Title: Misconceptions
Pairings: Zhou Mi/Kyuhyun, Siwon/Henry, Sungmin/Ryeowook
Rating: NC-17 overall
Genre: AU, Non-AU, smut, fluff
Summary: Three prompts including qmi hospital!AU, wonry college!au, and minwook non-AU.
Prompt: Qmi in the hospital!AU where Mimi falls sick (with a minor illness like the flu or a fever or something) and he freaks out because he's never been sick in years (having been extremely precautious what with beeing a doctor and all). Kyu tries to take care of him/calm him down amidst his own shifts.
The Zhou Mi that Kyuhyun knew was not the cheeriest morning riser. Or afternoon. Or evening Whenever they were waking up for a shift. They’d actually been fairly lucky in the amount that they got to see each other, usually getting to share one meal together at the hospital and also sleeping on the same schedule. There had been at least one four week period when their schedules had swung around, when he was just getting up when Zhou Mi was getting ready to sleep, and they’d been lucky to share a meal at that point, too. Getting home or trying to leave while someone was conked out on the bed put a real crimp on things, not to mention on together time.
Nevertheless, the only time he’d seen Zhou Mi be peppy when climbing out of bed was when he had just gotten laid. Kyuhyun was usually pretty happy then, too. Most times they blearily kissed each other and stood together in osmosis until one of them moved toward the coffeemaker to pour the programmed coffee and the other moved toward the bathroom to wait to be joined.
Though Kyuhyun had ceased drinking his coffee while standing at the toilet after an incident of a, fortunately cool, drop of coffee had landed on a rather sensitive area. After Zhou Mi had finished laughing at him, he’d agreed that it was better safe than sorry. He’d maybe also gotten a tiny kiss for his almost-burn.
But a Zhou Mi who didn’t move when the alarm went off, not even to shove a pillow over his head in discontent, that was a new one. He’d been feeling a little off the night before, quiet and saying he felt gross but he hadn’t had a fever or anything. So they’d even gone to sleep early. Kyuhyun felt refreshed. Zhou Mi didn’t look like he felt the same. When Kyuhyun loomed over him, Zhou Mi opened his eyes like a wounded forest animal.
The words “I don’t feel good” were barely out of Zhou Mi’s mouth before he started retching, and Kyuhyun got a garbage can to him just in time. Years of quick reflexes ingrained.
“You are sick,” Kyuhyun observed helpfully.
Zhou Mi moaned into the can.
Not just sick, it turned out. Kyuhyun was pretty sure he knew already, and Zhou Mi knew too by the way he wouldn’t say it, but he finally got Zhou Mi into clothes and to a doctor who confirmed it was the dreaded flu and sent them off with antivirals and a head shake. Doctors being the kind of patients that they were. Actually Zhou Mi was lucky that Kyuhyun was able to shove him into doing something rather than complaining that he was at death’s door.
Kyuhyun had scheduled an extra hour off to get Zhou Mi to the doctor, back again, and settled, since he was due for a shift at the hospital. If his parents hadn’t been out of the country and his sister working, he would’ve had one of them come to help Zhou Mi who was like a floppy, achy, feverish lanky man stretched over their couch.
The first thing he made sure Zhou Mi had near him was a phone and his tablet, and the TV remote. Half the battle of getting through sickness besides staying warm and drinking fluid was being occupied when not sleeping. If he didn’t see to that, then he could imagine Zhou Mi was going to start texting the universe.
“I have the plague,” Zhou Mi moaned.
Kyuhyun stared at Zhou Mi, after reading the temperature on the readout. “You have the flu.”
“Is that not the same thing?” Zhou Mi asked, surely the most hangdog look on his face that a human could muster.
Kyuhyun didn’t even bother dignifying that with an answer, patting Zhou Mi’s shoulder and making plans in his head over what supplies he would be leaving. “When was the last time you were sick?”
“I don't know.” And there was a delicate whine on that answer. “My last year interning?”
“So a really long time ago,” Kyuhyun joked, and skittered away before Zhou Mi could kick him in the butt. He was surprisingly good at that.
They’d both been vaccinated, of course, but clearly before his immunity could kick in, Zhou Mi had gotten “lucky.”
Kyuhyun brought out mugs, a bowl, and spoons. He cut up fruit, suspending little covered cups of it in a bowl of ice near Zhou Mi so he could reach for it whenever he wanted. The electric kettle was filled and plugged in nearby, so Zhou Mi could make himself tea or make the soup in the powdered packets, and a pitcher full of cold water as well. Extra blankets, cooling fever strips for his forehead, protein bars, and a box of tissues. Medicine for his fever and his sore throat. Everything that Kyuhyun could think of. He even left a bottle to pee in just in case, thoughtful person that he was.
“Stay hydrated,” Kyuhyun ordered, as though Zhou Mi didn’t know. “Don’t stop eating. Call me if you start feeling worse. Don’t burn yourself.”
“Make sure to wash!” Zhou Mi whispered, eyes urgent. “I'm breathing on your clothes. No one else needs to get sick.”
“I can take off my clothes with gloves if that’ll satisfy you, my lord?” And Kyuhyun knew how bad Zhou MI felt when he didn’t even joke about Kyuhyun getting naked. “I promise I’ll be careful so I don’t spread this around. I’ll try not to bring some other plague home to you, either. You took the antiviral?”
“Yes. Stupid body. Bad. Too hot. Ugh. Hurt.”
