SG-1 Jonas Alphabet Soup Entry

Apr 07, 2010 00:00

Title: K is for Keenness

Author: colej55

Rating: G

Spoilers: Season Six Episodes

A/N: Special kudos to my beta, letitialin. You're made of awesome! To the rest of you, sorry for posting umpteen revisions - I'm still learning how to post properly.

This was written in honor of SG-1 Gen Fic Day as part of the "Jonas Alphabet Soup" sponsored by sg_fignewton (who is ( Read more... )

sg-1 fanfic

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Comments 6

rachel500 April 11 2010, 10:36:25 UTC
I tend to think Jack changed his mind about Jonas a long time before he left for Kelowna but overall this was an interesting look at Jack weighing Jonas's qualities.


colej55 April 11 2010, 18:02:05 UTC
You might be right, but there was still that awkwardness in the gate room when Jack finally verbalized his affirmation. If Jack had reached full acceptance much earlier, he didn't tell Jonas, which is why I wrote it this way.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting! Your thoughts on the subject are appreciated because I've never paid much attention to Jonas before.


sg_fignewton April 11 2010, 15:04:50 UTC
Oh, I like Jack's mental thought processes that travel throughout S6 to those simple three words that meant so much to Jonas.

Nicely done! Thanks for contributing. :)


colej55 April 11 2010, 18:09:02 UTC
I joined this soup on a whim and then realized that I knew practically nothing about Jonas. In preparation, I read all 22 screenplays to find the golden triumphs and oddities. (Talk about overkill!)

Thanks so much for reading and commenting! I was beginning to think that my story was so bad that not even you would read it. :-0

On to the next soup!!!


sg_fignewton April 11 2010, 18:19:40 UTC
Oh, I couldn't even begin to start reading until I'd finished all the coding - RL is particularly hectic at the mo.

Don't doubt yourself, and thanks again for your contribution. :)


cnidarian July 10 2010, 15:29:27 UTC
finally read it, try not to die of shock ;)

Very nice! Good look into Jack's thoughts on the newbie. I like Jonas well, enough but don't really "know" him that well. Good character piece. Yey!


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