Hello, internet. You've been looking a little down, so in between my time climbing mountains, wrestling sharks, saving whale babies and winning eighteen shiny new medals, I've found time to hand-craft this meme, just for you. Because you deserve it, internet. You deserve it.
- Comment with your username.
- Other people will reply to your comment, either anonymously or non-anonymously, writing to you of your awesomeness in the style of the Old Spice Man.
- Silverfish handcatches, while recommended, are optional.
- Don't be uncool. This is a Meme of Awesome. Negative comments will be deleted.
- Comment notifications will be turned off while I'm scaling the world's steepest cliff face and arm/fin-wrestling with killer sharks. Should the need arise, you can contact me via PM.
- I'm on a post. Your friends can be too. Here's a graphic and a code.
Have fun. Stay awesome. ♥