He wanted to sit beside him and cuddle Zhou Mi's miserable face but he had a shift to do, other patients to help.
“Love you,” he said, brushing his fingers against Zhou Mi’s warm face and wishing he could do more. But all he’d done, he knew Zhou Mi would do for him.
Prompt: Where dandy gentleman Siwon (rich upperclassman/it boy in campus) goes after transfer student Henry (younger, musician, awkward, you get the picture...). Henry is a closeted drama queen thinking Siwon is in one of these bets that all teenage movies since the dawn of time seem to have. But the truth is, Siwon just wants to tap THAT. Donghae too. Y'know, like Siwon's best friend that's super dense but also super nice! The perfect guy next door that naive Henry would fall for?
Coming into a new school in the middle of the year wasn’t easy, especially in early grades when all the kids already had buddies. It was easier in college, since the start of new classes meant the shuffling of students and new teachers. There was always the possibility of someone new showing up. Henry had moved in about a week before classes, wanting to get acclimated to the area and the campus. But it still took him another couple of weeks to really get his bearings, really learn the ins and outs of directions, and get over the burn in his thighs from hiking a bunch of hills. Most of his classes were music oriented, so he felt comfortable there, but he was also taking Korean to supplement his knowledge.
He got assigned a language buddy, the knowledgable and patient Ryeowook. Ryeowook had a few distinctions in that he was friendly, was also in the music department, and - as someone pointed out to Henry like it was an accomplishment - was friends with a friend of the most popular guy on campus. Ryeowook protested that, laughing. He was just a normal guy, Ryeowook said, patting Henry’s knee. This guy was just a normal guy, which was at least partially true.
So popular was stretching it, but Siwon was certainly famous. Henry heard the whispers of girls in their seats, look, it’s Siwon. And he was good looking. Maybe too good looking. He was also by all accounts incredibly rich and drove a car worth about all three of the cars Henry’s family owned combined, plus a couple more. Henry had heard that story before, and he’d lived it. He knew not every rich kid was a snob but it was hard not to wonder.
Henry actually got to know Siwon’s friend Donghae, who was the friend of Ryeowook’s friend Sungmin. It was convoluted. But Donghae was opposite of everything Henry wondered about Siwon. He was cheerful and wide eyed with a great laugh, and at times gullible - which Henry learned when he was telling a tall tale about Canada and realized Donghae believed him.
It was cute. And Donghae was cute, too, not to mention really hot with his flirty little grins. He leaned into people like a puppy seeking affection, his laugh almost too bright to look at.
Henry had one of those oops moments when he realized he’d started writing his parents about meeting Donghae, and when he’d typed “this cute guy.”
That was why Henry needed friends, to help him from crushing on probably not attainable, but still really adorable people. And Ryeowook didn’t let him fade into the corners, inviting him out to group dinners, and to the pool. He tried not to stare too much as Donghae fought with Sungmin and Hyukjae for a ball, moving through the water like a laughing walrus. And it had just been fun, playing keepaway with a bunch of cool guys and trying not to get hard because hey, Donghae was grinning at him.
And then Siwon walked out, all long legs and perfect torso in a perfectly fitted set of trunks.
“That’s Siwon. He sucks,” Sungmin said.
“Yeah,” Henry said faintly, and his body wasn’t sure what it was doing. Hot, it registered that. And Siwon greeted him, all suave and smiley. He had dimples.
But then Donghae nearly bounced the ball of his head, and Siwon started wrestling with Hyukjae, and it was the best kind of fun chaos he could imagine.
So he’d met The Guy, the one apparently all the men envied and all the women wanted. “And he’s not even a jerk about it most of the time,” Sungmin had bemoaned, as if that would have been a positive character attribute, something to dislike about him since he wasn’t nice enough to lord his wealth or stature over them.
Siwon had a way of edging into conversations like he’d been there the whole time. He started insinuating himself into study time with Ryeowook, and Henry’s conversational skills drizzled out of his ears. At least it wasn’t Donghae, he consoled himself as Siwon grinned at Ryeowook, because that would’ve meant he was there panting like a puppy. Crushes were the devil, and he felt his face heating as Siwon and Ryeowook both looked at him like they could see what he was thinking about.
Siwon had really good English, scooting closer after Ryeowook left, so close Henry almost felt compelled to edge away just slightly. Siwon wore some kind of cologne that wasn’t overpowering, just light and a bit musky. It was actually kind of nice, when Henry wasn’t feeling disgruntled and hemmed in. He wondered how much money had been spent getting Siwon that English knowledge, and sighed at himself.
He spun little fantasies when he was alone that it was Donghae dropping by, dropping his arm around Henry’s shoulders, asking him if he wanted to get something to eat. Totally casual. Making excuses so Henry hung out more. Running across him by “accident” on campus and hanging out. Finding some place alone to make out in.
Not that any of those things happened, but he let his daydreams fuel him through classes.
“You heading back home?” Siwon asked, nudging Henry’s elbow where a group of them had met to study.
“Oh. Yeah,” Henry said, clutching his bookbag a little tighter.
“I’m going that way. I’ll give you a ride.”
“But the subway…”
Henry’s words trailed away as Siwon’s arm went around his shoulders, guiding him in the opposite direction of the subway and the others, and to where Siwon’s car was parked. It seemed a little rude to refuse, when Siwon was being friendly. And hey, he got to ride in Siwon’s car. That was an accomplishment. He mostly kept himself from playing with the buttons. His elbow on the window controls had been an accident, he swore, even as Siwon laughed at him.
