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Comments 34

potassiumer August 14 2010, 18:38:33 UTC
Ahhh! *Runs around in circles*

Ha! I did know the last line to "home", so I knew that he was "coming back home!"
Buble I actually put the song on while reading when I read it was going to be the theme song for this chapter.

Mmmm, that's interesting. I wonder, aside from her obvious snobbishness, what else Chairon's mother has done to offend Jeremy. It was mentioned that she pressured Kai into going into the military... Also, why does Kai's dad look so much younger than Jeremy?

Perhaps Trista's energy is hindering Kim's ability to heal, or Kim just isn't a traditional healer. I feel empathetic to her.

Do you hear that? That was the sound of a thousand Zee fans screaming their appreciation. Yay Zee! Way to buck up! And look super-fine. That too. *dances*

I love the little things you put in the story like Trista's picture next to Zee's, and yes, I did notice the inconsistency in their opinions of his promise-keeping. Curiouser and curiouser.

Yay poll, boo Hiatus!


collidingwithme August 15 2010, 11:33:30 UTC
Hahaha! Wee~! I was thinking you're probably the only person who would be able to get it. XD

Your very acute observatory skills picked it up: she's snobbish. ;) And... how that offends Jeremy will be a story for another time, heh. Kai's dad (James) is 50 years younger than Jeremy, so he's 241 years old. Which means he'll look like a 41 year-old, since there's a 200 years' pause in aging. I did give James laugh lines in an attempt to make him look older! :P

Whoa, that was a very cool perspective, that Trista was actually hindering Kim. Well, maybe Kim just isn't a very strong healer after all. ;) Haha, why does everyone think that she's gonna be some really powerful person?

Lol! What about the boo-ing from the Chairon fans? XD (I'm hoping there's gonna be some, haha, or Kai's just gonna be a really sad case.)

Yay, I love adding itsy bitsy things like that too! ^^ I mean, it doesn't really affect the story, but I feel like it fills up little holes somehow, heh. Mmhmm! 'Tis gettin' curiouser! :D

Poll is up! ^^ But so is hiatus. :P


claudiana August 14 2010, 20:07:59 UTC
Awesome chapter. So full of drama. I kinda disliked Chairon's mother, really. She seemed a bit rude. Poor Kismette, I never saw her sad either :( I hope Zaelem finds her soon :D


collidingwithme August 15 2010, 11:36:00 UTC
Thanks, Lala! ^^ Annie (Chairon's mother) didn't actually mean to be rude, but she's... like that. Lol, no other way to put it. She's simply like that. XD As for Zaelem... yea, he'll find her, but I don't think it'll be under favourable circumstances. :P


(The comment has been removed)

aussie_karima August 14 2010, 22:55:15 UTC
~ I was just reading "FALLEN!" when a notice came up on Val's reading list(mine as well!) that you had just updated ! So here I is,front & centre, reading,when I should be catching some sleep(yes I do know it is daytime here,but I pulled an allnighter with Val,on our next CH!)
~ I could not sleep with out reading one of my very fav's,now could I????
~ Zae, finally,realized something! HE MISSES HER!!!!!(",)
~ Drool,but boy he looks good, for someone whom has not been caring for his looks! ;P
~ Ning,I am sorry to hear, about your coming Hiatus,but A Poll?????
~ Sorry this is short,but I do need to sleep now,..............Bye for now!
~ PS~My heart is not broken anymore!^_^


collidingwithme August 15 2010, 11:53:33 UTC
Here you are indeed! :D (Wee, another upcoming unforgettable chapter!) Aww, thank you! That was so nice to hear. ^^

Hahaha, oh Karima, I wonder when you'll get tired of Zaelem! XD Yes, he FINALLY realises it, but look at the situation with Chairon and Kismette. He's too late! :P

Hiatus can't be helped, but yes, a poll. (I see you've already commented there, lol. I'm so slow at replying, gah!) Hehe, don't break your heart over this the next time!


collidingwithme August 15 2010, 11:46:16 UTC
Eee! You make me wish I never have to go on hiatus! XD (I'm kinda hoping you'll guess it, after so much effort you've put in, haha ( ... )


xoxo_qui August 14 2010, 23:55:14 UTC
I don't get a likeable feeling off of Chairon's mother.
I wonder what's up with Jeremy!

GREAT CHAPTER! so sad that you have to go back to school and stop simming for a while! But... Zaelem looks so hot and grizzly lol. I'm happy he is back and I hope he is going to "get his woman!"

Have a great school year!


collidingwithme August 15 2010, 11:58:54 UTC
I wasn't expecting anyone to associate warm and fuzzy feelings with his mother, hehe. Jeremy's... got his reasons for feeling especially irritated by her. :P

Thank you! ^^ I wanna just keep updating, but it takes too much of my time. *sniff* Hahaha, Zaelem seemed to have to "Perpetually Hot" chop stamped on his back or something. XD Whether he succeeds or not have to depend on Kismette, actually. Her heart is current with Chairon. :P (eep, don't hit me!)

Thanks so much for the well-wishes! I'm hoping it'll be a good academic year too!


xoxo_qui August 15 2010, 15:22:36 UTC
I hope Zaelem can change her mind... her heart rather :D.

Yes, I don't care what you do to him, he is always be hot!

You're welcome!


collidingwithme August 17 2010, 14:57:05 UTC
Well... Chairon's not such a weak competitor, ya know. ;)

Hahaha, oh geez! XD


thelunarfox August 15 2010, 01:24:01 UTC
I think I gasped out loud when Zaelem thought he'd never broken a promise. Oh that's important! I wonder what promise Mejaine was thinking of?

Also, Zaelem was thinking about his pay. "He could well afford a mansion by now if he had only saved up." So where is his money going because the man is living out of a shack!

There's so much to think about here. It's only been a month and Kismette is meeting the parents? Chairon's mom is scary in one of those passive aggressive nice lady sort of ways. But it only makes me love Jeremy more in comparison.

Potassiumer's comment made me laugh. Yes, Zaelem's bucking up and looking super fine, lol!

But poor Kismette. She was so disappointed in her power. How horrible for her, especially the extra pressure she puts on herself because Jeremy saved her.


collidingwithme August 15 2010, 12:15:45 UTC
OH YEAH! I'm so happy to know that was your reaction. So, things aren't that simple after all, huh. XD

His money all went to Mejaine! He bought her so many things, haha, which was why it'll be good riddance to be rid of her. (It was hinted at in Chapter 25 where Mejaine asked for the designer tea set. ;))

Yup, it's kinda a whirlwind for Chairon and Kismette, isn't it? And I guess that's part of the thrill in a romance. The chase makes people fall head over heels, but then, they realise the hole they fell into isn't that deep after all. Or at least I observed that in real life. :\ Oh, ah, I'm saying too much. :) And LOL, passive-agressive and nice at the same time? That is, um, quite a description. I can't even decide if it's fitting for Annie. XD ( ... )


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