[Fic] Of Interest

Feb 01, 2014 14:57

Title: Of Interest
Pairing: Zhou Mi/Kyuhyun
Rating: up to NC-17
Genre: various

Summary: Sixteen various prompts.

Prompt: qmi fic based on the TV show Person of Interest


There was a reason the Machine wasn’t for public consumption. People shied away from obvious surveillance cameras and policemen watching, but they felt relatively secure when communicating in other ways. A certain amount of the population were afraid they were being watched, but the rest had no idea. That was also why the power to do so was guarded. That power could so easily extend beyond its intended purpose.

When Zhou Mi had looked him in the eye for the first time, it had been like being stripped naked. He’d had months of observation. He knew how Zhou Mi stood when relaxed, or as relaxed as he ever got. How he ate, how he held his phone. Kyuhyun had observed him in person, without the distance of cameras between them. But nothing had prepared him for Zhou Mi standing only feet away, wary and curious at once. It had not been inevitable. In some ways, Kyuhyun wondered if he had somehow steered it that way.

But it spoke to Zhou Mi’s determination. His intrepid Mr. Zhou, making his mark on a city in need of his help. Kyuhyun had needed his help. It was something that could have been done alone, and Zhou Mi had proved that once, but there were ways that a partner made it easier. They could be in two places at once, passing back bits of information, Zhou Mi’s voice in his ear nearly as good as a touch when they exchanged phones.

He saw Zhou Mi’s cell, the place he called the place he lived. It wasn’t home. Devoid. At least in the library, Kyuhyun felt as though he was surrounded by something familiar. He wondered if that was Zhou Mi’s draw to it, as well. The books, the company. Not that it was Kyuhyun, but a human being and not four walls and his gun safe. There was Prince, too. Sometimes the dog would flop between them, twisting his head back and forth as though deciding who to look at somehow.

Zhou Mi had rescued the dog, but he belonged to them both.

Kyuhyun was inevitably the one to take Prince out for walks, and they had waged a very intense battle. Man v. Dog. And the whole of it was where Prince slept at night. Oh, Prince was the most highly trained animal that could be found, Kyuhyun was sure, and Zhou Mi could have had Prince sleeping upside down if he’d wanted. But the dog bed that Prince was perfectly content to sleep in during the day when Kyuhyun was not far away, apparently grew fangs at night. Kyuhyun had a fully grown dog whimpering like a puppy at his bedside after he’d crawled in, or at his door once he’d ordered Prince out. It did not make for a happy Kyuhyun, that was for certain.

Telling Zhou Mi seemed like giving up. Kyuhyun’s compromise had been dragging the dog bed into the bedroom, and ordering Prince into it. That had worked for about two nights, and then he had paws on the mattress and a wet nose against his mouth. Eugh. Blech.

“Zhou Mi told you to protect me,” Kyuhyun said to the back of Prince’s head, flopped on the pillow opposite him. “I don’t know if this was what he was talking about. Zhou Mi wouldn’t let you in his bed.”

Prince yawned, whined.

“Yeah, you’re right. He probably wouldn’t let me in, either. Don’t tell him I said that.”

Kyuhyun snorted at himself. Great. He was talking to a dog. As though having a dog named Prince wasn’t embarrassing enough. Zhou Mi had insisted.

But having Prince there did take away some of the loneliness away. The problem was that Prince did not talk back.


Zhou Mi saved his life. Not just his purpose, but his life. When he was the number, not some stranger. It had been his regret, struggling to stand from his bonds only for Zhou Mi to push him back - that composed face worried and letting the perpetrator get away.

Yes, his adrenaline was high.  They had a chance to end the charade, catch the one person that put everything they did in danger.

Zhou Mi did not move from his side, even though he had to have known he could have given chase.  Kyuhyun wasn't sure if it was to keep Kyuhyun safe, or because he was obviously hurt.  It was frustration that had him wiping his bloody hand on his slacks. Get me out of here, get me home.  Zhou Mi's hand squeezed his shoulder.

That had been the first time that Zhou Mi had tended his wounds, instead of the other way around. Usually Zhou Mi left before Kyuhyun could make noises about it but there were times he got to Zhou Mi with bandages and antiseptic. Zhou Mi’s face always tightened with the pain, but Kyuhyun went stoically on.

That night, he was the one hissing as Zhou Mi cleaned the cuts on his hands and arm.

“I’ll stay here tonight.”

“I’m not going to be attacked in the library,” Kyuhyun sulked, watching Zhou Mi carefully wrap his arm in gauze. “Not being able to wash a dish for a day isn’t going to hurt me.”

“I’ll sleep better if I stay here overnight,” Zhou Mi said. “I’ve slept here before.”

In a chair. Less comfortable than even Prince’s bed. It had not changed that night, not with any of his manipulations. He’d stopped short of telling Zhou Mi that he felt unsafe if Zhou Mi was out of his bedroom. It was mostly a lie anyway. So he had smelly dog breath and knowledge that Zhou Mi was probably getting a crick in his neck after having saved Kyuhyun’s life.

They’d had a spectacular breakfast, though.


Their first kiss as so mundane. Almost laughable, really. No high emotions, near death experiences. Prince had a hand, a paw, in it, however. Namely, a paw to Zhou Mi’s crotch. Zhou Mi had been laughing in some mixture of pain and absurdity as Prince danced beside the chair, unaware of the injury he’d inflicted.

“I don’t think he’s figured out that that’s not the way to get you to take him on a walk,” Kyuhyun teased.

For a man Kyuhyun knew had killed, was a dangerous fighter, maybe he shouldn’t have been laughing quite so hard. It wasn’t like he liked seeing pain inflicted on Zhou Mi, and he knew there was no lasting damage, but he couldn’t help the cackle as Zhou Mi stood in some mock threat. Or it would’ve been a threat, if Zhou Mi’s face had been that mask - and Kyuhyun knew it to be a mask. Carefully controlled, a fox waiting to strike. Not that day. Laughter and pain and accusation still mingled on his face as he dragged Kyuhyun closer to punish him, Kyuhyun grabbed the back of Zhou Mi’s head to shake him.

He ended up with weakened knees as Zhou Mi kissed him. That mouth, set in a determined line, or a wry smile, or a full laugh. He hadn’t been blind to those lips. Certainly not when they were wide, and soft, and hungry against his own.

But just when he was leaning in, Zhou Mi was pulling back.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t-“

Kyuhyun stopped him with the press of his lips.

“You should,” Kyuhyun told him. Though, he wasn’t totally blind to it. “Though. This isn’t going to make things easier.”

Zhou Mi was still staring at his mouth. “I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be easy.”

Not anything they were doing together, though perhaps it would’ve been nice if all of the perpetrators just turned themselves in.

“When we knew nothing, maybe.“

Zhou Mi shook his head. “Would it have lasted this long if we’d stayed being strangers? I’d have gotten killed, or moved on.”

