spick and span and spotless [PG-13] Jared/Jensen

May 01, 2009 11:04

Title: spick and span and spotless
Author: hd_obsession
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: First time.
Word Count: 1200+
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Summary: Jared wants to do something nice for Jensen. But all he gets are messes.
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren’t mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn’t true, probably.
A/N: It’s pez_gurl’s birthday! She wanted Jared tries to clean/cook/etc as a surprise for Jensen but it goes horribly wrong. Thanks to my clubinthesky. LOVE YOU BB

Jared thought he would clean the house a surprise for his roommate and hopefully soon to be boyfriend. Jensen’s out meeting some producer about a new movie or something. Jared’s been half in love with Jensen since he met the guy that first day. He had introduced himself, and Jensen smiled back with those eye crinkles and Jared was caught-hook, line, and sinker. Then Jared had actually hugged Jensen and Jensen looked down and blushed and Jared knew he was done for.

So when Jensen had no place to live at the beginning of season 4, and since Jared was a masochist, he invited Jensen to room with him, saying, “Jen you’re gonna have a whole floor to yourself and you know you’re always welcome,” when Jensen had been hesitant because he didn’t want to be a bother. Like Jensen could ever be a bother. Jared had wanted to say, “You’re more that welcome to move into my bed too,” but he held his tongue. He never did anything to let Jensen know, because he wasn’t sure of how Jensen felt but lately Jensen had been sneaking glances at him since he had moved in.

Jensen had always been a good cook, anyone was better than Jared really, and he had started to cook for Jared. Insisted on it, really, because Jared wouldn’t take rent from him.

"So you're my wife now?" Jared asked amused after taking a slug of his beer, hip cocked against the countertop and watched Jensen mix the pasta sauce.

"Watch who you’re callin’ the wife, bitch," Jensen said, then beckoned Jared to come over, "Taste this?"

Jared pushed away and walked toward Jensen, who held the spoon fool of sauce in his outstretched hand. Jared had taken a small lick and Jensen’s eyes had darted to his tongue and Jared just wanted to lean in and lick Jensen but he had to resist.

Jared really hopes he hasn’t imagined any of those looks thrown in his direction. Jensen had cleaned too, vacuumed and did the laundry and dusted and pretty much kept the house sanitary yet lived in. That was half because he was kind of anal about that stuff and half because he just wanted to help out Jared thinks. Jared might think the fact that Jensen loves to keep his area nice and orderly is actually kind of adorable but he’s not going to tell anyone.

So Jared doesn’t even attempt to cook because he really doesn’t want to light the kitchen on fire, he actually likes the kitchen and he knows Jensen does. So he cleans. It’s not too bad. He picks up Harley and Sadie’s toys that are all over the place and Jared winces when he sees how slobbery and gross they are and thinks of how Jensen picks them up without even flinching.

He puts the laundry in the wash, separating the whites and darks, like Jensen had said to, and then tosses the whites in first.

He goes to the kitchen and washes the dishes and thankfully no catastrophes happen. He doesn’t drop any plates. Well he doesn’t drop them hard enough that they break anyway, thank goodness.

He then starts to dust but remembers why he never dusts. Because he’s allergic. As soon as he starts using the Swiffer on the bookshelf in the living room and some dust rises up, he’s sneezing uncontrollably. His eyes are red and watery and Jared goes to find some tissues.

He decides to vacuum then, but apparently it’s full and doesn’t pick up any more dirt. Jared tries to empty it but with his butterfingers the container falls all over the floor, releasing even more dust and making Jared’s eyes sting and water and make him have a sneezing fit all over again.

He hears the timer on the washer go off and goes to check the clothes, resolving to clean the mess later. As he’s about to put them in the dryer though he notices that his whites aren’t exactly whites anymore. Apparently his red sock got stuck in between his shirts and all their clothes are now a shade of pink. Jared doesn’t mind the pink; he wears it all the time. But Jensen hates pink. He mocks Jared sure, but that’s in a nice way. He doesn’t like wearing it himself, it’s apparently too girly for him or some shit.

Just at that moment he hears Jensen scream, “Jay? Where are you? It’s too quiet!” And fuck. Jensen is home. And the house is nowhere near clean. Jared drops to the floor, his back against the front of the washer, clenching his wet pink shirt and just pouts. He hears Jensen come closer and the door to the laundry room is pushed all the way open and Jensen steps inside. Jared’s breath still catches in his throat when he looks at Jensen. He’s gorgeous in a dark green button down with a few buttons open so his throat and collarbone are bare. His dark jeans hug him in all the right places and his hair is artfully tousled, soft looking and begging for fingers to be run through it.

Jensen looks down at him and Jared can see a smile form on his face. The jackass is laughing at him! Jared just pouts more and looks down.

Jensen kneels next to him and takes the wet shirt out of his hand, holding it up to see the damage.

“You really love your pink clothes don’t you?” Jensen asks with a smirk.

Jared sticks his tongue out at him which makes Jensen break out in laughter and Jared can’t help but grin at the sound, he loves making Jensen laugh.

“Sorry Jen. I was just tryin’ to help,” Jared says, blushing and ducking his head.

Jensen places a finger under his chin and lifts his head up to meet his eyes. There’s a question that Jared isn’t sure he wants to answer and he averts his eyes again.

“Why? You know I don’t mind doin’ any of that Jay.”

“Yeah I know. I just…wanted to help you out. You don’t gotta do anythin’ you know that.” Jared tries to explain.

“Yeah Jay I know. But I want to. Make it seem like…I don’t know…like I’m part of this house.”

Jared’s eyes snap to Jensen’s and Jensen’s the one blushing this time, but his gaze is still on Jared. Jared eyes widen as Jensen wipes the tears from the dust earlier from Jared’s face and then he leans in and Jared’s eyes fall shut as Jensen’s hesitant lips meet his own. It’s just a soft press of lips but nowhere near enough. Jared’s eyes open again and he sees a soft smile playing about Jensen’s mouth. He leans in again and kisses him, deeper this time. He tongues the seam of Jensen’s mouth asking for permission and Jensen opens it and Jared delves inside. He learns Jensen’s mouth with his tongue, every dark corner, imprinting it in his brain in case this never happens again. He hopes it does though. He hopes he can have this every day for the rest of his life.

They finally part for some much needed air and from the look in Jensen’s eyes, it seems like he’s thinking the same thing.

wc: 1000-1999, birthday fic, first time, rating: pg

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