Maybe Siwon picked people at random to drive with him, and it was Henry’s turn to get that honor. He couldn’t say he minded not having to jockey for a place on the subway as he told Siwon more specific instructions to get to his building.
And it wasn’t like Siwon locked the doors or held him captive or anything, but he was in Siwon’s car, the engine politely purring, and Siwon seemed to want to…talk. Right. Siwon got into it, like not even a little, pulling out his phone to show Henry pictures of his family, his room. Five minutes later, the engine was off, Siwon turned to him as fully as the car allowed, as they traded stories of world travel, and family weirdness.
And it was another hour after that when Henry finally realized he needed to get to bed.
“Thanks for the ride,” he said, since Siwon had rolled down the driver’s side window.
“Any time,” Siwon said, grinning. And he seemed sincere about it.
A couple more minutes of small talk, and Henry was jogging up the stairs.
That had been not how he’d expected his evening to end.
Henry wondered what Donghae would look like holding a violin, screeching out notes. He almost cooed thinking about it, watching Donghae imitating a tree as he explained something to Sungmin. Maybe he should’ve been reading his theory book, but he had time for that, and watching what everyone else was doing was more interesting. Supposedly they were supposed to be studying, too, but it seemed like more snacking and chitchat went on than anything else. But it wasn’t like he minded. If he’d really needed to study, he could’ve made his way to the library or gone to eat alone, or even gone home. The problem with home, though, was that there was the internet to distract him, or a DVD, so really being with friends or being home was about the same thing.
Siwon’s shoulder pushed into his from the side, and Henry watched Siwon’s pen flick up and down against his paper as he laughed at Sungmin pinning Hyukjae to the floor. Siwon’s shoulder. Yeah. Every time Siwon made a joke, Henry laughed off to the side and tried not to be flustered by Siwon pushing closer. Maybe his back straightened up just a bit since Siwon was tall. And had nice hands. He also subtly sniffed his own shoulder to make sure he didn’t smell.
But aside from those things, it was pretty awesome.
“Hey, Henry!”
The shout was possibly heard across half the campus, and Henry actually froze, watching Siwon descend a flight of stairs like some vengeful god out of the heavens, only with really awesome sunglasses.
“Sorry, didn’t want to miss you,” Siwon said, panting attractively. “Hey, you free for lunch today?”
Henry blinked, lifting his violin case slightly. “I…No?”
Neither of them had lunch times available as they went through their days, and Henry grew more confused.
“I have to go,” Siwon said, glancing at his watch. “I’ll talk to you after your study session with Ryeowook?”
“Yeah, okay!”
Henry walked off feeling conspicuous, like people were staring at him wondering why Siwon had bellowed at him and then talked to him. Maybe Siwon was organizing a group lunch, like the group dinners they had.
His phone started going off over the course of the afternoon with pictures Siwon had taken, little language notes, links to songs, questions about what kind of food Henry liked.
“Got your number from Ryeowook~ :^D It’s Siwon!” had been the first text.
Maybe they were group texts and Siwon was bored. Maybe everyone else had told him to buzz off if he had that much time. That made him laugh a little, because he honestly couldn’t imagine it. Siwon was too…Siwon. And it had nothing to do with his car, or his nice shoes.
Two weeks out from final testing, his brain was a noodle sludging around in his brain. He had his showcase song almost down, with another week to really iron it out, and his language grades had shot up. The only thing Ryeowook had asked in return was bubble tea, and hey, he was cool with that. He’d bought Ryeowook and Siwon bubble tea both for the hell of it, because Siwon had laughed at him via text and corrected his spelling a few times, and learning was learning. He’d gotten easier with the arms slung around him, Siwon’s offers to drive him home, or being all but tucked against him during some of their meals. Henry’s inclination was to gravitate to where Donghae was sitting, and that happened, too. He actually owed Siwon some thanks for that, from keeping him from appearing too much like a puppy dog who wanted patting. It wasn’t like Siwon was hard to look at, even if sometimes he had that niggling voice in the back of his head that wondered why him.
“Thanks for the ride,” Henry said to Siwon’s open window after he’d gotten out. And he just barely kept his eyebrows from raising when Siwon got out, too.
“It’s nice out tonight,” Siwon said.
It was. Just short of really brain-numbingly cold, but not so much that he was antsy to go inside. Actually he was kind of revved after two big cups of tea, rocking out to music in Siwon’s car, and then snuggling up to Siwon’s car as they talked.
“Are you going home during break?” Siwon asked, his breath puffing white in the cold air.
“No. It’s too expensive, plus there’s not enough time. I might try for spring, though. Plus it’ll be cheaper.”
“I’m glad we’ll see more of you, though it’s too bad you can’t see your family.”
“Ryeowook invited me to spend the holidays at his house, so at least I won’t be holed up all alone.”
His butt almost squeaked against the paint of the car as Siwon stepped up closer.
“That’s good. You’ll really like his family.”
Siwon knew them. Of course he did. All he could really do was make a sound of agreement, and brace himself.
One second he was leaning against the side of Siwon’s car, and the next second Siwon was looming over him, tipping up his chin. And he had only the time to freeze, as Siwon kissed him. Not just a cute little peck on the lips either, but one that had him nigh to whimpering from the press of Siwon’s lips and the hold of his fingers. And he gasped, his face red-hot as Siwon pulled back, focusing on Siwon’s smile because he couldn’t fathom anything else.