“You still could.”

He had before. Maybe it had been for a few days, a week. Long enough for Kyuhyun to wonder if he would ever be coming back, if he would have to tap another on the list of the dwindling names he kept in case of-

In case.

“You think so?” Zhou Mi asked.

Prince nosed up under Kyuhyun’s hand and he stroked the dog’s head. A moment later, Zhou Mi’s hand covered his, the press of their cheekbones together.
And they stood together, Zhou Mi breathing against the side of his face as he gripped Zhou Mi’s sides. At least, until Prince’s whining had grown too insistent.

It had seemed normal, of course, walking the dog together on a street where no one looked twice at them.

But inside, Zhou Mi taking his elbow to guide him, it had been far from normal.


Kyuhyun struggled up the stairwell, breath coming fast even as he listened for any signs of sound above him.

He didn't know what he'd find, was the problem. When the cell phone went dead there were no more sounds of fighting as there tended to be until Zhou Mi told him things were all clear. The silence was somehow more frightening, because he couldn't hear Zhou Mi struggling - winning. Eventually there had to come a time when that didn't happen, someone catching Zhou Mi unawares, when that wily strength was going to get him killed instead of saving him.

Wait for the police. That had been Zhou Mi's admonition in any number of situations. For help that would help them instead of putting Kyuhyun in danger. But their colleagues were at least twenty minutes out, and Kyuhyun had no choice. The silence was mocking him as he checked the gun he had purchased for himself. The expression in Zhou Mi had taken when Kyuhyun had shown him. He'd known it was prudent to know how, when he’d started out, if he hadn’t known already. Zhou Mi had inspected the weapon, giving it his approval.

"Don't be silly," he'd said when Zhou Mi had asked him if he could shoot it. "I even know how to put the little...what are they...bullets in it? It's not like the days where I had to measure out some powder and risk blowing up my hands."

"Okay, okay," Zhou Mi said, laughing.

Perhaps there had been some approval in it for Kyuhyun as well.

Seeing Zhou Mi slumped against the wall nearly stopped his heart. But there was no bloody trail against the paint, and Zhou Mi was moving.

“Stop,” Kyuhyun ordered, and the man turned his way.

“Who are you?”

A number of ridiculous phrases like “your worst nightmare” appeared in his head.

“You seem to have gotten my partner in a bind,” he said, speaking loudly, to give Zhou Mi cover as he pushed himself up. He did not dare look, keeping his eyes on the man and the gun in his hand. “There’s nothing here for you to steal, Mr.-“

Kyuhyun threw himself to the side at the gunshot, looking up to see the gunman crumpling and clutching at his injured arm. Zhou Mi was over him in a minute, and it took one, two, well-delivered punches to see the man to unconsciousness. With two guns in his hands, Zhou Mi approached him, and Kyuhyun steadied himself against the wall. Someone surely would have heard the shot.

Zhou Mi was upright, and that was good. He’d probably been stunned. And Kyuhyun had no need to know how many concussions he’d had, just as long as they got out of there - the gunshot still ringing in his ears and his shoulder tense where Zhou Mi squeezed it.

“You shouldn’t have come in.”

“We lost contact. Looked like you needed the distraction.”

Zhou Mi smiled at him, but it was neither mocking nor agreeing.

“I would’ve shot him.”

“I know you would have,” Zhou Mi said. “But not tonight.”

“How do you know?” Kyuhyun retorted.

Zhou Mi didn’t sigh or show any outward signs of frustration. He just took Kyuhyun’s wrist and turned it so that Kyuhyun could see what he did.

“The safety was was on.”

He laughed into Zhou Mi’s shoulder, allowing himself that for a moment.

But then Zhou Mi took his arm, and led him the quickest way from the building. The police would find what they needed. A name would be cleared.


There were no rules, no conventions, for dating as they were. There weren’t candlelit dinners, excepting the time the power had gone out and they’d eaten salad to the light of an old candle Kyuhyun had scrounged up. Most days he smelled more of books than of Zhou Mi, and Zhou Mi’s first smile was for Prince, not him. It was nearly enough to give him a complex, except that he knew that to cling was to push away, and it was not just that Zhou Mi would. It was possible it would become necessary from so many standpoints, including Zhou Mi’s safety, and that one stung most of all.

He kept a notebook of what he felt was the status of things. Their relationship, how he was doing separating that from the work.

The answer was, it varied. He was sure Zhou Mi kept nothing of the sort, something very true in him that told him as long as he was doing his job, then it would be okay. If doing his job meant keeping Kyuhyun safe, then that was all the better. He just didn’t mean to use Zhou Mi as his shield as well as his weapon.

Kyuhyun could think of only a few times he’d been really afraid of Zhou Mi. Not just of what he could do, but personally afraid. But when Zhou Mi rounded on him, hand tight on Kyuhyun’s arm, Kyuhyun was afraid.

“This won’t work if you put my safety above theirs.”

“Your safety has always been a high priority to me.”

It was the truth, not a lie, as amusement glinted at him in Zhou Mi’s expression. If Zhou Mi’s safety had been the highest priority, no, he’d never have put Zhou Mi in the positions he’d been in. High priority, yes, but there were inherent risks in the work, ones they both understood. He’d never been callous to it, but there was no harm in figuring ways to do it more safely. For both of them.

“But to put yourself in-“ Zhou Mi’s eyes closed. “You have guns pointed at you. That’s why I’m here. To help you.”

“Yes, but not to keep me from it. I choose my battles. You don’t have that luxury. You can’t worry over me, because that’s going to get you killed, and-“

The words he didn’t know how to say were bottled up at that, and yet still Zhou Mi seemed to see them.

“If something happens to me one day, it won’t be you who did it,” Zhou Mi told him.

Yes, and he would certainly split those hairs so finely. That in finding the perfect man to right rights, he had crafted a hole in himself to fill only with the guilt of what could have been, wondering if he should’ve walked away.

Wondering if he should’ve walked away before even meeting Zhou Mi.

“I’ve decided that it’s too late to back out now,” Kyuhyun said instead. “Even if we keep things strictly professional, I won’t be able to change the way I do things.”

“Won’t you?” Zhou Mi asked, voice so utterly mild.

“We’re partners. We’ll find a way that this works toward our advantage. And no I do not just mean stress relief,” Kyuhyun said, when Zhou Mi nearly smirked.

Not that they’d gotten there, quite yet, though he suspected it wouldn’t be long. They’d only knocked over a few books grasping at each other’s clothes. Kyuhyun had seen patterns on the ceiling he’d never noticed before when Zhou Mi had been sucking on his neck.

He was still wearing a scarf when he went outdoors.


