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t notice someone walking up to her.  It was only when she felt a hand on her shoulder that she did notice, but she didn’t move.  She didn’t care.

Why should she?  She had nothing going for her, and she could let this one moment of weakness show.  Just this once, and then she’ll go back to how she was.  Emotionless and distant, the way she should be.

Rachel slowly calmed down and as she did she figured it was Shelby who came in.  However, it was only when she felt the hand rubbing circles on her back that she noticed something was off.

Rachel frowned.  The hand itself felt different and the action was familiar.  Rachel’s eyes snapped open and she saw Santana in front of her.  Rachel quickly sat up and backed away, cowering like some kind of scared animal.

“How did you find me?” Rachel asked quietly.

Santana frowned and walked closer to Rachel.  “There isn’t a lot of places to hide, ya know,” Santana said as she knelt down and wiped a tear from Rachel’s eye.  “I knew you’d be here,” Santana wiped her tears away and smiled at her.  “Good to know no matter how fucked up you get, you still hang on to this.”  Santana motioned at the stage they were on.

Rachel didn’t say anything, instead she just stared at Santana.  Santana sighed and looked through her backpack and pulled out a container of a salad and held it out to Rachel.

“I don’t even know what vegan food looks like, so I just made you a salad.”

Rachel looked at it in suspicion and Santana rolled her eyes.  “I didn’t poison it, I swear.”

Rachel slowly took it and Santana smiled when she started eating it.  Satisfied, she leaned back and took out her own food.  Together, they ate in silence and once they were done they stayed in silence until Santana spoke up.

“I meant what I said in the car, ya know.”

Rachel furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.  What had Santana said in the car?  What did she mean by that?

Santana noticed Rachel’s look of confusion and laughed lightly.  “When I almost ran you over, remember?”

Oh.  Rachel nodded, remembering Santana saying Rachel could talk to her.  “And I meant what I said; you don’t want to know what’s wrong with me.”

Santana rolled her eyes.

“It’s better if you just leave me alone.”

“Yeah, well, that ain’t gonna happen, so stop trying.”

Rachel sighed. “You stop trying,” she replied.

“No, you stop,” Santana said defiantly.

“No, you.”


The two eyed each other, silently challenging each other.  Santana finally broke out in a grin and laughed.

“Always making things difficult, Berry,” Santana said playfully with a grin, and Rachel smiled a little.

Lately, it seemed like Santana was the only one able to make her smile.

Santana had stayed with Rachel the entire period, even when Rachel refused to talk to her.  Rachel had stopped trying to understand Santana, and decided giving her the cold shoulder was for the best, and eventually Santana would get up and leave, but clearly she was wrong.

What was worse was that the period right after that was the period she shared with Santana.  So they walked to class together, and Rachel kept her head down as they walked.  During class, Rachel sat uncomfortable in her seat, wanting to get away from Santana as much as possible.  Once the period was over, Rachel shot out of the room, and luckily Santana didn’t try to chase after her.

Rachel forced herself to get through the rest of the day, avoiding everyone at all costs.  By the time it was after school Rachel was contemplating just going straight home.  She thought about it, but didn’t, if only for the play.

So she dragged herself to the auditorium and sat on the seats waiting for everyone else.  After a while, when there was still a lot of time until practice, the door opened and Rachel assumed it was Artie.  Instead, she looked up and was surprised that it was Santana who came in, and she looked just as surprised to see Rachel.  Santana suddenly grinned and walked up to the seat next to Rachel and sat down.

“Good to know you’re early, Berry,” Santana said playfully and Rachel shrugged silently.

She watched Santana go through her backpack and pull out the script and start reading it.  Rachel watched as Santana’s eyes followed the words and her mouth moved silently, and Rachel couldn’t help but be fascinated with the sight.  Santana felt her staring and looked up.

“What?” she asked.

Rachel jumped and looked away, blushing at getting caught.  “Nothing.”

Santana shrugged and went back to her script and Rachel started watching her again.

“What are you doing?”

“Reading my lines,” Santana replied, not looking up from the script.

“But that’s what practice is for,” Rachel said, and Santana sighed, finally looking up at Rachel.

“Look, I’m not like you, I wasn’t born for this, and it takes work on my part,” Santana said, looking back at her paper.