“W-what are you doing?”
“I wanted to do that for a while.”
But he was Henry. And Siwon was… Siwon was Siwon. Siwon was the guy everyone wanted. Not him.
“But. I. There’s someone I- You.”
His brain fizzled, trying to think in too many languages.
“Is there someone else you like?” Siwon asked, his fingers tightening a little on Henry’s arm. When Henry inclined his head, Siwon continued. “Ryeowook? Donghae?”
He cursed himself at the squeak he emitted, knowing Donghae was Siwon’s good friend. He had no right to feel like that, and there was Siwon who had just kissed him and he still couldn’t wrap his head around that.
“You have a crush on Donghae?”
Henry sputtered, trying to take back his arm.
“Henry. Henry.” And Henry finally looked up, steeling his jaw. “Donghae is dating someone. I can’t tell you who it is, and I’m not telling you this to be mean, but they’re really close.”
Someone would’ve told him. Somehow he’d have known. Or if Siwon was right, maybe no one said anything because they were so close, everyone already knew.
“Sometimes it’s better to know,” Siwon said, sounding far too considerate for Henry’s raging brain. “He’d have told you too, if he knew you-”
“Just because Donghae isn’t available doesn’t mean I’d want you!” Henry said, pulling his arm free. Donghae was dating someone. And Siwon had kissed him. “Is this some kind of- some kind of joke? Someone betting you you could get the stupid foreigner to go out with you because he doesn’t know better?”
“You can tell them you won,” Henry said, and powered himself all the way up to his apartment. Instead of relaxing like he planned, he paced, scrubbing angrily at the kitchen counters and folding his towel like it had done something wrong.
And when his adrenaline wore off, he crouched down, resting his forehead against the wooden edge of his futon. Donghae was dating someone, not magically available or ever going to walk up one day and ask Henry out. Siwon kissed him. He pressed the back of his hand to his mouth and let his eyes bug out just thinking that through. But seriously, it had to have been some kind of joke, a prank. Siwon, interested in him? Siwon of the endless, well-proportioned torso and sleek, muscled arms.
Sure he’d jerked off to the thought, but he’d never thought it was a possibility. There was no way Siwon- Maybe he thought Henry was an easy mark to get laid? Maybe he thought it was an honor get get blown by new students, or maybe he was trying to collected notches on his bedpost. Though, it wasn’t like Henry advertised what he liked. He wasn’t going to confess to Donghae because it was just a fantasy. Maybe Siwon saw that in him, and that made him press his face to the wood a little harder.
But then he thought of all the text messages, and the rides, and the invitations, and he figured giving himself a concussion wasn’t going to make him any smarter.
Donghae was still cute. It wasn’t like knowing he was dating someone was going to make him stop being appealing, but the way Henry looked at him had maybe changed a little. His expectations of their interactions, his hopes of them, morphed a bit. If he couldn’t date Donghae - not that he’d had a whole lot of expectation to begin with - then friends was a nice second place. Donghae had always been really nice to him, which had helped foster his crush, but friends were pretty important especially so far away from home. Having a nice boyfriend could’ve been cool, too. Then he thought back to Siwon’s kiss, and flustered himself.
But Donghae smiled from the study couch he’d curled up on as Henry approached, and Henry felt like a kid somehow, even if Donghae sometimes acted younger. They complained about classes, and Henry relaxed a bit, since Donghae hadn’t changed fundamentally.
“I heard you were dating someone,” Henry said, needing to test his information.
Donghae brightened up, hauling out his phone to show Henry every picture he had. Of Hyukjae. He told Henry stories, how they had met in high school, fought to go to the same university, moved in together as soon as they could afford it. It wasn’t like Henry was going to pretend whoever Donghae liked was unworthy if the story wasn’t good, but it comforted him a little to know that Donghae was that happy.
And Henry felt his crush slipping away a bit, picture by picture. It wasn’t a particularly happy feeling, like little chunks of his feelings were being tossed up into the air, but at least it was something he could examine, and put aside. Siwon had been telling him the truth. And if he’d been telling him the truth about Donghae, maybe he’d been telling him the truth about other things, too.
The first time Henry saw Siwon after that was on the steps leading up to the administration building. There were no buddies around him, no fawning girls, just Siwon in a nice jacket and a bag slung over his shoulders. They paused on the same step, and Siwon was the first to speak.
“Hey. How’s it going?”
“Hey,” Henry said. And he figured out with it, or else he was going to have to write a song or a card, and feel even more ridiculous. “Look. Sorry. I was rude that night. I figured there was no way you wanted- So yeah. Sorry.”
Siwon nodded. “Well, you’d just figured out your crush was taken, so. I didn’t figure there was an easy way to tell you.”
Great, all he needed was to flush remembering that. “No. I’m glad I know. Like you said, it’s better to know.”
Siwon’s smile stayed with him even after he had left, and Henry wasn’t sure he was okay with the reasons. He’d spent time imagining Donghae taking Siwon’s place, but he realized Siwon’s absence was something he didn’t know how to process either. Siwon wasn’t there for his study session with Ryeowook, wasn’t there when everyone went out to eat, when Henry stuck close to Ryeowook’s side when he saw what he’d been blind to previously, Donghae teasing Hyukjae. That ease there that made him grin a bit wistfully.
But on his way home, he couldn’t miss the nice car pulled into a parking spot near his building. He didn’t even need to look at the plates to know who it was.