Kyuhyun knew if they took one night to just be, well, normal, that things would go awry. It was better to take those moments of happiness as they came, to cherish them. Whether it was walking with Prince, or arguing over what food to get, or even Zhou Mi closing his eyes and letting Kyuhyun patch up his most recent wound. He didn’t fuss - the look he would’ve gotten from Zhou Mi would’ve kept him from it, that and the fact that he knew Zhou Mi didn’t need any nagging. He wasn’t out there getting hurt on purpose.

But Zhou Mi’s shoulder leaned into his as they pointed out information to each other on the computer screen, content to show Kyuhyun when he was tired and admit that he wasn’t indestructible. No that he’d ever thought so, though sometimes, when he thought of the situations Zhou Mi had gotten out of-

Those were the thoughts that Zhou Mi kissed away, sadness and solemn strength there sometimes, to rival the smiles that made his breath catch and the glimmer of the joy that Kyuhyun was surprised to realize that he caused.

And in Kyuhyun’s bed, Zhou Mi did find himself sleeping.

“Some day this ends.”

“No,” Kyuhyun said. “I’ve left everything. Friends. Love. My identity. Not this.”

A whine from the outside of the door, a scrabble, and they had a visitor. The bed shook as Prince’s weight settled behind Zhou Mi, and Kyuhyun felt Zhou Mi snort softly into his neck.

“Don’t laugh,” Kyuhyun grumbled.

“The bed is big enough for the three of us. For now,” Zhou Mi said, kissing Kyuhyun’s skin.

It made him smile. Zhou Mi thought he would be able to keep Kyuhyun out of trouble, and Kyuhyun would inevitably keep throwing Zhou Mi into it. It had been why never meeting had been wise. But what he had was a man asleep against his side, and a dog with his head resting on Zhou Mi’s knee. A library, the Machine.

And possibilities.


Prompt: Over excited (/drunk) Zhou Mi kisses Kyuhyun at midnight at a New Years party (in a fantasy land where SJ don't attend events every new years). Hilarity ensues. May or may not include social media (mis)use.


At the very lowest of the energy cycle of Zhou Mi, he was pretty blank. Drunk and not tired, Zhou Mi was like a live battery every time he touched someone, leaning into shoulders and performing impromptu dances when he got pointed at. That night at least, he was a happy drunk, and they had a lot of things to be looking forward to. And it was fine, because the group of them were alone and they’d experienced pretty much every kind of weird there was in the universe over the years together.

It was Kyuhyun Zhou Mi was beside, swaying back and forth to the time of the seconds counting down and the raucous shouts around them each second it got closer. They could already hear fireworks going off as it counted to two, and then to one.

Kyuhyun turned, intending to smile and say, “Happy New Year!” Only, that didn’t happen because Zhou Mi’s hand cupped Kyuhyun’s neck.

And for the first time in his life besides his mother hugging him and kissing his head at the new year, he was being kissed. They kiss held out, too, like from some old movie, the press of lips and Kyuhyun’s half closed eyes as he processed.

There were whoops and hollers totally unrelated to what was on TV or outside, though. When Kyuhyun got an actual view of Zhou Mi’s face, he was smiling, so very fond, and Kyuhyun’s ears went red hot. Even more so as Zhou Mi pressed his lips there.


“Oh,” he said, and ducked his head down against Zhou Mi’s shoulder so he didn’t have to look at anyone’s faces.

“I think there’s something we don’t know,” Hyukjae said.

“It was a new year’s kiss,” Zhou Mi said, patting Kyuhyun’s back.

Kyuhyun felt a poke much less polite. “You’re so shy. He didn’t steal your first kiss,” Donghae said.

“He didn’t steal anything,” Kyuhyun said, and everyone ahhed a him. He could’ve moved away. Pushed Zhou Mi away. He hadn’t. They were still cuddled right up and he had no intention of moving even with Zhou Mi’s little waggle.

“It’s on twitter now!”

“It is not,” Kyuhyun said, and everyone started laughing. They wouldn’t have posted a picture of him kissing-

Kyuhyun opened his phone, and sure enough the first tweet he saw was from Donghae: “What is happening to our Kyuhyun! #HappyKyuYear”

All that was attached was a picture of Kyuhyun’s face looking particularly flushed and resting his head on Zhou Mi’s unidentifiable shoulder.

“What are you talking about?” Kyuhyun tweeted back.

And suddenly it was on his timeline from Siwon, from Hyukjae, from Ryeowook, all adding messages of their own.

The fans were confused, but everyone else found it funny.

And he kissed Zhou Mi’s hangover away.


Prompt: Prompt: SJM watching a sad movie on new year's eve to test who's the biggest crybaby among them? (and maybe Heechul tipped off Kyuhyun who casually asked Wook to make this happen just to make Zhou Mi cry :P anyway you like! and thaaaaaanks /gives new year cookies)


There were a number of people responsible, so Kyuhyun didn’t really want to take all the credit. And it wasn’t as though Heechul knew in confidence, he just sort of…refreshed Kyuhyun’s memory of the whole thing. Ryeowook sort of half knew which was how Kyuhyun had planned it, but the end result was that everyone was gathered together, and there was a movie on the TV that had been guaranteed to make just about anyone cry.

Kyuhyun debated whether he should’ve been subtle and sat apart, or just be right in there, and he decided he wanted to be close enough to see.

And maybe giggle.

His plans sort of hadn’t taken into account the fact that he’d be watching the sad movie, too, and that he wasn’t particularly immune. He was doing the rapid blinking and head tilting in panic before he realized he needed to look for Zhou Mi. And sure enough, watching tears snaking down Zhou Mi’s cheeks as his mouth pressed together and trembled a bit did distract him from his own tears. For at least a moment, until he remembered he was prone to sympathetic tears.

Zhou Mi seemed to look back at him at the exact same moment he spilled over. They wobbled at each other for a moment, and Kyuhyun thought he heard Heechul try to cover up a laugh. He couldn’t even tell who else was crying.

But that was how he ended up smothered in Zhou Mi’s shoulder as they sniffled together.

Zhou Mi wasn’t even mad when Kyuhyun told him, after everyone had abandoned them with a box of tissues and some laughter. But as long as Zhou Mi didn’t let him go, he was okay.

(Though later he learned that almost everyone had cried. But Kyuhyun had been the lucky one.)


Prompt: Kyuhyun wants to hit the internet to stick up for Zhou Mi in the latest drama. Mi....talks him out of it. Fluffy?


“I don’t care if they attack me for it, it’s just not right-“ Kyuhyun squinted at Zhou Mi. “Why are you smiling?”

“You’d be validating his words,” Zhou Mi said, stroking Kyuhyun’s neck. “People who believe it will believe it. Others will just roll their eyes. People who believe in me and us still will. That he responded like that says more about him than it does about me.”

“So responding to him would be giving him what he wanted?” But Kyuhyun still wasn’t satisfied, shaking his head. “But-“

“I’ve got more than he’s got,” Zhou Mi said, and laughed when Kyuhyun went goggle eyed.