Rachel felt guilty, and watched the way Santana silently reading her script.

“So you come here to practice early?”

“Sometimes,” Santana said with a shrug.  “When I have time and sometimes after school.”

Rachel bit her lip.  She wanted to help Santana out with the play, but she couldn’t, shouldn’t.  Still, watching Santana struggle made Rachel want to help.  Instead, she stared in front of her and forced herself not to say anything.  After a few minutes of silently staring at the floor, she looked again and groaned.

“It would help if you didn’t look at the lines so much,” Rachel said, snapping Santana’s attention away from the script.


Rachel motioned to the script in her hands.  “It’s better to not read it over so many times,” Rachel said, before going back to staring at the floor in front of her.

Santana frowned and looked at the paper.  “Well, if you know so much why don’t you help me?” Santana asked after some time, and Rachel’s head snapped up.

“What?” Rachel asked, surprised.

No, spending more time with Santana would be a bad thing.  She couldn’t let that happen.  Santana though, thought otherwise.  She leaned closer to Rachel with a grin on her face and put a hand on Rachel’s arm.

“Yeah, I got no one to help me out and you’re a fucking guru at this, so help me.”

Rachel seemed lost on what to say and Santana grinned.  Hopefully her plan would work out like she hoped.  Rachel would agree and Santana could have an excuse to spend time with her and help her.

“No, I can’t, I… umm…” Rachel stuttered, trying to think of a reason to say no.  She had already told Santana that she shouldn’t try and see what made Rachel different, but Santana clearly wasn’t listening to that.

“Santana, I can’t,” Rachel said, honestly not knowing what to say.

“Why?” Santana said, holding on to Rachel tightly.  “Tell me why you can’t hang out with me, or anyone else lately.”

The look Santana was giving her was too much and Rachel looked away.

“You don’t want to get close to me,” Rachel said softly.  “I’m not someone you want around.”

Rachel didn’t know what else to say, but maybe Santana would get frustrated and finally stop trying to get close to Rachel.

“Well, I do want to hang out with you, and that's not a reason, so," Santana leaned back in her seat and grinned." Today, you're helping me out at my house, and no arguing."

Rachel sighed, realizing that Santana was never going to stop trying.

"Fine," Rachel said and Santana couldn't be happier to hear those words. Rachel was tired of pushing Santana away, so she thought maybe letting Santana in wouldn't be that bad. Just as long as she didn't let her get too close.

Rachel was going to sneak out after practice before Santana can make her go anywhere. She had even made sure to know when Santana had her back turned before walking away. However, Santana had somehow caught up to her and grabbed the back of Rachel shirt, making the smaller girl jerk to a stop.

" Nice try, Berry," Santana said and let go.

She lately shoved Rachel forward and Rachel sighed. In the end, she was stuck was Santana all day. They walked out to Santana's car, where Quinn and Brittany already were. They looked over and Brittany gave Rachel a giant smile.


Rachel was confused with her new name, but she gave Brittany a smile anyway. Quinn raised an eyebrow and looked up Brittany and amusement.


Brittany nodded. "Isn't it cute, Quinn?"

Quinn laughed and shook her head. "Whatever you say, Brittany." Quinn looked at Rachel. "Hey, Rachel," she said, giving her a smile.

"Hello, Quinn," Rachel said and Santana looked at them.

"Well, I can hang out with you guys," Santana said and she slung her arms around Rachel's shoulder. "Me and Rachel are working on the play after school at my place."

Rachel blushed and the weight of Santana's arm on her shoulder seemed heavier than it should.

"Have fun," Brittany said cheerfully and she turned to Rachel. "Hang out with all of us next time."

"Oh, I… um…" Rachel started, ready to make an excuse, but then Santana chuckled and started patting Rachel back.

"Of course you will," Santana said, putting her arms down and nudging Rachel harshly. "Won't you, Berry?"

Rachel sighed. Santana made pushing people away impossible.

"I would love to," Rachel finally said and Brittany cheered.

"Great, well, me and Quinn’ll go now." Brittany gave each of them a hug and Quinn waved at them. Once they were gone Rachel sighed.

"I hate that you're doing this," Rachel Brown and Santana scoffed.

