Pieces (6/16)

Jun 23, 2012 13:51

Title: Pieces
Pairing: Rachel/Santana, Shelby
Spoilers: Up to season 3
Summary: Rachel never expected to find out she's a werewolf, and once the reality of it sinks in, she feels like a monster. Surprisingly enough there's someone unexpected who helps her keep onto the humanity inside her.
Note: This is written for the Glee Big Bang.

It seemed Puck really meant what he said, because when Rachel woke up that morning and checked her phone, she saw there was a text message from him. She supposed she should have been happy that he really did care about her as a friend, but she didn’t. Because she already decided and Shelby’s house she couldn’t let anyone close to her, that it would be safer. After all, she was dangerous.

She ignored the text and left for school. When she went to her locker, Finn was already there. As well as Puck. Rachel groaned as she slowly walked closer, watching as Finn looked at Puck suspiciously and Puck just ignored him, texting on his phone.

“Hello, Noah, Finn.” The two looked over at Rachel as she stood in front of them. Finn gave her his usual dopey grin and reached down and kissed her on the lips. Rachel couldn’t help but frown at the kiss. It felt so wrong. Finn pulled away, confused, but quickly shrugged it off.

“Hey, Rachel,” Puck said, finally looking up at Rachel. He gave her a grin and walked to her.  “Did you get that text I sent you?”

“I haven’t checked yet.” Rachel lied, and she felt horrible for it. Puck nodded looked back at Finn before smiling at her again.

“Well, later.” Puck gave her a wave before walking off with Rachel and Finn staring at him.

“What did Puck want” Finn asked ad Rachel raised an eyebrow at his tone. It seemed like he was suspicious of her and Puck, and to her that was ridiculous.

“Nothing.” Rachel said with a shrug and opened her locker.

“Oh, well, okay.” Finn said and he smiled at her.

“After Glee Club wanna hang out later?” Finn asked and Rachel frowned.

“I can’t, sorry Finn, I got practice for West Side Story.”

“Oh,” Finn said, frowning. “Can’t you miss one day, though? It’s just a play.” Rachel slammed her locker closed, making Finn jump.

“It’s not just a play, and I never ask you to skip football practice.” Rachel said angrily.

“But that’s different, I might get scouted or something by the colleges.” Fin said with a shrug.

“Acting’s very important to me, Finn.”

“Look, Rachel, no offence but I don’t know how a play in high school will help you later, so you can skip one,” Finn said hopefully and Rachel sighed before turning around and walking away. “Wait, Rachel.” Finn called out, confused why Rachel was so mad.

Rachel huffed and walked through the crowd of people in the hallway more easily than Finn as she walked to class, ignoring him the entire time. Once she got to her desk she slumped in her seat and stared at her desk. She really needed to get her temper under control, but it seemed the wolf made that nearly impossible even when it wasn’t near the full moon.

She wouldn’t have gotten so upset if Finn hadn’t thought her play was nothing. Besides, she always s thought anything she did, which was almost everything, would help her that much more to achieve her dream of Broadway.

Rachel froze in her seat. Now that she was a werewolf, could Broadway even be an option? Rachel didn’t know of any Broadway Actress that was werewolves too. But then again, being famous and outing yourself as a werewolf wasn’t the smartest thing ever.

Of course Rachel hoped there was some Broadway actress that was a werewolf somewhere. Still, Rachel couldn’t help but worry. Was her future destroyed? She shook her head. Thinking those kinds of things now wouldn’t help her and she forced herself to focus on notes.


Rachel was at her locker, putting her books away, when she felt someone coming up behind her. She closed her locker and turned around to see Shelby standing in front of her.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” Shelby asked and Rachel shrugged.

“Fine,” Rachel said and Shelby looked at her worriedly. “Did you make Puck drive me home?”

“Yeah, I didn’t expect you to suddenly run off.” Honestly, Shelby expected Rachel to want to leave as fast as possible, but it still hurt the way she ran off.

“I could have walked home.” Rachel said and Shelby sighed.