“If you say-“

“You? Why would I say that?” Zhou Mi said, teasing his tongue out until he saw Kyuhyun’s smile start to turn.

“I just want to be mad.”

Of course the way he said it was too cute, the way he moaned and just about fell over into Zhou Mi’s shoulder.

“Mad about me?” Zhou Mi suggested.

“You’re gross.”

“You’re grosser!”

Kyuhyun’s head flopped around. “That’s not even the right word.”

Still, because it was there, Zhou Mi leaned in and kissed Kyuhyun’s chin. “You taught me, remember.”

“Wow, I suck. How else can I make you sound weird?”

It wasn’t like it took Kyuhyun very long, pinning Zhou Mi’s nose between his fingers.

“Hey,” Zhou Mi honked, and Kyuhyun let out a near silent giggle.

Kyuhyun was warm, and he smelled of mint and some strange bit of apples when Zhou Mi nuzzled into his neck.

“Worrywart,” Zhou Mi murmured, and felt Kyuhyun shiver.

“Snugglebug,” Kyuhyun accused.

Kyuhyun paused.

And that made them both burst out laughing.


Prompt: Could I ask for qmi based on the New Years broadcast where Zhou Mi's nipple was visibly teasing through that chained sweater and kyu was wearing those damned leather pants? Something like that >> uhh


The outfits had all seemed really cool at first. Everyone was doing their usual admiration/envy rounds. Though, Zhou Mi wasn’t sure that anyone should’ve had those leather pants that Kyuhyun had - least of all Kyuhyun. He had too much to show off in them, and Zhou Mi quite honestly meant that in every way. He wondered if the leather was warm from Kyuhyun’s skin, molding around his thighs and pressing pretty much everywhere Zhou Mi wanted to. When Kyuhyun’s eyes got caught on Zhou Mi’s chest it almost made him smile.

But then again, it didn’t, because the air was cool and the rub of the sweater and the cold brush of chains had him gritting his teeth as he tried to focus. It just made him want Kyuhyun to touch him more. Oh, nothing so embarrassing as getting fully hard right on stage, but Kyuhyun kept turning to him and grinning, eyes dropping, and lips smirking.

If they’d been alone, maybe Kyuhyun would’ve tried to touch, finger teasing through the cloth, all that leather and the length of his thighs straddling Zhou Mi’s hips until he could think of nothing else but Kyuhyun.

Mostly not hard. That was his accomplishment that night. But if it made Kyuhyun look at him that way, he’d wear shirts like that again.


Prompt: (did anyone actually prompt you for Zhou Mi's peek-a-boo nipple if not consider this a request for Kyuhyun getting distracted by Zhou Mi's peek-a-boo nipple. Featuring sensitive!Mi because dancing with your nipple out with chains and stuff rubbing against it while Kyuhyun is in tight leather pants h


He had no idea what was going on in Zhou Mi’s mind, every time he smirked when he saw that Kyuhyun was looking made Kyuhyun want to shove him back on a flat surface and maybe feel a moan against his mouth. He knew from long-earned experience how sensitive Zhou Mi was, so watching that nipple rub in and out of visual range made him want to kiss it, to tug at it with his teeth until Zhou Mi’s hips were straining at him and Zhou Mi’s moans were breathy.

The leather felt glued to his skin and imagined Zhou Mi peeling it down, kissing every inch of skin that was revealed, breath hot against Kyuhyun’s underwear and-

He hissed a bit and shifted, feeling Zhou Mi come up behind him on stage.

“You think they’ll let us wear this until…?”

Zhou Mi’s pants rubbed up against the back of his and he barely kept himself from letting his face show it.

“Your shirt is a tease. Does it feel good?”

Zhou Mi snorted, soft. “Your thighs look like you’ve been gift-wrapped.”

There was something about putting on a show that each other could appreciate. The smile as Zhou Mi turned away was a promise for later.


Prompt: A Qmi uni AU? Zhou Mi goes to the library to study without distractions but there is a boy there every day that is very distracting.....


Libraries were buildings full of knowledge and possibilities. There was the scent of dust, and old leather, bindings and glue, and the rustle of paper. Aside from quiet whispers, it was a place of study, of learning, and Zhou Mi went there because if he was at home all he’d have done was poke at his books and play on his phone and maybe had a snack. He figured locking himself in the library “tower” meant he’d at least get some work done.

He tried to find a place where no one was, because if given half the opportunity he was going to watch people instead of writing his very fascinating paper on very fascinating historical battles that he could only remember about five facts about.

And of course that was how he ended up adjacent to a table with a guy in glasses sitting at it. Zhou Mi had mostly meant to sit facing away but there were gouges in the table that kept him from writing, so he moved. And then he saw long fingers tapping at the laptop keys, mouth molding around a pen as he held it there and typed. Of that first half hour, twenty minutes of it was spent considering the striped sweater over the student’s shoulders.

After that Zhou Mi got himself back to battle plans and generals, but every so often he’d hear pages rustle and look up.

But that was just one day’s distraction.

Zhou Mi went a different time the next day, and an hour after he sat down, and a whole page into his research later, the man set up with his laptop two tables away.

Zhou Mi tried to squint to see what the books were on the other table but the writing was too small.

He was going to have to get himself blinders so he could focus. Aggressively jamming his earphone back in so “focus or else” classical music piped through helped for a while.

Three times out of the next five days, the same guy ended up sitting near Zhou Mi. Sometimes he was there before Zhou Mi, and sometimes he got there not long before Zhou Mi left, but he was there. There was a possibility that, since they were on the same food in the same section, that they were writing for similar things. Zhou Mi would’ve remembered having that face in his class though. And he definitely would’ve remembered those thighs.

“Are you studying history?” Zhou Mi asked, sliding into one of the seats at the table and refusing to let himself run away any more. Dark eyes slowly rose, blinking as though coming out of some deep thought.

“No, actually. This is the quietest part of the library, though, so…”

Zhou Mi’s lips twitched. “Because all the subjects are dead?”

Kyuhyun laughed and something in Zhou Mi’s stomach tightened. And when Zhou Mi tilted his head, he saw it was true. The books scattered were economics and music theory.

“I’ve seen you here the last week and thought I’d ask. My name is Zhou Mi.”

“Kyuhyun. Which dead person are you studying?”

Kyuhyun could’ve shrugged him off. Instead, he closed his laptop and leaned in towards Zhou Mi.


Prompt: Qmi library prompt! Haha..one day kyu meet a boy while he was spending time in his usual library and fall in love that instant and yeah flufffff~~~ kk thanks! ^^


Kyuhyun let his fingers run along numbers and names on spines, rough binding and slick dust covers. One glance at what he was currently lurking at told him he was staring at automotive repair books, but that was as close as he dared get to the Guy with the Legs and the Smile. Or, that was how he’d put it when he’d been waiting in line to check out with his two novels and study guide, only to see a man slip in and flash a smile at one of the librarians - and get pointed the way that Kyuhyun had followed. He didn’t really know about the legs until he got closer, too much in the way of sight. And there he was lurking as the man hummed and tilted his head, looking through the numerous cookbooks that the library had.