"Too bad, besides I know deep down you don't," Santana said, pushing Rachel to her car. As Santana drove to her house, Rachel decided to let herself think that Santana was right and deep down she didn't hate with Santana was doing. She shuddered, but she didn't.

"Here we are," Santana said and Rachel looked up at the house.

It was big like hers, maybe even a little bigger, and look nice. Santana got out and Rachel followed ending up inside. Rachel look around, noticing how inviting the place looked. Her eyes fell on the pictures on the wall. They were of the family, and Rachel could see Santana in them, with who Rachel assumed were her parents, and an older boy.

"Hey Mama," the voice of Santana snapped Rachel's attention from the pictures and to her. Santana was talking with her mother, who finally noticed her. Santana followed her gaze and smiled. "This is my friend, Rachel."

Santana's mother smiled. "Hello, nice to meet you."

Rachel smile and looked down at the ground, asked because Santana's mother was staring at her in half because Santana had used the word friend. Did Santana really mean that? Or was she just saying that because it was her mother?

"Well, we're going upstairs," Santana said, going upstairs with Rachel following behind her.

They reached Santana's room and Rachel stood in the middle, looking at everything. It was a little messy, and the room was filled with posters and some clutter. It was filled with things that she thought Santana owned. Things that fit her perfectly.

Santana had been sitting on the bed, watching Rachel look around. When Rachel noticed her staring she looked at the floor and stood awkwardly in the room.

"You can sit on the bed with me you know," Santana said and Rachel nodded.

She sat on the edge of the bed and Santana side of the stiffness of her body. "You're always stiff."

"Sorry," Rachel said softly and Santana frowned.

"It's not something to apologize for," Santana said as she grabbed her bag pulled up the script. "But okay, let's just get to work."

Rachel nodded and pulled up the script. At first, getting Rachel to speak up and actually help was painfully difficult, so Santana Kept pestering her with questions for tips. Then when Rachel still talked as little as possible, Santana purposely did a horrible job at acting. Finally, Rachel got frustrated and snatched the script out of her hands.

"Santana, you're doing it wrong."

Santana raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "Oh really?" Santana said, pretending to be angered.

"Yes. Santana, you were speaking with no emotion. You have to be the character, embrace her, and think like her, and be her," Rachel said and Santana couldn't help but smile a little. Finally she got to see the Rachel Berry she was used to.

"Embrace her like you do with singing," Rachel said and flipped the page to the scene where they sang A Boy Like That. She handed it to Santana, who raised an eyebrow.

"You want to sing this?" Santana asked and Rachel nodded.

"You're always really confident after you think," Rachel said. "It's really something to admire, really." Rachel said the last part softly and Santana smiled.

"Thanks," Santana said, and she meant it. "Well, let's get singing, Maria."

Rachel grinned a little at the name.

"Okay, Anita."

Santana laughed and started singing. Rachel couldn't help but smile as she listened to Santana's voice. It was the perfect Anita, and Rachel was happy that Santana got the part.

"Rachel," Santana said loudly, making Rachel snap out of her thoughts.


Santana shook her head and laughed. "It's your part,"

Rachel blushed, embarrassed, realizing she had been so lost in Santana's voice she had missed it.

"I do pay attention, Berry," Santana said jokingly, poking her cheek playfully.

They tried again, and Rachel made sure not to think about Santana. As a saying, Santana shifted closer to Rachel, listening to Rachel finished the song. Rachel didn't notice how close Santana was and at the end of the song she smiled shyly at her.

"We sounded good," Rachel said softly. She had been so worried about her werewolf that she didn't remember the last time she sang. She had stopped singing in glee and was going to stop going soon. She had forgotten how good it felt to sing.

"You sounded great."

The words cut Rachel off guard and she looked at Santana.

"Oh, um, thank you," Rachel said, not knowing what else to say. Santana was looking at her with an unreadable expression, and when she licked her lips, Rachel looked away nervously.

"Well, this was a good practice, Santana, and I hope you got a lot done, but I should get going." Rachel quickly stood up, making Santana snap out of her daze and look up at her.

