Kissing Is Gross! [PG] J2

Feb 08, 2009 23:58

Title: Kissing is Gross!
Author: hd_obsession
Rating: PG
Warnings: Unapologetic Schmoop. Outsider POV
Word Count: 250
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Summary: Ella’s daddies were gross.
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren’t mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn’t true, probably.
A/N: This is for girlmostlikely she posted Read more... )

outsider!pov, wc: less than 500, verse: five kisses, kid!fic, gift!fic, rating: pg

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Comments 55

mikeyrhcp February 9 2009, 08:05:25 UTC

That's so ADORABLE. God I can't get over the image of them dancing in the kitchen kissing. OMG so so so so cute!!!!

Great job with this!!! :D


enablelove February 9 2009, 16:08:33 UTC
Yeah that image is pretty adorable!

Thanks darlin' :)


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enablelove February 9 2009, 16:10:04 UTC
hahahha aww babe I'm so glad you liked it!

This 'verse is near and dear to me, the first fic I was REALLY proud of and I love these schmoopy boys. Ella is def. a Daddy's girl (for both daddies) and she knows that they like to touch lots. They're careful to keep it child friendly around her!

Thanks sweetie <3


bitterbird February 9 2009, 08:43:40 UTC
awwww this is so perfect darling!!!! <3
lol cooties! win!


enablelove February 9 2009, 16:10:35 UTC
Thanks sweetie!

She's a little girl. Cooties are gross! hahaha



bekkis February 9 2009, 12:16:47 UTC
Awwwwww! This was so cute!


enablelove February 9 2009, 16:10:50 UTC
Thanks so much hon!


the_milky_way February 9 2009, 12:55:55 UTC

I kinda of want to see that now.
*loves it*


enablelove February 9 2009, 16:11:11 UTC
LOL don't we all ;)

Thanks hon :D


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