MGS4 is awesome so far. But otherwise, the PS3 horizon is pretty bare, while the 360 has a really good library. Dead Rising, Orange Box (assuming you haven't played it on PC), Bioshock, Crackdown, and others are all worth your time.
Oh, right, Portal - I played about halfway through on somebody's PC, and never revisited it. Excellent reminder - that may tilt the scales in the 360 direction.
My feeling is that while the 360 has a better past library, the PS3 has a better potential future library. Mostly I'm talking about Final Fantasy 13. There's also Little Big Planet and White Knight Story I'm interested in.
The 360's extensive list of FPS games do little for me. Still, the online abilities and downloadable games like Rez HD and Pac-Man CE are very tempting.
Ultimately I guess I'll have both at some point. Either way, wait until middle of July for the E3 when prices drops may be announced.
Unfortunately, the PS3's future lineup has more FPS games than anything, it seems, because in an attempt to get some traction in Japan, Microsoft is throwing money at Japanese developers for exclusives.
So other than MGS4, Little Big Planet and FFXIII, nothing really grabs me for the PS3, but those REALLY GRAB ME. It's very frustrating. :|
Personally, if I could only keep one of my consoles, I'd probably shelf the 360 and Wii and keep my PS3. Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted, Resistance, and of course MGS4 are some of my favorite titles this generation. I also wound up not liking Forza as much as the GT series.
As for orange box, you can get it on PS3 as well, although the 360 iteration is supposed to be a bit better. I actually hated playing it even on 360 though, sold my copy, and just wound up grabbing it again over Steam for PC.
Some of my favorite games I play on 360 are multi-console, also. I probably play Rainbow Six Vegas / RSV2 the most there, and you can get that elsewhere. The main thing for me with the 360 is Infinite Undiscovery and Star Ocean 4 coming out exclusively there now. Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata were big letdowns for me (well, the latter by the end of the game, anyway), so I'm hoping those two give me a console RPG I can actually get into for a change.
Now... time to start my second playthrough of MGS4. :P
I'd go with the PS3 if an inexpensive (and rather decent) Blu-Ray player is what you want right now; conversely, I recommend a 360 if you want to get your game on right now. I got a 360 back in November for Mass Effect and Rock Band. The only other 360 game I've played a lot of has been Lost Odyssey, but that's three very excellent titles with a lot of replay value. As a gamer it seems like a PS3 feels better purchased after a 360, but the only PS3 exclusive I'm really after right now is the one I already own (MGS4) and my desire to pick up Blu-Ray titles is minimal at the present.
You may have seen the analyst prediction of both consoles receiving another price drop around the holidays (something like $50-100). Just food for thought.
Heh, my two cents on it (I got polled offline) is that at the current price the PS3 is a doorstop until and unless FFXIII turns out to not suck. So I'd only consider it if went under $300 (then again, I basically don't like playing MGS except for the parts where you sneak around in a cardboard box, so MGS4 would not be a must have in my book). Whereas for a 360 he would get a discount, so essentially he wouldn't have to wait for a price drop.
I get the feeling you might soon end up with both. you mentioned Blu-Ray before MGS4, so I take it you want a movie player to go with games.
What game do you want to play the most right this second? What system is it for? well, there you go. If it's Rock Band or something else multiplatform, refer to the Blu-Ray factor.
Comments 8
My feeling is that while the 360 has a better past library, the PS3 has a better potential future library. Mostly I'm talking about Final Fantasy 13. There's also Little Big Planet and White Knight Story I'm interested in.
The 360's extensive list of FPS games do little for me. Still, the online abilities and downloadable games like Rez HD and Pac-Man CE are very tempting.
Ultimately I guess I'll have both at some point. Either way, wait until middle of July for the E3 when prices drops may be announced.
So other than MGS4, Little Big Planet and FFXIII, nothing really grabs me for the PS3, but those REALLY GRAB ME. It's very frustrating. :|
As for orange box, you can get it on PS3 as well, although the 360 iteration is supposed to be a bit better. I actually hated playing it even on 360 though, sold my copy, and just wound up grabbing it again over Steam for PC.
Some of my favorite games I play on 360 are multi-console, also. I probably play Rainbow Six Vegas / RSV2 the most there, and you can get that elsewhere. The main thing for me with the 360 is Infinite Undiscovery and Star Ocean 4 coming out exclusively there now. Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata were big letdowns for me (well, the latter by the end of the game, anyway), so I'm hoping those two give me a console RPG I can actually get into for a change.
Now... time to start my second playthrough of MGS4. :P
You may have seen the analyst prediction of both consoles receiving another price drop around the holidays (something like $50-100). Just food for thought.
What game do you want to play the most right this second? What system is it for? well, there you go. If it's Rock Band or something else multiplatform, refer to the Blu-Ray factor.
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