[Fic] Distraction - 1/1

Nov 08, 2011 23:18

Title:  Distraction
Author: Coley Merrin
Pairing:  Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi
Rating: R
Genre:  AU

Summary:  Kyuhyun has a lot of friends, and a lot of games.  Zhou Mi just wants some time with his boyfriend.


It was the computer games at first.  It was kind of hard to get around the knowledge of their existence, when Kyuhyun would grunt at him over the phone when Zhou Mi would call him up to chat.  Zhou Mi knew what they talked about was of some interest to Kyuhyun, but the fact that the game and its workings and strategy ate Kyuhyun’s concentration up made a difference.  IMing wasn’t much better.  Email worked passably well, and actually got Zhou Mi through a few emotional “maybe we’re not right for each other” humps.  Mostly because in the midst of his angst and fears and phobias, a letter from Kyuhyun popped into his inbox with random exultations about work or games, bits of reactions to news, and a frank wondering when they were going to get a room alone.

There wasn’t any wondering what that question meant.  They both had roommates, and time alone was a pretty precious commodity.  There were the dates, of course.  Movies, dinners, shopping.  The noraebang was popular, just because it did give them some time alone.  Zhou Mi wasn’t enough of an exhibitionist to strip in public, conscious of where they were, but it did allow for some heavy petting.

Even if Kyuhyun didn’t pay attention to him on the phone sometimes, Zhou Mi was never unsure of his interest when they were making out.

But the console games were kind of a surprise.

Fifteen months into dating, give or take a week, Zhou Mi moved all of Kyuhyun’s belongings into their new apartment.  It was slightly bigger than a breadbox, but had enough room for two desks, a bed of considerable size, and a futon in the outer room.  Mostly, and this was a concession to being unsure, in case they found out that sleeping in the same room wasn’t working.  But Kyuhyun slept like a puppy, often eschewing clothes in favor of passing out in positions Zhou Mi found highly uncomfortable.  Or flopping over Zhou Mi in the middle of the night.  Which was nice, he thought.  He liked the cuddling.  Less so when it woke him up, but he still liked it.  Morning breath and all.

Cuddling good.  Bouts of gaming that had Zhou Mi feeling like he was Kyuhyun’s mom, bringing him snacks, understandable.

Kyuhyun’s friends bombing the apartment during the weekend to splay on the floor and game to their heart’s content, questionable.

Zhou Mi wondered about how to curb that, feeling like a husband who was being abandoned for something shiny that he couldn’t really participate in.  He’d become a caricature of life, only instead of being abandoned for sports, he was abandoned for games and friends.

He tried to join in one weekend, smiling and spending time with Kyuhyun and all the friends Zhou Mi had already met in passing several times.  They’d all gone out together a number of times.  And he didn’t feel unwelcome joining their little game party, taking his turns, and chatting.  Bringing in more food, and keeping an eye on the state of the apartment.  Kyuhyun didn’t exactly praise him and say he’d been glad he’d been there, but Zhou Mi conceded he’d tried, and that it wasn’t something he wanted to spend his weekend doing.  It wasn’t something he wanted Kyuhyun to spend his every weekend, every whole weekend, at either.  The weekend, part of it at least, could be spent together.  Zhou Mi needed more than tumbling in the sheets, and sleeping beside each other.  The dinners together, and whatnot were nice.  And he tried for a while to keep the peace, making plans with his own friends, or going shopping, or making calls.  But it chafed.

Kyuhyun’s response was a little bit on the defensive side when Zhou Mi gently suggested that a little less time be spent with the friends over, and the games.


“We need to get you some friends.”

“I have friends,” Zhou Mi shot back.  “But if I spent as much time with them as you do with your games and  your friends, the only time we’d see each other would be when we woke up.  I have hobbies.  I have a life.  But I’m dating you.  I want to go on dates with you.  And spontaneous sex is hard to come by when there are people around during all our free time.”

“You could game with me.”

“You said you don’t like me playing often because it’s too easy to beat me,” Zhou Mi said, and flopped back onto his pillow.

He may have said something like that, Kyuhyun thought wincing, but maybe not quite like that.  And he didn’t think quite in that condescending tone Zhou Mi was taking.  Though it was possible Zhou Mi had heard it that way anyway.  He probably would have, if Zhou Mi had told him something like that.


Kyuhyun’s life was definitely re-ordered with Zhou Mi’s entry.  Not just the introduction into the wide and wonderful world of endless shopping.  Sometimes he thought back to their introduction, and it was kind of sappy that he remembered, but he first caught Zhou Mi laughing.  A kind of full-body laugh that had Zhou Mi clutching at a counter to keep himself upright.  The smile, and the little butt, and cockeyed feet.  And the soft introduction.  That instant little schoolboy crush that had him squirming inside, and having visions of sweeping Zhou Mi off to a deserted island with a fruity drink and tinkly music.

Their little apartment wasn’t a deserted island, but he definitely heard the tinkly music when he followed Zhou Mi’s butt to their bed.  It was kind of, almost, like they were married.  Splitting bills, and chores, and making jabs at their cooking abilities.  Zhou Mi’s smile when he woke up, and fighting with him for the shower spray.

