For trillingstar...

Jan 04, 2012 12:26


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via ljapp, yymfmfthisiswhereitgetsweird..., so-cal photography

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Comments 11

fraserette January 4 2012, 23:03:33 UTC
Minus 25 here the other day. Oh joy.


colleendetroit January 4 2012, 23:27:52 UTC
AHHHHHH!!! My SoCal blood would freeze and I'd break into a zillion pieces "FRINGE" style. O_O


stargazer60 January 4 2012, 23:12:49 UTC


colleendetroit January 4 2012, 23:30:54 UTC
~_~ It really plays with the body though, because it will probably chill down soon and then people will get sick right away.


stargazer60 January 5 2012, 01:00:22 UTC
That's what happened to me...we had warm days here in late November, then I was sick for most of December when the weather changed..


cwitch January 4 2012, 23:24:56 UTC
Hell, *I'M* jealous! Only 71 here today ... still wearing da Uggs as my toes refuse to unfreeze.


colleendetroit January 4 2012, 23:30:01 UTC
It was 84 downtown and with Valley temps seems like you can safely add up to 10 degrees to that (my temp of 84 was from a reading in the shade). Didn't feel that hot but it's because it warms the house up enough to keep from getting too cold inside overnight.


cwitch January 5 2012, 00:02:05 UTC
Sa-weet! It dips below freezing here every night and will continue to do so until April. Gah! Once the sun goes down on Mars, that's it - NO HEAT. My gas bill hit a summer low of $8 this year. Our winter high will likely be $150, and we have good insulation!

(Note to rest of the world reading this: In California, we use natural gas for heat. It costs next to nothing and burns cleanly-ish. Upside - there are pockets of the stuff that will last for hundreds of years below ground here. Downside - when earthquakes disturb those pockets - and gas lines under pressure - things go all 'sploady. Boom, BIG BOOM!

Welcome to California! Our new motto - Only Pussies Live Where Natural Disasters Can Be Predicted)


colleendetroit January 5 2012, 17:59:34 UTC
Dude, you're like on the dark side of the moon in the AV! Brrr.

What the heck do others use if not natural gas? COAL? WOOD? Jump into the 21st century, y'all.

"Only Pussies Live Where Natural Disasters Can Be Predicted"

haha LOVE IT. Tis true! I'd never live in tornado or hurricane country, but I'll take my chances riding a rollin' quake in exchange for the incomparable climate. :)


trillingstar January 5 2012, 14:56:01 UTC
omg flipflops 24/7 YESSSSSSS

(except for Converse, for that reenactment. Thrift store?) *g*

P.S. I found this the other night. I don't remember why. Do you? Something about Nathan's school? IDEK WHERE AM I IS THIS THE SINK?

... )


colleendetroit January 5 2012, 17:56:26 UTC
HAHAHAHA! You made that when I posted how the school had such strict rules for Halloween costumes (storybook only, nothing scary, NO SANDALS!) AHHH, SCARY SANDALS!! Turns out Nathan was really the only one who followed the "storybook character" rule with his James and the Giant Peach costume, the rest of the kids dressed like they always do...of course.

I checked the 'average' temps for February/March and it showed lows in the 50's, highs in the 70's and while it is our 'rainy season', it could rain a little and it could very well not rain at all, one never knows! But if it can be in the upper 80's in the beginning of January, surely anything is possible! GRAB UR SUNBLOCK. ;>


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