Title: Gifts of Value.
Pairing: Chuck/Geoffrey
Rating: PG
Summary: It’s Christmas, and Chuck doesn’t get Geoffrey anything.
Notes: Total and complete fluff. Written for
merrydrought because she’s feeling bad. I hope this makes you feel a little better! ♥
Disclaimer:Any mention of 'Strangers With Candy', any associated entites, or any copywrited material pertaining therein is reasonably protected by the Fair Use Rule of the United States Copyright Act of 1976, and is not intended to infringe upon any copywrited material.
For their first Christmas together, Chuck doesn’t get Geoffrey anything. He doesn’t say anything, doesn't make any cards, and he spends the day with his wife, playing with the fire trucks she got for Seamus and ignoring her entirely. Seamus pouts in the corner until Chuck motions him forward and tells him to make a fire station out of the blocks that he got. Seamus gives a wide smile, and Chuck is instantly reminded of Geoffrey.
That happens a lot, nowadays. It could be the slightest thing, like a drawing or an infomercial on television, and especially the wind in his ears. He swears that the exact wind blew the first time that Geoffrey told Chuck that he loved him.
Chuck had just coughed and not said a word.
Geoffrey isn’t angry. Well, he is a little. He spent a lot of time and effort to make the beautiful self-portrait that he had given Chuck, but he didn’t let it show that he was annoyed. Unless he saw it in the way he had sighed in frustration hours after he gave Chuck his gift, and the pillow he threw at him when he realized Chuck didn’t have anything.
The next day, Geoffrey waits in an alley outside of town, dressed snuggly in one of Chuck’s coats and looking at his watch. He sees Chuck peek around a corner, then around the rest of the street, and then sneak deftly into the alley before automatically running into a trashcan.
“Goddamnit!” he says in a hushed whisper, and Geoffrey can’t help but smile, even though he told himself he would be intentionally distant and bitchy to get back at him for the lack of presents.
He forgets his anger when he feels the familiar warmth of Chuck’s lips on his neck, and he gives a contented sigh as Chuck wraps his arms around Geoffrey’s waist, pressing their chests together and pressing his forehead against his.
He can forgive him at least for now, he thinks.
“I got you something.”
Geoffrey perks up immediately, sitting up on the bed and leaning towards Chuck, who was pulling on a shirt and looking in the bag that he had brought.
“I was wondering what that was for.”
“And you didn’t guess that it was a gift for you? I’m surprised, that’s the first thing that you would have thought.”
The package is wrapped in glossy blue paper and decorated with an elaborate silver bow, rounded at the top with a handle. It’s kind of heavy, Geoffrey notices as he weighs it in his hands.
“You are not sticking that up my ass.”
Chuck gives a snort and rolls his eyes. “Just open it.”
He does, and after placing the bow in his hair while smiling, looks at the present and grins even wider. “It’s beautiful!”
It’s a silver mirror, seemingly antique, with engraved designs along the outsides and an inscription on the back, something vague enough that no one will notice as theirs, but with enough meaning for Geoffrey’s heart to give a leap.
“I figure anything that displays such an interesting work of art would be of value to you,” Chuck says as he leans in to kiss Geoffrey on the cheek. Geoffrey blushes and rests his head on Chuck’s shoulder, saying “Thanks,” and then, “I love you.”
And this time, he hears Chuck say it back.
END. ♥!