Pretty smile. Endless legs. Cooking skills? Kyuhyun was conjuring dreams in his head of seven course dinners between lengthy kisses and-

One of his books dropped off his arm, and Kyuhyun’s face flushed as he reached down to snatch it back up. And he almost started when he stood back up, because Legs was there looking back at him.

“Sorry, am I in your way?” Legs asked, all courteous on a pleasant voice.

“Oh. No. Well.”

Kyuhyun edged a step closer. Cookbooks were generally a source of frustration and hunger. Unlike restaurant menus he couldn’t just order it up, and he couldn’t eat the pages.

“Are you looking for anything particular?” Kyuhyun asked.

“A book my grandmother recommended. She knows how to cook everything but she has no amounts. She just throws things together.” The man shook his head sadly. “I’ve tried. I failed.”

Kyuhyun mostly swallowed the chuckle. “You like cooking then?”

“When it succeeds! You?”

“I like eating,” Kyuhyun hedged, and Legs laughed, maybe just a touch too loud for a library.

“If you help me find the book, maybe I can help you with that?”

There wasn’t anything overly flirty in the tone, but the way his head tilted, and the way his eyes maybe lingered for a moment on Kyuhyun’s mouth.

It made him swallow and imagine long trips to the grocery store and sampling things off of spoons while sitting on the kitchen counter, and meals with ankles hooked together.

“If you give me the name…” Kyuhyun started.

“Zhou Mi. Though that’s my name.”

Zhou Mi. It almost sounded like a smile. He wasn’t supposed to get shy just exchanging names in a corner of the library.

“I’m Kyuhyun?”

And he posed it like a question and watched Zhou Mi nod. “Kyuhyun,” he repeated, solemn.

He thought he was going to jitter off his knees by the time Zhou Mi stopped considering him, and actually handed Kyuhyun a piece of paper with a last name and a number written on it.

When Kyuhyun’s hand touched the book spine, Zhou Mi’s hand covered his.

His hitching smile spurred Zhou Mi’s, and they pulled the book off the shelf together.


Prompt: I found this cute quote from ‎@HuffPostBooks: "Seeing someone reading a book you love is seeing a book recommending a person." -Unknown // Can I request a QMi and a BloHyuk based on this? Up to you to put it in the same drabble or separate ones. Thank you~


People probably thought that they were boring for getting together every week with their coffee and their books, and just sitting there. It wasn’t as though he and Zhou Mi didn’t talk, because they did, but there were lapses as they fell into chapters, into ideas and fantasies that the words created for them. Coffee was finished, drinks bought and tasted. It was social and solitary all at once, and perfect.

Zhou Mi’s head popped up when Hyukjae kicked his shin. “Hey. You have an admirer. It’s the guy with the glasses. Every time you shift your book he looks up at you like you’re some kind of muffin he wants a bite of.”

Zhou Mi scoffed, but Hyukjae wasn’t lying.

“Maybe he just likes the book,” Zhou Mi said.

“Could be. Maybe he likes who’s holding it.”

“Is he cute?”

Hyukjae scoffed. “You think I’m supposed to know everything about your type? Look. He just looked down.”

Hyukjae was glancing quick between the guy’s face and Zhou Mi’s quick appraisal.

“And he’s been looking at me?” Zhou Mi clarified, a smile starting to form to Hyukjae’s amusement.

“Yeah. So. Go hit on him or something.”

“I like the book he’s reading,” Zhou Mi said, and nearly gurgled. “Okay. I can do that.”

“Woohoo,” Hyukjae cheered quietly.

Though when Zhou Mi stood, Hyukjae stayed to the guy wouldn’t think that they were leaving. He stayed while Zhou Mi leaned across the coffee counter and charmed the barista into telling him what the guy was drinking, and until Zhou Mi paid and carried both drinks he’d bought to the guy’s table. He saw the guy’s eyes widen when he saw who was there, and the gesture to the other seat, and Zhou Mi wiggling into it. Hyukjae didn’t even have to see he was smiling to know he was.

And that was when Hyukjae packed up and made for the door, because he didn’t want to over or be an accidental third wheel. He would text Zhou Mi a demand for details, though. Empty cup abandoned and card scanned, he settled on subway to ride the ten stops it’d take to get to his apartment. It was time enough to get at least another chapter read. Well, he’d meant to. Mostly he daydreamed and flipped pages.

Two stops from his, a man settled across from him. Hyukjae’s glance told him only the man looked tired. But as the train started up again, the familiar blue cover in the man’s hand had him looking up again. It was the same book he was reading.

A burst of crippling shyness hit and the train passed his stop and kept on going. He was nearly willing the man to look up and comment. What he got was laughter, a wry smile on the man’s face when he looked up.

Hyukjae looked down and his book was the right side up. He didn’t really understand why he was being laughed at.

“Sorry,” the man said. “You’re the fifth person I’ve seen today with that book.”

Ah. Then-

“How are you liking it?”

And Hyukjae’s brows rose. Maybe out of those five people, it was Hyukjae he chose to speak to. And that made him grip his book just a bit harder.


Prompt: Request: qmi steampunk!au. One of them is in danger, the other saves his life. Top!Mi, rimming (you saw this coming, didn't you? :P). Bonus points if everything revolves around some kind of newly discovered artefact or invention. smut


It wasn’t the first time that there were other people interested in the same artefact that they were. They’d gone in in the dead of night to whisk away something that Kyuhyun thought to be pertinent or even dangerous, or sometimes just highly interesting. They’d given bribes, and used disguises, and secret exits. One time, they’d used a steam car to knock down part of a wall - though that hadn’t been strictly Zhou Mi’s idea. He’d just been in the car when Kyuhyun had screamed at him to jump out. They’d all been lucky that there’d been no one for that wall to fall on. Zhou Mi had been threatened with knives, and guns, and once very memorably with an elephant tusk. But he’d never been shot at. He’d still never been shot at.

But Kyuhyun had. And that day particularly, Kyuhyun had nearly been hit.

The airship was their method of escape, a cabin booked, their belongings waiting. There was a box little bigger than Zhou Mi’s palm tucked in Kyuhyun’s shirt, and he was making his way out of the curio shop with practiced nonchalance.

The glass shattered behind Kyuhyun’s head and Zhou Mi nearly stood up in the car to shout, gripping the steering wheel with both hands as Kyuhyun ran. Stone was fracting along the wall he ran along, more bullets, too close behind him.

“Faster, faster,” Zhou Mi chanted, easing the car into gear. He could feel the engine bubbling, ready to open at his command as soon as Kyuhyun got the majority of his body mass anywhere inside the open door.