He stopped beside the car, shifting as Siwon got out. He looked good. Too good, maybe, in his dark pants and perfectly buttoned shirt with the top two buttons undone. He looked like he should’ve been going into a swanky club or throwing on a nice jacket for a dinner out, not standing outside of Henry’s plain apartment building.
“I didn’t see you around today,” Henry said, because he didn’t really know how else to lead off. At least his apology was out of the way, but all the other stuff he still hadn’t quite figured out, like why his heart was doing some kind of rumba in his chest.
“Yeah, I though you might want some space,” Siwon said.
It wasn’t like he’d asked for it. A betraying bubble of giddiness - Siwon still wanted him? - was almost choking him, making it hard to stand still. Somewhere in his mental wanderings between the fact that Siwon was hot not being a good enough reason, and then the rebuttal of yes it was, he realized he liked Siwon, too. Back when he’d been making eyes at Donghae, Siwon had been helping Henry get to know him, and he knew Siwon better than he did Donghae. Hot, and nice, and tall, and standing there wanting to talk to him. Wanting Siwon was a no-brainer. Wanting to go out with him had seemed impossible, Siwon so far out of his league.
“I don’t need space. I kinda got used to having you around,” Henry said. It was kind of another apology, half an admission.
“Maybe you still wish it was someone else? A substitute?”
Henry shook his head, fighting the laugh at even the thought. “You’re no substitute.” And he paused, a thought blasting through him. “Did you want to come up for a while…?”
His one-room apartment wasn’t great, and it was messy, but it was better than standing and talking on the sidewalk. He had something to drink up there, anyway, though maybe talking on the street or in Siwon’s car was safer. But safe flew out the window, leading Siwon up the stairs and letting him in.
He was going to offer a drink, and that seemed ridiculous. So he was just standing there trying to think of something to say that wasn’t an apology or an excuse, and it turned out he needed neither as Siwon’s hand slipped behind his head and tilted it up just far enough for Siwon to kiss him. It was firmer than the first time, lingering longer, and Henry huffed out a breath when their lips parted.
He was okay with that.
And he was better at showing than telling, pulling Siwon in again, his hand on Siwon’s side. He could be bold when he needed to be, when he knew there was want there. It wasn’t like a crush he knew was all one-sided, and maybe it was new and dizzying and - Siwon’s tongue brushed his - okay, really hot.
Siwon pulled back, his hands tight on Henry’s shoulders.
“There was never a bet. I thought you were cute, and really-“
No more words. He got it. Maybe Siwon could pump up his ego later, but he was ready to feel things, not hear them. Rubbing up against Siwon’s body seemed to do the trick, Siwon pulling him closer, fumbling him backwards as they kissed and gripped each other. He heard Siwon’s hand slap against the wall, and eased against it himself, grinning as Siwon trapped him there.
“Henry,” Siwon said, and his name had never, ever sounded quite like that.
“Yep,” he shot back, getting a grin, and a kiss.
He moaned at the press of Siwon’s tongue, at the way he was so solidly pinned against the wall, at the way Siwon’s hips rolled against his. It was like fucking standing up, Siwon using him, rubbing off against him and getting Henry hard at the same time. His moans were helpless into Siwon’s mouth, unable to do more than hold on and enjoy how Siwon felt against him. And he felt big, the press of his erection against his, into his abdomen. If he was as big as he felt, Henry didn’t really care what he wanted. If he wanted to push Henry down and have Henry suck him off, that was cool. If he wanted to fuck, that was cool, too. If he just wanted to make out, he had Henry’s full approval. He just wanted to get his hands and his eyes on some part of Siwon.
He panted against Siwon’s mouth, lifting his leg and rubbing it along Siwon’s as if to tell him they could get on with it. He was ready. He was so hard, so distracted, so pinned in by his pants. He was humping Siwon’s leg as Siwon pushed back, clinging to Siwon’s shoulders as Siwon undid the buttons down Henry’s shirt and pulled him away from the wall. He didn’t care what kind of message it sent when he scrambled back onto the futon. He shoved at the button of his jeans, the zipper, and lifted his butt so Siwon could yank on them. He moaned because it felt like freedom, his thighs parting in blatant invitation. He almost reached to touch himself as Siwon stripped his t-shirt over his head, tossing it away.
So, he could rub off against Siwon’s stomach. That’d be fine, too.
But Siwon climbed between his thighs, his head eye level with Henry’s cock. Henry whined, Siwon pressing tiny wet kisses up the whole length and back again. Siwon’s fingers touched, lifting his erection, tracing the slight curve it took to the right. He hadn’t been ordered to be still, but it felt like he was frozen, barely breathing, waiting, hoping, licking his lips unconsciously as Siwon licked his own. One of his knees spasmed as Siwon’s slips slid around him, and then he was actually watching Siwon blow him, gasping because that was a mouth, Siwon’s mouth, sucking at him.
Siwon’s throat closed around him, and the sound he made was inhuman, head arching back on the bed as his heels pushed down, uselessly sliding on the slick blanket. And Siwon backed off, leaving him panting, harder than ever, throbbing, and so close.
“Please,” Henry gasped, trying not to just dissolve at Siwon’s pleased smile. “Please. I need to come. Please-“
“Oh fuck,” Henry squeaked as Siwon’s tongue swiped up the underside of his cock. Just that was setting off alarm bells of imminent orgasm, making him gasp and throw his thighs out wide. His pleas were more tiny sounds, warnings. He wasn’t sure if he wanted it to last or if couldn’t stand it if Siwon stopped.