"Oh, um," Santana cleared her throat and stood up, standing awkwardly in front Rachel. The two stood silently, awkwardly, and Santana silently cursed herself. She had brought Rachel over to help her out, to get her to the old Rachel and maybe find out what was wrong with her. Instead, she made things awkward and now Rachel just wanted to go.

"Well, I'll drive you home."

Rachel nodded and the two walked downstairs and Rachel followed Santana to the living room, where her mom was.

"I'm driving Rachel home," she said and started walking away, but her mom her off.

"Dinners almost done, you sure Rachel doesn't want to stay and eat?"

Santana shrugged and looked at Rachel.

"Oh, no, Mrs. Lopez, I-"

"Call me Ana. And you should stay for dinner."

Rachel gave her a small smile. There was something about how she said it that made Rachel know she meant how skinny she was. That, and how plain horrible she looked. She looked at Santana, who was looking at her in the same way her mother was.

"No, um, I'm going to eat at home." It wasn't as if Rachel was purposely starving herself. She just always skip dinner to read the books on werewolf, and lately everything she ate was tasteless, so she didn't eat a lot anymore.

"You sure?" Ana asked and Rachel nodded.

"Yes, and besides," Rachel said, "I need to get home in time to eat anyway."

"Well, I'm driving her home now."

Anna frowned a little, but nodded.

"Bye," Rachel said as she followed Santana out.

The drive was silent again, but it wasn't awkward like all the other ones. They finally reached her house and before Rachel Cook it out, Santana put him on Rachel's arm.

"You seriously are going to you?" Santana asked and Rachel sighed.

"I'm not that skinny."

Santana looked at her in disbelief. "Not that skinny?" Santana asked. She put her hands on Rachel stomach and wrapped her fingers around her as best she could. "You're a stick."

"Stop, that tickles," Rachel giggled and squirmed in the seat. Santana grinned and let go of Rachel.

"Damn, didn't know you were that ticklish."

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me."

Santana grew serious and leaned closer to Rachel. "I know, I want to find them out."

Rachel's lip quirked upward and she looked at her oddly. "What? Santana, like you care about me so much? You hate me," Rachel said.

Santana sighed. "I don't hate you," Santana said and Rachel smiled a little. "So, that's why I don't want to starving yourself."

"I'm not," Rachel said quickly. "I just… I'm not very hungry anymore and I'm very busy."

"Rachel…" Santana said, determined to get to the bottom of this.

"I have to go. Talk to you tomorrow, Santana."

Rachel got out of the car before Santana could say anything. Santana sighed, watching Rachel walked into her house before driving off. When she got home, her dad was home too and talking to her mom.

"Oh, Santana, come here," Ana said in Santana raised an eyebrow before going to her.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Your friend Rachel, is she eating right?" Ana asked, her face full of worry.

"Honestly, I don't think so," Santana said and Ana frowned. "And I don't know why but I'm working on finding out."

Her dad, Carlos, spoke up. "Your mother said she's that girl in your glee club. The short one with the big voice."

Santana grinned at him pointing out her shortness.

"She always seemed really bright to me."

"Yeah, her," Santana said with a frown. "Now she’s all dead inside."

"I hope it's nothing too serious," Anna said.

"Me too," Santana said softly. "Anyway, I'm going to bed. Night."

After kissing each of them tonight on the cheek she went to her room and worked on homework. As she did, she paused and reached for her phone.

She looked through it until she finally found the number she was looking for. She opened it and started a text to Rachel.

What did you eat for dinner?

She was pretty sure Rachel had her number, at least, she hoped she did. After a few hours Santana felt her phone vibrate and she quickly grabbed it. She opened it and smiled.

I had a nice vegan meal, even if I didn't finish it. I must say I'm quite surprised you texted me, Santana.

Santana laughed, at least Rachel was still talkative in texts.

Cuz I meant everything I said. I'm heading to bed, talk to you tomorrow.

She got into bed and closed her eyes. Just before she fully fell asleep, her phone vibrated again. She grabbed it in the dark room and squinted at the bright screen.

Good night, Santana. And thank you, the fact that you care so much is appreciated.

Santana smiled and closed her eyes again. For some reason, she felt something… nice from the words Rachel texted. She snuggled into bed, unconsciously clenching her phone close to her chest as she did so. That night, she had one of the better sleeps she’d ever had in her life.

pezberry, glee

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