“Drive!” Kyuhyun shouted, and nearly slammed his fingers in the door as Zhou Mi slammed the lever open and the car shuddered and sped.

“You got it?” Zhou Mi gasped.

“Yes, and I’m fine!” Kyuhyun retorted. “Watch out for-”

“I see!” Zhou Mi bellowed, narrowly missing a car trying to get in front of him.

“They’ll come after us.”

“The air ship won’t take off until we’re there,” Zhou Mi said. And he was confident in that. He owned a third of the company.

Once they were in the air, there was nothing that could be done, no way they could be easily found or caught up with. And once he slowed the steam car to a more human pace, he could actually think again besides worrying he would kill a pedestrian.

“Are you okay?”

“They shot at me!” Kyuhyun bellowed.

“Did they hit you?”

Kyuhyun knocked brick dust out of his hair. “No. They were lousy shots.”

And Zhou Mi laughed out the residual panic all the way to the air field.


“You were nearly killed, and you’re still poking at that thing,” Zhou Mi said, rubbing the last of the water from his hair as he emerged from his own bath. Kyuhyun was still in his dressing gown, barefooted and leaning over the table where the mysterious box still rested.

“There has to be a way to open it. The way those men were after it, there’s some value here that we don’t know about.”

“Staring at it isn’t going to help. We’ll do better back in the lab where we have the equipment to examine it.” Or, where Kyuhyun could examine it. Zhou Mi did better networking to find where the next source of Kyuhyun’s fascination would come from.

“We have this room all to ourselves,” Zhou Mi said.

When Kyuhyun turned to argue the point, Zhou Mi had arranged himself to his own satisfaction. Propped on the bed, his thighs spread, he lazily stroked his own cock, half hard from the imaginings in his bathtub of what they could do on their journey home.

Unless Kyuhyun was so deep in the process of discovery that he couldn’t wend his way back, waggling an erection at him usually got the desired response. Kyuhyun was thorough and interested, and there was not one orgasm he brought Zhou Mi to that Kyuhyun did not learn another thing about Zhou Mi’s response for the next time. Whether that was in the lab with Zhou Mi on a stool and Kyuhyun on his knees, or with Kyuhyun flat on their bed with Zhou Mi pressed inside him.

Zhou Mi was pretty good at observing too, his hand not stilling as Kyuhyun walked closer, watching the cloth begin to shadow as Kyuhyun’s cock started doing the thinking for him.

“It’s been a day,” Kyuhyun seemed to agree, stopping between Zhou Mi’s knees.

It took a tug for the tie to loosen, a line of skin bare to his eyes, Kyuhyun’s cock still beginning to lengthen and stand. But that skin at his hips was bath-warmed and fragrant and Zhou Mi’s mouth watered as his eyes traveled from Kyuhyun’s cock to his mouth. Sweet. Lovely and plush.

“And you did almost die,” Zhou Mi pointed out. Best to take their pleasure before the next incident of almost losing each other. The cloth fell, and Kyuhyun straddled him, the bed depressing around his hips. He moaned at the touch of Kyuhyun’s tongue against his lips, the softest touch of their cocks together.

“What do you want?” Kyuhyun asked, his hair silky and a bit too long against Zhou Mi’s fingers.

“To taste you,” Zhou Mi said. “To make you beg.”

But Kyuhyun nearly made him beg, wet lips against Zhou Mi’s neck, lips and teeth tugging at his nipples, clever tongue circling against his cock before Kyuhyun crawled up Zhou Mi’s body and pressed his cock against Zhou Mi’s lips. He sucked deeply to Kyuhyun’s moans, feeling Kyuhyun grow harder until Kyuhyun pulled from him again, his cock curving toward his belly.

It had Zhou Mi sitting up, seeing the lovely expanse of Kyuhyun’s back, his braced thighs and the curve of his hips and ass. If he hadn’t been hard, he would have become so immediately.

He stroked Kyuhyun’s back as though he gentled a horse, inhaling against his skin and filling his hands with Kyuhyun’s thighs and the heaviness of his erection.

Ah. He finally would have what he wanted.


“Isn’t this better than banging on that old box?”

“But I want to know what it was for,” Kyuhyun insisted, nearly rolling his eyes at the headboard.

Kyuhyun hissed as Zhou Mi ran a clever finger over the sensitive head of his cock, offering the droplet he gathered to Kyuhyun’s mouth. And he complied, licking Zhou Mi’s finger clean before sucking at his fingertip. A hint, at what he wanted.

“I have found an artefact here that I quite enjoy,” Zhou Mi said, kissing the slope of Kyuhyun’s ass as he fondled Kyuhyun’s cock.

Kyuhyun made a sound low in his throat, before saying, “Yes, but you know what that is for. Zhou Mi-”

The sucking kisses pressed against giving flesh got Kyuhyun’s attention, just as Zhou Mi had to have hoped.

Zhou Mi’s fingertips teased him, over his balls and the length of his cock as the kisses continued. Zhou Mi nuzzled him and Kyuhyun braced, trying to keep breathing as Zhou Mi teased. More than teased.

But his whole body tensed at the touch of Zhou Mi’s tongue. His hips tensed, forcing his cock into Zhou Mi’s hand.

And it had only been the most tentative little lick.

Zhou Mi teased him that Kyuhyun paid attention to what Zhou Mi wanted, but Zhou Mi seemed to find Kyuhyun’s sensitivities with uncanny ease. He’d made Kyuhyun writhe with his fingertips, with fingers sliding deep, with the breadth of his cock. Each was a different pleasure, a different torture.

The first time they had been together, he had come in Zhou Mi’s mouth, seduced by his kisses, the clever words. So he’d had no doubt of the talent of that tongue.

But when it plied him for entry it made him tremble, the wet of Zhou Mi’s mouth, warmth, a strength there he could have refused but didn’t. He gave and it left him gasping as Zhou Mi’s tongue slid into him. He wanted Zhou Mi’s mouth everyone, sucking his cock, biting his belly, making his neck tingle and his mouth swell.

Nails slid along his thighs and he nearly choked as he inhaled, the air rushing right back out as he moaned. Zhou Mi’s tongue stopped its flutters, sliding deep. Even if he had wanted to focus not he box on the table, any number of mysteries, he couldn’t, enthralled by the thickness of Zhou Mi’s tongue, and the silkily slide of his fingertips.

“Zhou Mi,” he bit out, the wet sounds of the fucking - and that was what it was- so stark. Zhou Mi moaned against him as though he wanted nothing but that response, to open him with so little, to make him want with the rough textured slide, to make him sensitive and throb.

Zhou Mi had begun once when Kyuhyun was still soft, twenty minutes of moans and soft sounds, growing harder and desperate as Zhou Mi wrote out his adoration on Kyuhyun’s body. He’d come in Zhou Mi’s hand from that insistent press of flesh. He’d been pressed onto his back with his hips high, watching, Zhou Mi’s eyes on his as he teased, as what he had never expected undid him.