All the oxygen in the room evaporated, Siwon’s mouth closing around him, eyes on Henry’s as his tongue made love to the head of Henry’s cock. No. It was fucking, hot and filthy, the flicker of his tongue, the slide of it, pressing deep, the pull of his mouth, and his fingers.
Henry’s eyes slammed shut, and he was lost, coming in Siwon’s mouth.
He was still a throbbing, gasping, mess when he felt Siwon’s lips on his chest, teeth scraping at his nipples. He watched as Siwon’s jeans fell, baring his thighs to him. And his body gave an involuntary twitch as he saw how the front of Siwon’s boxer briefs were straining.
He licked his lips and wanted.
But he tangled with Siwon’s tongue instead, moaning into his mouth as Siwon stroked down his chest with his hands, over Henry’s hips and sides. Henry would’ve done the same but somehow his hands got balled at Siwon’s chest, too busy kissing and being touched to think of anything else. Anything except perhaps how hard Siwon was against his stomach, hips rocking so he could rub down against Henry. All Henry knew was that was going to be in him before Siwon came. In his mouth, or his ass, maybe both.
“Do you want-“
“Yes,” Henry interrupted, before Siwon could ask. Yes, yes to anything. Maybe if he kept licking his lips Siwon would get the picture. His body was already doing its best to get hard just from the grinding Siwon had been doing. He was pretty sure it wasn’t going to be long if he got Siwon in his mouth. Not like he’d come just from blowing someone but there was always a first time for everything.
Siwon was so thoughtful, taking to his knees and supporting Henry’s head as he rubbed his cock against Henry’s lips. He tried to lick at it, tongue flailing, letting Siwon rub against the flat of it, breathing it in. But it wasn’t until his lips parted around it that he realized just how thick it was. His hands were useless, holding Siwon’s thighs as Siwon rocked in and out of his mouth. They were just tiny little strokes, enough to whet his appetite, enough to make him want more, taste more, feel more, take him as deep as he could. And he gasped, without, until he realized Siwon was turning. The angle was different his head not lifted as Siwon straddled him, his head towards Henry’s legs. But Siwon’s cock slid no less nicely into his mouth as he struggled to suck at it, moaning around it because it felt so good.
Henry gripped Siwon’s hips as Siwon’s finger slid into Henry’s ass. He nearly choked himself with Siwon’s cock, gasping before he urged Siwon’s hips to keep moving. Siwon wanted to fuck him. Siwon was going to fuck him. He was getting Siwon hard, keeping him hard, so Siwon could fuck him. That was all he could focus on, thighs trembling and jaw straining to take more.
He was a slobbering mess compared to Siwon He had to hold Siwon’s hips, keep him from going too deep, choking him. He was too big, too thick, and felt like he was getting thicker as Henry’s lips stretched around him, and Henry loved it - every moment he could breathe. He whimpered, trying to suck through the assault of a tongue on his balls, and a third slick finger sliding into his ass. It should’ve made him afraid. He was struggling with his mouth, and he knew where it was going, but it made his body heat instead. He’d taken someone almost as big before, and he wanted more. More.
And his mouth felt empty when Siwon rose up, turning so he could gently kiss Henry’s lips.
“Your mouth felt amazing,” Siwon told him.
“You felt amazing, too,” Henry said, a little breathless and still hungry for it. He forgot how much he loved doing that until he had it available to him again.
“You want…”
Henry muscled himself over, thighs sliding out and ass high. “Ready.”
Maybe there was a moan from Siwon, but Henry didn’t hear it because he was too busy feeling his body stretch around Siwon’s cock. It pressed in, got slicker, pressed further, and Henry’s half-hard cock pulsed as Henry breathed.
“You took me right in,” Siwon said, and Henry realized yes, yes he had. He’d been hungry for it. And some of Siwon’s words were mumbles, “been waiting for this, waiting for you,” and Henry had nothing left to say. All he could do was clutch the bedspread, his body giving almost without focus. If he have had a mirror, he wouldn’t have been able to look, too many sensory explosions overwhelming.
But it was all a crescendo, the first tentative explorations, but he braced himself as the urgency steepened. Siwon fucked him like he’d never experienced before, pulling Henry’s hips back into him as he thrust into him, and Henry’s howls into bedspread said everything.
With an untangled hand he jerked himself, rocked by Siwon, by his own body, focused on a single point of pleasure that had his breath bottling in little gasps, strokes going jerky and tight, and he came again to a sexy moan, like Siwon was urging him even if he couldn’t say it.
And Siwon collapsed over his back as he came, all sleek and sweaty, pulsing inside him. He was overstimulated, overheated, panting, and crushed, and he would not have moved Siwon off of him if a herd of elephants had tried to move them. He’d had sex with Siwon. Siwon had sex with him.
Siwon kissed the back of his shoulder, breaking Henry from his daze.
“Can I stay over?” Siwon asked, his voice all husky and dark in a way that made his fingers curl with enjoyment.
“There’s room for you.”
He meant it to be all cheeky and cute, and totally ruined the effect by groaning as Siwon pulled away from him. He wouldn’t have moved at all, frankly, if Siwon hadn’t tugged him upright and shoveled him into the bathroom and under the tiny shower head. The kisses were exhausted, but it was nice to be clean, he guessed. And Siwon pressed up against him under the sheet like the bed was barely wide enough. And that was okay, too.