“You could, but even though you’re a werewolf, you’re not superhuman. You’d get tired. And I didn’t want you walking home alone.” Rachel groaned and closed her locker and walked away, but Shelby easily caught up to her.

“I can take care of myself, I don’t need you looking out for me.” Rachel said.

“But you do Rachel, and I will, whether you want it or not.” Rachel suddenly stopped and turned to Shelby.

“Well, as great as your late maternal instincts are kicking in, I don’t need it and I was fine before you walked in my life and dropped out of it all those time,” Rachel snapped, ignoring the hurt look on Shelby’s face. “So thank you, but no, I don’t need or want your help.” With that, Rachel left a silent and hurt Shelby and walked to her own Glee club.

Rachel couldn’t concentrate in Glee, all she thought about was that Finn was sitting next to her and she needed to shove him away before she hurt him. It seemed that Glee was going excruciatingly slow, and when it was finally time to go, Rachel stopped Finn from leaving.

“Yeah, Rachel?” Finn said and Rachel took a deep breath.

“We need to talk, or, rather, I need to tell you something. “ Rachel looked at the clock, maybe telling him right then and there before their practices wasn’t a good idea. At least, not for Finn. Finn cared about football, and Rachel didn’t want to distract him from his practice.

“Uh, Rachel?” Rachel blinked, realizing she was lost in her thoughts. “I kinda gotta go, so…”

“Oh,” Rachel let go of his arm and stood up quickly. “After your football practice, I’ll tell you outside the main doors of the school.” Finn nodded and gave her a quick kiss before walking out. She sighed as she walked to the auditorium, feeling bad for breaking but with him, but it had to be done. She didn’t deserve anyone anymore.


Because of her talk with Finn and because she was walking slow, she was late, much to everyone’s surprise and Artie’s disappointment. She quickly grabbed the script and looked through where she left off, and paled a little. She had lines with Santana.

“God, Berry, you’re late and slow,” Rachel jumped and looked at the direction of the voice. There was Santana, sitting on one of the chairs looking bored.

“Sorry.” Rachel said quickly.

“Jesus, I thought you lived for this stuff,” Santana said as she stood up and grabbed her script. “Whatever, lets just get this over with.” Rachel sighed and nodded. Suprisingly, they got a lot done without killing each other. Reading through the lines was easy, and they only stumbled when they tried memorizing it. Though, it was only the first day with each other, so Rachel didn’t expect much in the first place.

When they were done and everyone was leaving, Rachel looked over t Santana, who was still looking over her lines.

“You’re really good, you know.” Santana blinked and looked up at her confused.


“I said, you’re good at this.” Santana frowned before rolling her eyes.

“Whatever, Berry,” Santana said and Rachel frowned and looked away. Santana looked at Rachel out of the corner of her eye and smiled softly for a moment. “Hey, Berry,” Santana called out and Rachel looked over. “You feeling better?” Rachel froze, was Santana talking about the night of the full moon? When she nearly attacked Mercedes?

“Yes, of course, thank you for asking,” Rachel said tightly and quickly packed her things. “Well, I have to go meet Finn. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Rachel quickly walked past Santana and out of the auditorium. She headed outside and looked around and found Finn wasn’t there yet.

She looked at the time on her phone and saw it was the time that Finn was just about done with his football practice. She leaned against the wall and waited, and it wasn’t until half an hour later that Finn came running up.

“Hey, Rachel.” He said, giving her his dopey grin.

“What took so long?” Rachel asked and Finn shrugged.

“Oh, uh, well I got distracted and stuff.” Rachel shook her head.

“Well, it doesn’t matter. There’s something I have to tell you,” Finn nodded and she took a deep breath. It was now or never. “Finn, I know this may be hard to understand, but, we need to break up.” Rachel watched as Finn’s smile fell off his face and he looked at her confused.

“What? Break up? Like, we’re over?” Finn asked loudly, clearly confused.

