Pick ups: Purple Landscape!

Mar 06, 2010 09:55

Pick ups!

Here are the pick ups for the purple landscape icon. Please comment to let me know you got this and thank you for your requests. You are very welcome for this icon! :)


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Comments 9

glenvorian March 8 2010, 05:48:10 UTC

... )


spike7451 March 8 2010, 07:16:21 UTC
Thank you for my lovely icon. I have mine saved with credit.


crystalra1ndr0p March 14 2010, 18:19:09 UTC
Thank you! It's so pretty.

Sorry it took so long to save this- for some reason I thought you posted the pickups as a comment and I forgot where I requested this.


phyncke March 15 2010, 01:50:04 UTC
No problem. When I get a lot of requests (well a lot for me) -- I do a pick up post as it is faster to post them up. No worries on that. :) Glad you got yours.


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