And the request for more time together.

In Kyuhyun’s mind, they had lots of time together.  More time than he had ever spent with anyone he’d ever dated.  All the time they slept, and when they got ready in the morning.  Talking after work before Kyuhyun gamed, make-out sessions, and sex.  Dinners, and movies, and being able to see Zhou Mi flit around being a sparkly unicorn as he gamed.

When Zhou Mi suggested that wasn’t enough, he’d been understandably a little put out.  Unreasonable demands on his time.  Though Zhou Mi had a few points, like how they’d seemed to spend more quality time together before they’d been living together.  That they’d talked via phone and email.  And Kyuhyun knew he got a little crabby when Zhou Mi tried to talk to him when he was sitting right next to him.  Perhaps that was because he felt compelled to look at Zhou Mi, whereas on the phone he could zone and keep his eyes on what he was doing.

And there wasn’t anything like a good old fashioned dose of guilt.

”I love you.  I want to spend time with you,” Zhou Mi had said, all big eyes and sincerity.

And reason aside, he loved Zhou Mi, too.  There were things they discussed that he didn’t think he’d have ever told another living human.  About his past, his thoughts, even what he wanted from sex.  Zhou Mi was cute, and good looking.  And needy.  But he was also full of empathy, and support, and care.  Maybe they didn’t match up exactly, but when Zhou Mi needed something, he gave a little inside.

So they tried it, anyway.  At least half the free time every weekend was set aside for them.  Even if they didn’t do anything with it, just sitting around the apartment together.  Not logical, but Kyuhyun found it didn’t chafe at him to be away from his friends a little longer.  He liked alone and quiet time, too, maybe even more than Zhou Mi.  That and Zhou Mi didn’t complain when their gaming sessions ran over a little.  It wasn’t like they could finish on the dot.  It was a general wish, not a law.

But he found he got put back in line, if he strayed too far.  One weekend when it was just him and Changmin hanging out, playing on their respective laptops with snacks and drinks.  Time really did seem fluid sometimes.  Though his first indication that they had grossly overshot their agreement, was when Changmin cleared his throat and and had Kyuhyun looking up.

Zhou Mi was ranged against their bedroom door jamb, naked from the waist up.  Arms casually, or not-so casually, crossed over his chest and head resting against it.  His eyes skimmed to the set of Zhou Mi’s hips, and the long legs crossed below.

“You almost finished?” Zhou Mi asked.

“Guh?” was his only answer.

And Zhou Mi smiled, disappearing back into the bedroom.

Kyuhyun looked back at his screen in time to avert certain disaster, mind still dazed from Zhou Mi’s appearance.  All kinds of sexy and inviting.

Changmin chuckled a little.  “I may not be dating him, so maybe I’m seeing things wrong, but it sure seemed like a pretty blatant invitation to tap that.”

“Yeah. Yeah,” Kyuhyun muttered, trying to get his head back in the game.  He was so close.  He’d been turning back Changmin’s advances for-  “Hah!  I won.  Okay, you can go now.”

Changmin laughed about the whole time he was packing his laptop back up, and Kyuhyun was trying to get the memory of Zhou Mi’s…everything… to step aside so he could concentrate long enough to get Changmin out the door.  They were good enough friends that the hustle out didn’t worry him.  He was more interested in finding Zhou Mi before Zhou Mi’s interest waned.  It wasn’t like that hadn’t happened.  There were times one of them got turned on and the other was tired or upset, or distracted, or… gaming.

The door was locked, and the lights turned down, before he went back into their bedroom.  Zhou Mi’s pants were opened at the waist where he rested on the mattress, looking a bit like a diva actress lounging and waiting for attention.

Or like a cat.

“Sorry, we kind of ran over,” Kyuhyun said, scratching at the back of his head and wincing at the clock.  Changmin would have to catch a taxi.

“I was reading,” Zhou Mi said, gesturing at a book beside the bed as Kyuhyun approached.

“You have really nice ways of letting me know I ran overtime.”  And Kyuhyun reached out, tracing fingers up Zhou Mi’s collarbone and watching his eyes close.

“I was on my computer and ran across those sexy pictures we took-“

“Artful,” Kyuhyun corrected.  His penis was on film, as it were, so it had to be artful.  He was not a prude, no matter what Zhou Mi’s curling mouth had to say about it.

“The artful pictures we took,” Zhou Mi agreed.  “Made me…want.”

“So why aren’t you naked?” Kyuhyun demanded.

Zhou Mi just laughed, wiggling down his pants and briefs while still on the bed.  “Why aren’t you?”

He was, soon enough.

And when he was puffing in satisfaction against Zhou Mi’s neck, with Zhou Mi all languid and satisfied under him, he thought there were a few things better than gaming.  Sometimes.  And at least one guy worth giving up the time for, as Zhou Mi pressed kisses to Kyuhyun’s face.

Zhou Mi made it worth his while.


pairing: qmi, fic: super junior

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