“I’m sorry, but yes, there’s a lot going on in my life right now and-”

“And what, I don’t have anything going on with me?” Finn snapped and Rachel winced at the harshness of his words.

“No, that’s not what I’m saying. There’s just something I need to work out myself.” Finn shook his head at her in disbelief.

“I cant’ believe you’re doing this to me,” Finn said and Rachel looked down guiltily. “God, you’re so selfish Rachel, all you think about is yourself,” Rachel wanted to scream at him that she was doing it all for him, so she wouldn’t hurt him. But she knew he wouldn’t understand and it would fall on deaf ears. “Fine,” Finn said. “But remember you broke up with me when you realize what a mistake this is.” Finn said coldly and stomped away angrily.

Rachel watched him retreat and she slowly slid down the wall to the ground. Rachel hadn’t meant to make Finn so angry, she just wanted to make sure she didn’t hurt him or worse, making him into a monster too. She didn’t want to hurt anyone, and that was why she was trying to pull away from everyone, starting with Finn.

As she stared at the ground she hadn’t noticed someone coming up and kneeling in front of her. For a second she thought it was Shelby until the person talked.

“Berry.” Rachel was surprised, to say the least. She didn’t think Santana would come and be the one to check on her.

“What do you want, Santana?” Rachel asked, not looking up.

“Nothing,” Santana said and Rachel didn’t hear her say anything else. Suddenly she felt fingers grab her chin and lift her head up and she was staring into the eyes of Santana, who was giving her an unreadable expression. “What’s going on with you?” She said softly, almost as if she was saying it to herself more than Rachel. The two stared at each other in silence for a few seconds before Rachel turned her head, making Santana let go, and looked away.

“I…” Rachel started. “I just have a lot going on with my life.” Santana raised an eyebrow.

“I heard.” Santana said softly and then Rachel knew Santana had heard her conversation with Finn.

“Eavesdropping is rude.” Rachel said and Santana laughed.

“Well, it’s me, Berry, what do you expect?” Rachel couldn’t help but smile a little over that. “Now get up so I can drop you off.”

“I can walk.” Rachel said as she wrapped her arms around herself.

“So you can get run over?” Santana asked.

“That was one time!” Rachel said, finally looking up again. Santana was looking at her with an amused look on her face, making Rachel look away embarrassedly.

“Sure,” Santana said, standing up and holding out her hands. “C’mon, lets go.” Rachel slowly reached out to Santana outstretched hands and grabbed them. As soon as she did, she couldn’t help but notice how soft they were, and she stared at them. Santana easily pulled her up to her feet and Rachel, who was distracted by Santana’s hands, lost her footing and fell into Santana. Santana quickly wrapped her arms around Rachel and held her close so she wouldn’t fall more. Rachel blushed and tried to push away, but Santana’s grip was too strong and she couldn’t.

“Santana…?” Santana blinked and brought her arms to her side.

“Lets go.” Santana said and started walking away, making Rachel follow her to the car. The drive was just as silent as the last time Santana drove her home, but Rachel could feel Santana watching her. Rachel didn’t understand, one second Santana seemed to like her and the next she didn’t.

It was all too confusing for her and she didn’t have the energy to work it out. They pulled up to Rachel’s house and Rachel turned to Santana.

“Thank you, Santana.” She was about to leave but Santana spoke up.

“You sure you got nothing to tell me, you know, about the things going on?” Rachel looked at Santana, who was looking at her calmly, and Rachel thought she was hoping for a response.

“Yeah.” Rachel forced a smile and Santana nodded, a little disappointed. Rachel got out of the car and walked home. Santana stayed in the car, watching Rachel going in the house. Once she was in she leaned back in her car seat and let out a sigh.

Something was going on with Rachel, something that was going on for a while now, and Santana wanted to know what. Because despite what everyone thought, she didn’t hate Rachel and the sudden change was a little alarming. Besides, it wasn’t like she actually liked Rachel Berry; she was just worried about her.

Yes, that was it. At least, that’s what Santana kept telling herself as she drove away from the Berry house.

pezberry, glee

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