fandom high!

Jul 18, 2011 17:00

In case you missed the first part of this ridiculously cracky crossover, it's here!

It's mostly quiet in the staff room at lunch, which is unusual. Leo glances over at Doctor Song, who jerks her head in the direction of the hallway and puts a finger to her lips. After a moment, he can hear Laura Roslin, the school principal, who seems to be having yet another argument with Jed Bartlet. He shakes his head and rolls his eyes at Doctor Song, who stifles a laugh and murmurs, "This should be good."

Jed and Laura's frequent disagreements will no doubt someday be the stuff of legend, but for today they're just entertainment, especially for a grouchy old debate teacher. "I coach the debate team; I live for this stuff. What's your excuse?" he asks Doctor Song, who pops a potato chip into her mouth and wiggles her eyebrows at him.

"I'm an instigator, darling," she says. "Oh, quiet, here they come."

"Jed, if I've told you once, I've told you twenty times," Laura is saying, " all field trips must be cleared through legal, especially those involving time travel. That means you can't just go gallivanting off to 1870 with your macroeconomics students without filling out all the necessary paperwork! I don't care with whom you are traveling!"

Jed reaches into the refrigerator and pulls out his lunch with a flourish, then glances around the room like he's looking for his podium. "He's a Time Lord, Laura! Don't you think he knows what he's doing?"

At that, Doctor Song starts coughing. Jed turns to glare at her, and she waves her hands in front of her face. "Sorry, hypercoffee's just a bit strong today," she says, but she winks at Leo and grins as soon as Jed turns back to Laura.

"I think you should at least follow protocol while you're on the trips, Jed." Laura adjusts her glasses, irritated. "Last time, you left two students on Raxacoricofallapatorius and it took Ryan and Draco all of three hours to wreak havoc on their economic system. I'm still fending off angry phone calls."

"That little snafu was actually a perfect example of the theory we'd been studying. And we did tell them to stay with the group," Jed says, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Yes, it must really irritate you when your subordinates don't follow the rules," Laura says, raising her eyebrows ever so slightly.

"Hoist with your own petard there, Jed," Leo says, laughing.

"Et tu, McGarry?" Jed says.

fandom high, fic

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