STABLER goes METHOD, y'all!

Oct 06, 2009 13:02

:: cross-posted @ leeloni ::

Props to Alanis49 @ YouTube for sending me the link to this vid! I think I just might have to record THIS one!!

image Click to view

All together now! "Keller! KELLER! KELLER!" \o/

christopher meloni, youtube, oz, svu

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Comments 23

draoi_mistress October 6 2009, 20:28:14 UTC

Ahhhaaaaa! And I can't watch it!!! (stamping my feet like a 3-year-old) Colleen, PLEASE do a complete recap of this show!!!


colleendetroit October 6 2009, 23:36:43 UTC
OH noes!! D: I think I might have to snag some cappage, as long as my laptop cooperates! ;)


jackiesjunkie October 6 2009, 20:39:25 UTC
I saw the ad the other night and I'll wrestle R for the remote if I have to.


colleendetroit October 6 2009, 23:32:22 UTC
LOL Hide the remote!


jackiesjunkie October 7 2009, 14:26:26 UTC
He ran away to the bedroom with the laptop before it came on so I was good to go! And then I watched the last 20 minutes of it later on a different channel and recorded Meloni!belly.


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colleendetroit October 6 2009, 23:09:20 UTC
Lucky Canadians...getting The Meloni a day early! I cry foul! lol


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colleendetroit October 6 2009, 23:39:05 UTC
Whew, that was close! lol I didn't know they'd moved it to Wednesday here until it premiered. Tuesday nights feel so weird now with no SVU. @_@


roxymeloni October 6 2009, 21:14:25 UTC
omg Keller revisited! If only the guest star this week was Lee!!!! mmmm

I will be glued to the tv...don't care what else is happening, I am not budging. *swoon*

Thanks for the update :)


colleendetroit October 6 2009, 23:24:12 UTC
I think this would have been the PERFECT opportunity for Lee to guest star! Mmmm, maybe as a CO...that would be a switch. ;D


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colleendetroit October 6 2009, 23:25:00 UTC
I ttly missed last weeks...gonna have to make up for it on the repeat sometime. Doh!


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