Title: skelter.
Pairing: Aoi/Uruha
Genre: Romance, drama
Notes: Something small. Something 1AM.
Synopsis: In which Uruha isn't Uruha. More like 'Kouyou'. More like the birth of a gunshot.
palms slick against Uruha’s collarbone and ash (and Yune) against his teeth )
Comments 7
Aoi pls~~~ Stubborn goat <3
Uruha plays him so well, loved it.
'yellow-burnt hair' I swear to god, you write the best fics just because of the way you choose your words ;;
hahahaa 1am, it's 9:30 here already ;A;~
The only thing is I'm a bit confused. Was Aoi drunk and seeing things or was he with Uruha alone?
I'm very slow and dumb so could you please explain? >w<
I was really vague in this one, so don't worry (and you're not dumb at all!) :D I was going for Aoi remembering his current relationship with Yune as he was with Uruha (the heart wants what it wants, I suppose~)
I think this really really needs to be continued in parts *__* with Uru pov too <3
But thank you so, so much and I'll definitely try to continue these little vignettes in some way :D ♥
It's so short yet so powerful! The way you choose your words is just wow.... wow...
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