Jun 01, 2011 15:17

backtagging: Awesome! I'm a pretty slow tagger myself with the memory capacity of a pasta strainer, but if you're willing to backtag, so am I.
threadhopping: Feel completely free: it's likely I'll be doing the same, depending on the post/subject matter. If there's a thread that isn't up for jacking, it'll be marked, SO WORRY NOT (9*^*)9
fourthwalling?: Homestuck canon is pretty strange and often folds back on itself in the weirdest ways, so any references of all affiliated is usually (canonly) pinned on time/space/plot fuckery and general tomfoolery. Keep in mind that if it's ever mentioned to Sollux that he's a character in a web-comic, the speaker will be the target of many a mocking and scathing comment.
offensive matter: There is very little that can offend me/get under my skin, so worry not ;w; If you have issues/concerns, feel free to bring them up to me.

TEXT QUIRKS: As with all characters in this canon, Sollux types in a certain and rather DISTRACTING MANNER.
much liike thii2. iit'2 kiind of weiird and hard two read for tho2e unaccu2tomed two the canon.
he replace2 all "S's" wiith 2, double2 hii2 "ii's", and iin place of word2 liike "too" or "to" he u2e2 the word 'two'.
really hard to read on a good day, what wiith the bright yellow mu2tard text, 2O.

If you find you have difficulties reading it/you dislike the text greatly, let me know! I'll do my best to limit his interactions with your character to audio/video/in-person exchanges.

hugging: He's not the most socially-adept guy and pretty prickly to boot. (In more ways than one.) Good luck getting close enough to deliver such an embrace, even if you happen to be a fellow troll.
kissing: Same as above; Good luck. Also mind the teeth, they can get in the way.
intimacy: Have at!
flirting/relationships: COMPLICATED THINGS AHOY. The whole subject of TROLL ROMANCE is pretty crazy in itself, much to the point that most young trolls themselves REALLY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON. As for pursuing these quadrants in-game, well. Socially inept hacker/gamer/programmer + a bunch of pink-skinned monkeys individuals from an alien race + general ornery nature = good luck, dude. To say the least, he's going to be awkward about things for a good while, and if ever the time comes that he would pursue any quadrant, I'll bring it up with you. He's just sort of touchy on the whole subject altogether. (EVERYTHING HE TOUCHES DIES, MY GOD.)
sexual orientation Orientation? What's that? Like most trolls, he's completely gender-blind. It's not a distinction they place too much importance in, relation-ship wise.
fighting/physical aggression: Go right ahead, but expect to be hit/bitten back in turn. He's ornery, and can kind of put up a good fight. I mean, he's a skinny bundle of twigs, but still. Don't forget that he has rather powerful psionics (think telekinesis) on his side as well.
death: Just ask. If it's plot-important, don't be afraid to contact me.
mind control: Only half the time.
mind reading: We can only presume the same goes for this, and again: Good luck. Alien mind stuffed to the brim with technical and techie details, difficult to access and probably just as difficult to decipher/
network posts/hacking: Even in canon, Sollux is an ACE HACKER and programmer. Unchallenged authority on APICULTURE NETWORKING and all that, and he knows ALL OF THE CODES. All of them.
So if there's an UNHACKABLE tag stuck on there, you can bet it's going to be pretty impossible to bust into.

misc./other: As with all trolls, Sollux is likely to react to the presence/mention of PAILS and BUCKETS in a rather negative way. Come on man, have you no decency? Put your filthy paraphernalia away, there are innocent eyes looking at this stuff. It's a pretty quick way to end a conversation for a while, at least.

Also keep in mind that, unlike the rest of his fellow trolls, Sollux has NEVER INTERACTED WITH HUMANS BEFORE, at least not in a direct way. To date, he is the only troll who has yet to hold a direct conversation with any of the kids. Expect fun times there.

As a troll, he is largely NOCTURNAL: most of his kind can't stand bright sunlight. One friend/acquaintance of his was even permanently blinded for gazing into direct sunlight. While the sun on Earth and around Death City isn't nearly as unforgiving as the one on Alternia, old habits and aversions will still run strong.

He also speaks with a bit of a lisp. Hot damn.

!permissions, !ooc

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