When he woke up it was starting to get light out. His ass was all snuggled back into Siwon’s crotch and from the feel of it, he was at least half hard. Henry’s body gave a helpless flop, as if to say if he must get off again he must, no arguments. But he swallowed as Siwon pressed kissed down his face, his hold more to the cuddling side than the lustful.
“Are you free for lunch tomorr- today?” Henry asked, trying not to let his voice squeak.
“I am, Henry,” Siwon said against his neck, and Henry all but melted.
Oh good. Sex and a date. And as Siwon turned him, kissed him, his hand sliding down Henry’s stomach, Henry thought it would be in just that order.
Prompt: Sungmin and Ryeowook never realized they were attracted to each other but an experimental kiss on a whim one day shows them they just might be. Ryeowook is wary of becoming anything more than bandmates but Sungmin sets out to show him just how good they could be together. It only helps that Sungmin is excellent at everything that he sets out to do and can take Ryeowook's breath away. Smut please.
It was very nearly an accident. That wasn’t the way Ryeowook expected a relationship to begin - he expected it to be a joke.
“We keep making out on stage,” Sungmin teased. “Imagine what would happen if we really kissed?”
All he had to do was pause one second and imagine the screams from all the other kisses, and the occasional fan complaint. Most people saw it as the good fun it was.
They’d be all dressed up, on stage, Sungmin looking gorgeous dressed as a woman just as much as he was as himself. Sungmin shot them dirty looks when anyone said something like that, but Ryeowook liked it, how his face could change to suit anything he wore. Sometimes he envied it.
But he laughed when Sungmin tried to dip him, getting them in position like it was some kind of rehearsal. It was all so dramatic, his arm curled around Sungmin’s neck, his eyes closing.
He expected an air kiss.
The brush of lips against his was so gentle at first, like an invitation. An invitation to kiss back, to feel it, and he did, pulling Sungmin’s mouth against his.
The fans would eat it up, nothing overblown, just a simple… He gasped as Sungmin’s arm tightened around his ribs, his lips more insistent. It wasn’t like he’d forgotten how much he liked kissing, how much he liked having someone kissing him back, pressed up against him. Sungmin was solid, eager, and Ryeowook let his lips slide again.
But it was the involuntary sound he made at the touch of Sungmin’s tongue that had him jerking, taking a step back and not even being able to laugh. Just a pretend kiss. Or ten. He felt oddly like a voyeur when Sungmin licked his lips.
“That might be too much on stage,” Ryeowook said, and Sungmin agreed. Or Ryeowook thought he agreed, until an hour later Sungmin slipped into his room, standing there still.
“I didn’t mean to kiss you like that,” Sungmin said.
The exhale was quiet, because he’d expected that clarification.
“That’s okay.”
“No, it’s not. I felt guilty that I did, and then I realized you were kissing me back.”
Sungmin sat beside him on the bed, and Ryeowook thought perhaps there was a danger in being too familiar. They knew what each other looked like naked, what irritated, what excited, favorite foods, how they each liked to sleep. He wasn’t going to give some excuse that it had been too long, because he hadn’t been kissing for the sake of kissing by the end, he’d been kissing Sungmin.
“Maybe it’s something we should avoid on the stage, then?” Ryeowook suggested.
“Maybe. But it doesn’t have to be something we avoid here. Are you…?”
Interested? He steeled himself as Sungmin touched his arm.
“You know why I haven’t tried dating a man since we debuted,” Ryeowook said, focusing on Sungmin’s fingers instead of his face. Sungmin knew that, knew everything from late-night conversations, something nearly sacred between them. “But that’s… Doing that could be really dangerous, inadvisable. We could irritate each other, make it hard to work together.”
“Yeah, I know the risks. I bet you’ve wanted to punch me in the face before. You know every bad thing about me, and I’ve wanted you. Maybe I just didn’t let myself see it before.”
“But we’ve come too far to throw it all out, now.” Ryeowook looked up, smiling at him. He wanted it. The touching, the kisses, the curling together, all of it. “Nothing should be rushed into. I think it’s best we don’t. It’s easier to forget that way.”
“Then you’ll think about it?”
Sungmin just waggled his fingers as he left. As if Ryeowook would do anything but think about it.
All the little ways Sungmin touched him before, became all-out assaults on his senses. The way Sungmin leaned in to talk to him, the way he shoved food onto Ryeowook’s plate, or sprawled close when they were watching TV.
It was so utterly normal, because he was used to resting his forearms on Sungmin’s shoulders and listen to him play the guitar, getting little shivers watching the strumming. But watching from several feet away didn’t lessen the impact, even if he couldn’t smell Sungmin’s hair. Maybe it was like Sungmin said, he just hadn’t let himself see before.
If existing had him making Ryeowook realize he could want and be good for him was the goal, Sungmin had succeeded a long time ago. It was there to see when Sungmin folded his laundry, and cleaned all his shoes up, and cleaned out the fridge, and made sure to keep Ryeowook’s favorite snack with him for van rides. Proof that Sungmin knew just how Ryeowook liked things, how good they could be together. So it was just listening to Sungmin play the guitar in the common room that one night, his voice joining it, and was nearly to the end of his resistance.
They were alone when Sungmin finished, stretched, picking up his guitar so he could make his way to his room to get ready to sleep.
