Lee Tergesen & The OZ DOLLS in NYC (6/9/12)

Jun 21, 2012 12:00


Here's a vid of Lee Tergesen on 6/9/12 meeting the newest Oz Dolls, Kareem Said & Simon Adebisi, while taking pics of them on his iPhone and chatting with the peeps. ♥ Big thanks to aletter2elise for assisting with the camera! Shout-outs to trillingstar for her speedy Oz trivia (srsly, I pick HER FIRST to be on MY TEAM for any Oz quiz, tyvm, I CALL ( Read more... )

lee tergesen, oz dolls, nyc!rapturefest, vids: my personal videos, oz creations, yymfmfthisiswhereitgetsweird..., peeps, celebrity encounters

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Comments 11

murielle June 21 2012, 22:43:44 UTC
This is so cool! This is SO COOL! If I smile any harder my face will crack. You lucky woman you!

Lee seems like a really nice guy--he's actually having fun with you all. Love that about him.

Thank you so much for sharing.


colleendetroit June 21 2012, 22:50:25 UTC
:D :D :D Lee is really a great guy, genuine & generous...(that's alotta g's there, lol) and I was tickled pink to see him taking pics of my dolls on his iPhone to share with his wife & friends, how cool is that? *faints*


murielle June 21 2012, 23:11:13 UTC
That is awesomly cool! See, I'm grinning again!


colleendetroit June 21 2012, 23:21:21 UTC
Oooh, you replied @ 11:11...now I'm grinning! MAKE IT STOPPPPPPPP...

:D :D :D :D :D :D lol


stargazer60 June 21 2012, 23:13:49 UTC
How many actors are going to hang out with fans after their show?

So awesome..

Love how he gives you the 'non alcoholic beer' and says "you're a lady, I was raised right."

&hearts much love...


colleendetroit June 21 2012, 23:20:42 UTC
How many actors are going to hang out with fans after their show?

I know, right?? It's just...amazing, really, that there are still actors out there who don't let it all go to their head, you know? Lee is uber-awesome and I'm so thankful to have made the connections with other fans online and be able to attend these gatherings. ♥

Love how he gives you the 'non alcoholic beer' and says "you're a lady, I was raised right."

That was so funny, it was actually cwitch's drink he handed it to, but the server placed it in front of Lee (who had been drinking the same thing). I thought it was sweet that he said he was raised right, it certainly shows!


lisacali June 22 2012, 01:20:44 UTC
Oh, love! How fun! I think I'd be black and blue from pinching myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming if I had been there!


sophytofu June 23 2012, 20:40:35 UTC
What a great vid you have done. And the dolls, they are fabulous. I have admire your work over the years. And I am very much impressed.


roguemarch June 24 2012, 04:15:31 UTC
WHEEEEE, it's LEEEEE! should be our fandoms cry of war! This is such a great video!!! Can't stop smiling!


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