I really like "The Apple" - I think alot of the Kirk/Spock interaction is very juicy (note the really weird way Kirk grabs Spock when he's been struck by lightning - he's far too close to his thigh there). Also, dumping the sex explanation on Spock is hilarious, in my opinion.
TAS are worth seeing, then? I've read some stuff about it, and some of the plotlines seem quite interesting.
I definitely think TAS is worth seeing. It's got a different feel to it than TOS obviously, but I really like it! Of course, by now I am so completely in love with all things even resembling TOS Trek that I can't be trusted to make an objective evaluation (if that's even possible)...
And now I have to go have another look at the Kirk/Spock scenes in "The Apple". Thanks for giving me an excuse ;)
Btw, feel free to do some procrastination!stalking around here whenever you like. Procrastrination is good for the soul! (at least that's what I keep telling myself...)
I'll have to get hold of it, then. I've turned into a TOS fanatic, so anything slightly connected with it is right down my alley. An objective evaluation is really not needed!
I'm happy I could give you an excuse to rewatch it. The whole bit with Spock throwing himself in front of the plant is great, and even greater is the way Kirk falls to his knees beside him and says his name just after he's been hit. And the thigh-touching. Quite early in the episode there's a bit where Kirk's browsing around and picks a flower while Spock's standing beside him. Kirk looks at hte flower, smells it and then sighs and throws it away, as if he's thinking, 'oh, if it weren't for the landing-party, I would've given it to him, but they're probably watching. Wretched luck!' Why don't I have a The Apple icon? This must be fixed...
I will certainly keep up the procrastination!stalking. It's probably good for the soul, but worse for study-results... Oh well, you'll see more of me, I'm sure.
Huh, obviously I was more distracted than I thought when I watched "The Apple" last time because I somehow missed how slashy this episode really is. Thank you for pointing it out!
Kirk looks at hte flower, smells it and then sighs and throws it away, as if he's thinking, 'oh, if it weren't for the landing-party, I would've given it to him, but they're probably watching. Wretched luck!' Hee! I'll never be able to watch this scene again without imagining Kirk thinking that! (I'm not so sure the landing-party would have been surprised if Kirk HAD given Spock the flower though... I noticed that when Spock was knocked back by the force field and Kirk was all worried about him, Chekov and Martha Landon exchanged a "aren't those two just adorable"-grin).
Also, I hope you don't mind I added you as a friend; I don't want to miss any new fics from you ;)
Comments 5
TAS are worth seeing, then? I've read some stuff about it, and some of the plotlines seem quite interesting.
*doing some procrastination!stalking*
And now I have to go have another look at the Kirk/Spock scenes in "The Apple". Thanks for giving me an excuse ;)
Btw, feel free to do some procrastination!stalking around here whenever you like. Procrastrination is good for the soul! (at least that's what I keep telling myself...)
I'm happy I could give you an excuse to rewatch it. The whole bit with Spock throwing himself in front of the plant is great, and even greater is the way Kirk falls to his knees beside him and says his name just after he's been hit. And the thigh-touching. Quite early in the episode there's a bit where Kirk's browsing around and picks a flower while Spock's standing beside him. Kirk looks at hte flower, smells it and then sighs and throws it away, as if he's thinking, 'oh, if it weren't for the landing-party, I would've given it to him, but they're probably watching. Wretched luck!'
Why don't I have a The Apple icon? This must be fixed...
I will certainly keep up the procrastination!stalking. It's probably good for the soul, but worse for study-results... Oh well, you'll see more of me, I'm sure.
Kirk looks at hte flower, smells it and then sighs and throws it away, as if he's thinking, 'oh, if it weren't for the landing-party, I would've given it to him, but they're probably watching. Wretched luck!'
Hee! I'll never be able to watch this scene again without imagining Kirk thinking that! (I'm not so sure the landing-party would have been surprised if Kirk HAD given Spock the flower though... I noticed that when Spock was knocked back by the force field and Kirk was all worried about him, Chekov and Martha Landon exchanged a "aren't those two just adorable"-grin).
Also, I hope you don't mind I added you as a friend; I don't want to miss any new fics from you ;)
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