And Ryeowook stopped him. He turned him. And Sungmin keened against his mouth, traded kisses before Sungmin even thought to reach for him. And that was when Ryeowook tilted his head away, his words distinct.
“I’ve been thinking.”
He didn’t mean to tease, and didn’t think he was when Sungmin nodded, eyes thoughtful. But it was impossible to ignore and pretend. Still, he let Sungmin press a kiss to his mouth before saying goodnight.
And Sungmin’s words, “I don’t want this because it’s easy,” stayed with him.
What started as a single kiss, became a number of kisses, stolen in their bedrooms, always in the privacy of the apartment. He always pulled away, wary of things he couldn’t really put to name. He knew he was not an experiment, but there were so many other concerns. The further they went, the harder it was to go back. Or, maybe if they got it over with, sated their sexual frustration that was starting to seep in in the way that Sungmin’s hands roamed his back.
Some of the kisses were sweet, sweet comfort, minutes long after with Sungmin’s face snuggled into his neck, just rocking them back and forth. Some were blatant of full of want, an opening, yes, but also just a statement like they were telling each other just how far that want reached down.
Some of the walls broke apart as Sungmin kissed his neck, careful never to mark, pulling Ryeowook’s hips against his. He could feel Sungmin’s arousal, and it had him moaning into Sungmin’s shoulder, and like every other time, there was something holding him back, something that had Sungmin’s hands gentling but not truly backing away.
“Can I make you feel good? You don’t have to do anything. Just… Can I?”
Like an oasis, that rasping need in Sungmin’s voice.
“Yes,” he said, and moaned as Ryeowook kissed him, pressing him so he sat on the bed. He did not protest as Sungmin unbuttoned his pants, and he got hard quick, first against Sungmin’s fingertips, then his tongue, his lips, and the wet warmth of his mouth.
His fingers curled into covers at the bobbing of Sungmin’s head, moaning because it had been a long time since anyone had touched him but himself. And suddenly there was Sungmin, sucking like he did it every day, like they hadn’t worked together for months sitting next to each other, for years before that. He was glad this hadn’t happened right from the start, because he would have read so much more into Sungmin’s expressions and touches, the way they teased each other on stage, slept beside each other. Sungmin stroking him, and licking at him, that pretty mouth wrapped around him.
He came in Sungmin’s mouth, gasping Sungmin’s name, even as Sungmin held his hips so he couldn’t choke him. He pressed his head back as Sungmin sucked him down, eased him through. And Sungmin was gentle, tucking him into his pants. And yes, he wanted that kiss, pressing up against Sungmin as he stood, and a tongue swirled leisurely against his own, the taste of himself spreading there.
“Do you believe me?”
Sungmin left him there, and Ryeowook definitely believed him.
It turned out, when he knew what he was looking for, it wasn’t hard to let himself be seduced. A coy look from Sungmin had his pants going tight during dinner with the others, viciously shoving his coat into his lap as he fed himself. Or watching Sungmin stroll from bathroom to bedroom in nothing but a towel.
But that was only part of the fight. He found notes under his door, typed out but so obviously from Sungmin. Sweet and a bit saucy, perfectly them. It wasn’t like they could “date” for real. But if they went out together, no one would know or think twice. They had, in essence, the perfect cover.
When he locked Sungmin’s door behind himself, standing there against it and staring at Sungmin sprawled on the bed, he knew what he was getting into. He knew he was right where Sungmin had wanted him, knew Sungmin wanted him to want him, to come to him, to ask for it, Sungmin, sex, all of it.
“Wanting you doesn’t mean this is going to be easy,” Ryeowook said.
“We’ll work together,” Sungmin said.
It wasn’t flippant, it was true. And it was a comfort, well, something different than comfort entirely as Sungmin bit his lip just watching Ryeowook shed his shirt and push away his pajamas.
“You already know what you’re getting into,” Ryeowook said against Sungmin’s collarbone.
“You too,” Sungmin said, and rolled him right onto the bed.
If he was going to survive it, he didn’t know. Sungmin’s kisses, the tangling of their legs and shifting hips. He scraped off half of Sungmin’s face getting his shirt off, kissing the path it took as Sungmin scoffed and laughed. It was weird because they were still learning things, like he never knew how sensitive Sungmin’s belly was, but there wasn’t the same nerves he was expecting. He felt secure at the same time as the anticipation, the hope.
“Yes,” Sungmin nearly hissed, and Ryeowook’s face went lax at the feeling of Sungmin sinking onto him. “Oh, that’s good.”
They were going to trade before the night was over, they’d promised each other that, but Sungmin was hard, bobbing as his hips rose and fell, and Sungmin leaned in, teased his mouth.
“Do you know how often I’ve wanted this?”
Ryeowook shook his head, meeting another of Sungmin’s kisses.
“Every time you smirk at me.” Sungmin sank onto him. “Every time you cook for me.” Again. “Every time you touch your neck and smile. Every time you put on that ridiculous wig.”
And Sungmin took him right to the edge and left him wanting. But it was to Sungmin’s moans that he came, the stroke of him inside. He braced Sungmin as he came as well, writing the expressions of Sungmin’s face into his memory.
And he rolled right into Sungmin’s side when they were both on the bed, not even giving half a thought to leaving. He didn’t even mind that Sungmin’s collarbone was hard, when he rested his face against it.
“I almost like this better than what we just did,” Sungmin mumbled.
And then totally ruined it by laughing, but since Ryeowook was smacking his shoulder and laughing, too, he didn’t mind.