And Zhou Mi did it again. And again. And each time it was new, and each time left him gasping.

When Zhou Mi breathed against his lower back, Kyuhyun’s fingers dug into the blanket.

“Zhou Mi.”

“What do you want?”

“More,” he demanded.

“More of… More of this?” Zhou Mi asked, his tongue taking an obscene circle on Kyuhyun’s skin. “Or more of…”

Kyuhyun shook his head, nodded his head, nearly bleated as two of Zhou Mi’s fingers slid into him.

“Yes. That. Zhou Mi. No.”



Zhou Mi was laughing, soft little huffs against his spine, between his shoulders. Between their pillows, a wooden box rested, and Kyuhyun watched as Zhou Mi’s hand closed around it.

“You’re sure.”

Zhou Mi kissed his shoulder and Kyuhyun leaned his head against him. His hips rose and wiggled, and it was Zhou Mi then that moaned for him.

“You feel sure enough for me,” Kyuhyun taunted, and his eyes closed as Zhou Mi kissed his cheek, retreating.

When Zhou Mi’s cock slid into him, he was slick from the thickened oil in the box, not just the wet of his mouth to ease him, though Kyuhyun wasn’t sure at that moment if it would have failed. Zhou Mi’s warm chest against his back, the steady roll of his hips as each movement took him deeper, until he was panting against Kyuhyun’s neck and pressed to him, hip against hip.

“Better than an artefact?” Zhou Mi asked, at the same time his hand took several swift strokes along Kyuhyun’s cock.

He could only moan, defeated.

Zhou Mi loved to watch him work, loved to see him take things apart and see how they fit together, how they accomplished their tasks. Zhou Mi loved to hear him speak of it, to him, to others, giving lectures and going bright with new ideas. Zhou Mi loved him on his knees, on his back, in his body or against him, against his back or mouth to mouth. He’d seen Zhou Mi laugh, and cry.

He’d nearly died.

Zhou Mi loved-

“Zhou Mi.”

He didn’t know if he asked for permission or not, but Zhou Mi gave it, nodding against him, shuddering above him, and he clutched Zhou Mi’s hand around him and came, gasping. Zhou Mi moaned, braced over him, the harsh exhale of Zhou Mi’s breaths in time to the gradual slowing of his hips.

It was Zhou Mi’s weight that drew them down, shifting a bit to keep angles off of angles, to fight together, thigh against thigh and Zhou Mi’s hand against his chest.

“Are you sure I’m alive now?” Kyuhyun asked, his voice sounding almost foreign to him, like his ears were almost blocked a bit.

“I was pretty sure before,” Zhou Mi said, chucklng. “I don’t make a habit of doing this with...well. If there was- No, I’m not going to speculate on that artefact.”

Yes, that was best.

“Zhou Mi?”


The sound was soft and low, Zhou Mi’s head close to his.

“I’m glad you travel with me. And study. You could be anywhere.”

With anyone else. Any other researcher would have been glad to have Zhou Mi’s talents. Not just those in the bedroom.

“As long as you’re there,” Zhou Mi murmured.

It made him flush and clutch at Zhou Mi’s hand, though Zhou Mi was well on his way asleep. Maybe it meant nothing, and maybe it meant exactly what it sounded like. He knew which he wanted. And he knew which it was for him.

“You fell asleep on top of the blanket again,” Kyuhyun mourned.

He’d force himself to get up and find another blanket to cover them. But not right then. He didn’t want to lose that contact, not yet. One day he’d get those words out of Zhou Mi when they were awake.

And he imagined they’d be working on some artefact together.


Prompt: Kyuhyun calling Zhou Mi hyung.


“Zhou Mi hyung.”

Those were words that were excited, and tired, and laced with whining at times. That time, amused, Kyuhyun’s eyes alight with interest and laughter, tugging at Zhou Mi’s sleeve and sharing the secrets in his words and all over his posture, the way he leaned in. He confessed that Kyuhyun saying that brought him an undue amount of pleasure, like when Kyuhyun giggled against him or offered him food.

He liked “ge” too, because it was something special in his own language that Kyuhyun shared with him. “Hyung” was something else though, not something that distanced them like some felt it was. Something comfortable and respectful, something that was from Kyuhyun, something he shared.

Kyuhyun smiled and hung on to him, and Zhou Mi laughed back him. He liked that he was in a position to protect. He liked that he was someone Kyuhyun knew he could lean on. He liked Kyuhyun’s soft sweater and slick pants, and that there was difference between the persona that Kyuhyun shared with others, and the softness he shared with Zhou Mi. He liked that there were connections, not walls, and that there was trust there he would never try to break.

So when Kyuhyun tugged, he always leaned in for more secrets.


Prompt: maybe some cuddly, wintry, cosy and sickengly fluffy qmi


There was a fire that they hadn’t abandoned entirely, but instead they’d hauled out an old and cozy blanket, sharing a mug of hot tea between them as they huddled at the medium window. It was enough, though a window wider than Zhou Mi’s arm-span would’ve been nicer. Through it, they could see a haze of chilled fog, and in that, glorious huge sloppy snowflakes as big as the end of one of his fingers. It had started light and gotten thicker, covering the grass, and the remnants of a previous snow. Twenty minutes in, everything was white, snow linking to the railings and window sill. In the breeze, it drifted a bit, and Kyuhyun almost shivered as Zhou Mi breathed against his neck, warm from the tea.

“We’re going to have to shovel,” Kyuhyun said, his tone bright but anticipation somewhat dull.

There was a joy to the cold, to the snow. It was new, and when they were lucky, they got to come in out of it and get sweaty by the fire, or take a long hot shower together. They could hear the wood popping, Zhou Mi’s ankles cradling both of his between them.

“Snow angels?” Zhou Mi offered.


Snow down the back of jackets. Snow men. Snow turtles. Snow mice. They’d made just about everything. They had a snow picnic once, eating sliced fruit and ramen and laughing as Kyuhyun tried to write his name with the remnants of their soup.

“I’ll help you,” Zhou Mi said, nuzzling behind Kyuhyun’s ear.

They’d help each other get layered up, and help each other get layered off. He had a stew in the fridge he just had to heat, so they could just relax after. He liked imagining Zhou Mi’s muscles at work while they shoveled.

And Zhou Mi raised an eyebrow at him when Kyuhyun chuckled.

“We’re talking about snow, how can you be thinking about something dirty?”

As always, Zhou Mi knew him far too well. But that was his secret to keep, at least until later.


