Oct 22, 2008 16:01
I still have to make the screencaps for last night's episode (this week is going by *way* too fast...*koff*) but in the meantime, I thought I'd share this clip from NBC.com. Their "2-minute" replays are a quick way to get caught up on episodes one may have missed. :)
And look...it's Dickie! Er, DICK now. ;)
christopher meloni,
vids: elliot stabler,
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Comments 5
And now I'm gonna do the Ross-Where do I come up with these things!Sometimes I'm just too good.LOL
Ooooh, I love disheveled Stabler. YUM
And the kid...what to say...How come all Stabler kids are just...blah, ya know, all bland and cardboardy...just like, well, yeah, just like Kathy. Where did all *good* genes go?!
Ummm,yeah, well with the alcoholism and the bipolar disorder there weren't so many to start with,but still...I mean Elliot turned out OK...well, obviously way *way* better than just OK,yeah *gazes dreamily into distance*
OK I chose to ignore all the bad stuff, like rage and,yeah the questionable taste in ladies (I mean ..Kathy, c'mon!), but wait...that's like all there is..the bad stuff I mean, what else is there in that department I mean? I'm biased I know. And obviously blindsided by ...yeah, the ass, and the rack, and the eyes....and...yeah...ooooohhhh
What was I talking about?
Ooooh we're sooooo smart, look how smart we are O_o!!
WTF! Lameoooopaloooza!
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