Our last prompt post went up about a year ago, but someone asked on that post if there is interest in having another round, so I figured I would throw the question out to the community and find out. :)
The problem, mainly, is that the mods have wandered off into other fandoms, but there were
lots of prompts posted at the last prompt call (most of them still unanswered), so there are definitely people hanging around the comm still!
So the question is, should there be another round(s), and if so, should it be themed in some way?
It was suggested that perhaps we might do "reunions" or "good old times" (i.e. early seasons). At one point, back when the comm was more active, we had a series of rounds that were focused on specific seasons -- season one, season two, etc -- and those seemed to be a big hit. We could do that again.
So, a poll:
Poll Edited to add: I just realized that people without LJ accounts can't vote in polls, and I know several people in the comm participate anonymously. If you can't vote in the poll, please give your answers in the comments; they will be given full weight there! :)
And feel free to elaborate upon any of your answers in the comments, or discuss it there, share your opinions/concerns, etc. I think my biggest concern, now that the fandom (and especially the gen part of the fandom) has gotten so much smaller, is not that we wouldn't have people to post prompts, but a lack of people to write fills. There is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with posting prompts if you don't fill prompts (actually, one thing I love about prompt communities like this one is that it gives people who aren't writers or artists a way they can contribute to making fanworks; as a writer, I love having a bunch of prompts to choose from, and I would never make any sort of rule about needing to answer prompts in order to post them). But I would also hate to see a bunch of good prompts posted if no one is writing them.
... it's also worth mentioning that fills don't have to be complete stories. They can be short commentfic as well.
Anyway, guys, let me know what you think. Kriady's still the main mod, but as a sub-mod I'm more than happy to put up a new prompt post, or series of posts, if there is still enough interest in having them.