Prompt: Could you write Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi's 1st meeting (language barriers, photoshoot thing, and Kyu feeding Mi) from the perspective of one of the other original SJM members? Thanks~


It was true of a number of things that they had no idea what they were going to do until they got somewhere for a schedule. That day wasn’t different. Donghae was very content to sit and have makeup applied, Kyuhyun several feet away and nearly finished. That was when a manager came in, leading a trainee that Donghae vaguely remembered seeing. Very tall. Very thin. And as his greeting stumbled out, not Korean. They chorused back a greeting, and continued getting ready There wasn’t much explanation other than they would all be taking pictures together - new concept, new ideas, new market. New member?

Zhou Mi was the trainee, and they got that after a couple of utterings, and Donghae watched as Kyuhyun tried the name out. Zhou Mi grinned, nodding, and Donghae got the first real understanding about why Zhou Mi might’ve been picked. Maybe he sang, or danced. Zhou Mi posed like he’d posed of cameras before, mixing into their group, and letting himself be placed where the photographer and the managers wanted. With confusion, though, because one of them had to sort of show Zhou Mi at times, the Korean not sinking in. They all stood back as Zhou Mi and Kyuhyun took a series of shots alone together. And Donghae had to bite his lip not to laugh as Kyuhyun tried to subtly make himself look taller.

They were treated to food after, which had Kyuhyun sharing a look with him. When food was more than food, it was an instruction to get to know each other. But they could talk, a little. Zhou Mi blinked at Donghae’s question about where he was from, apology spreading over his face because he didn’t understand.

When Kyuhyun lifted the first piece of meat he’d cut, Zhou Mi stared at it like it was a test, and Kyuhyun offered a little closer. Zhou Mi took it, delicate, chewing and smiling. A sound of enjoyment, universal. Kyuhyun smiled back at Zhou Mi, and turned back to his food in approval.

He thought they all smiled a little more after that.


Prompt: I just reread your fic Project Love Story and was wondering if you could write a bit about them planning the wedding and asking Henry and/or Eunhyuk to design the dress but it doesn't seem right so Mi ends up doing it himself? (Bonus if Henry tries to design Mi's clothes) Thank you! <3


“You want me to make Kyuhyun’s wedding dress,” Henry said, peering at Zhou Mi through his webcam.

“We’re getting options,” Zhou Mi said, all but bouncing in his seat. “I can’t believe the wedding is only five months away.”

“That’s kind of late, isn’t it?”

Henry had the gall to laugh at Zhou Mi’s guilty face. Kyuhyun had been sending subtle nudges and emails, because of that shrinking period of time. It wasn’t that he was being nagged so much as Kyuhyun wanted to be sure she wasn’t going to marry him in a t-shirt and shorts. Which, he thought they should try, actually, once they finalized where they were going on their honeymoon. Basically, they had a lot of things to figure out.

“I don’t want her in some dress thousands of other women will wear.”

“And you want me to make it,” Henry clarified. “Me.”

“If we can agree on a design?” Zhou Mi said. “And if Kyuhyun likes it. That’s most important.”

“But you want me to make it?”

“Why do you keep asking that?” Zhou Mi asked, scowling.

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the hundred and one interviews you’ve done talking about how much you like designing for her, and how much you like her in your clothes. And, you know, how you met because she was your model? Plus, someone’s going to get really rich because odds are that she’s more like to walk out naked than wear something you didn’t make yourself.”

“You’re a good designer! I trust you,” Zhou Mi said. And the little itch in the back of his mind started. What if the seaming wasn’t just right. She needed something perfect. Plus, there was the shape of the bodice to consider, and the way it joined with the skirt.

He realized Henry was just smirking at him.

“What now?”

Henry leaned in. “I’ll fly out and help you make it. If you make her dress, I’ll figure out how to make you a pair of pants. How about that?”

That sounded good. Because there was no way he was getting married wearing a kilt.


The one thing Zhou Mi didn’t see was Kyuhyun in the dress before they got married. Henry, with boatloads of propriety, helped Kyuhyun into the dress for a fitting. Together, the smoothed every seam. Henry made his suit, his shirt, with a little guidance. They were both going to look good, and that pleased him.

“It’s just hanging and waiting for you to be in it.”

“I’m sure our wedding photographs will be lovely because of the dress,” Kyuhyun teased, and he pinched her chin.

“It’s one less thing we have to worry about,” he said, and leaned his head against hers. “Though. Where are we going on our honeymoon?”

He might have to make her a whole new wardrobe, after all.


Prompt: could you write a dark qmi idk its early i cant think of anything specific i just want darkness and qmi


The more he sat there, the more he shook, sweat slipping down his chest even as the rest of his skin was chilled. They had to get out. The candle had fallen, and he’d watched the flame flicker out. But it had been so low anyway, a wick swimming in molten wax. His skin still smarted in places from that wax, catching at ripped cloth as his eyes tried to adjust and he felt along stone by stone.

His whole hand into a spider’s web had him recoiling, the cry pent up in his throat as he ducked and reached.

He thought, in this corner, it was the last time he’d seen Zhou Mi.

A whimper bubbled when he found cold fingertips, and the hand in his was slack.

“Wake up. We have to go,” he whispered, tasting blood from where he’d bitten his lip in pain.

He stilled. Against his ribs, his heart thudded, at the sound of a scrape against stone.

Just the tiniest sound, like a fingernail along ridges, a guide.

He forced himself to breathe, a wave of dizziness swamping him as he listened.

He couldn’t carry Zhou Mi, and he couldn’t run on jellied knees.

They had to get out.


Prompt: um haiiii coley!! i miss qmi huhuhu (and you're like qmi one-stop center hehehe <33), can i have qmi 50 First Dates but with girl!Mi? thanks a loooot~~~


The less she knew the better, according to some people. Kyuhyun hadn’t meant to fall for Zhou Mi, hadn’t mean to- He hadn’t meant to do a lot of things. He wondered how long she could’ve kept reliving the same day without knowing. If one day, she’d have found a mirror like some kind of Sleeping Beauty, and wondered at how different she looked.

They’d have broken all her mirrors, maybe. She’d have been resigned to nightmares of a life lost in the blink of an eye, a life she’d lived in full, only never knowing.

It made Kyuhyun breathless to know Zhou Mi remembered him, even that tiny thread that connected him from being a total stranger to someone that wasn’t wholly a stranger. He envied the people she remember fully, a lifetime of memories in her head instead of something fleeting. But he cherished that.

“Since we went out to dinner last night,” Zhou Mi said, her arms sliding around Kyuhyun’s neck. “I think tonight we should stay in.”

She may have waggled her eyebrows.

And she knew they’d went out, because it had been written down. Sometimes he did, sometimes she did, but she knew at least, where time was going. Pictures she sometimes teared up to see, even if she couldn’t remember what they had done. Feelings, maybe she wouldn’t ever fully realize.

But the smile she aimed at him, that was real. The trust she had in him, with their foreheads together, that he felt.

And in some small way, she knew him. And that was enough.


pairing: qmi, fic: super junior

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