Blood Bond~

Jan 15, 2009 20:35

The three people you voted on:

Your character stamping link: (use the stamped members list (and ctrl + f) to get your link)
Lelouch -

Name: Nancy
Nickname: Airo
Age: 17

Do you have any siblings? Yes
If so, are they older/younger? male/female? Younger brother
If not, would you like to have a sibling or two? N/A

If you had the choice would you prefer being the youngest, the middle, or eldest child? I prefer to the middle child. I don’t want to be the oldest because that means I have to go through “hell” first, such as be the first of my siblings to drive, get a job, and go to college. I don’t want to be the youngest because I won’t have anyone to play with XD

What do you think would be the worst thing about being the eldest child, the responsible one? I have to say that your parents depend on you as if you are their only “hope”. You will have to live up to high expectations and “grow up” first.

What do you think would be the worst thing about being the middle child, the one always stuck in the middle of everything and everyone? It has to be that you are expected to be like your eldest sibling. It’s like your parents don’t see you, they see your brother/sister.

What do you think would be the worst thing about being the youngest child, the one who's always momma's/daddy's favorite and the one that's always to young to do anything? You are the one left behind. Your brother and sister are gone, so who else is there to bond with?

If you could choose a sibling, your preference for them would be what:
Personality-wise: Outgoing, intelligent, sympathetic, and protective (like an eagle)… My sibling will serve as my foil.
in Physical Appearance: About the same height as me or a bit taller than me.
Gender-wise: Female may be a pain for me, but it is easier to talk to. I prefer male since he is a lot more fun to be around like playing videogames and watching animes with XD
in Age: Either 15 - 18.

In short they be:
Calm or Energetic: Energetic
Brains or Brawn: Both
Controlled or Impulsive: Impulsive, but still have some self-control.
Determined or Passive: Determined.
Mature or Immature: Immature
Patient or Impatient: Patient
Compassionate or Just: Compassionate
Confident or Modest: Confident
Overprotective or Distant: Overprotective
a Leader or Follower: Leader

You are at a party and this guy/girl starts to hit on you. He's/She's not really bothering you at all and asks you for nothing more than a dance. This sibling of yours sees. What do they do? They will walk up to us and fool around just to make sure that this person doesn’t mean any harm. If not, then they will tease me into dancing >__< If yes, then “back away from my sister!”

This sibling of yours catches you doing something your parents told you not to do and earlier you had a fight with this sibling. What do you think they'll do now that they've seen you do something you shouldn't have? They either use it as a blackmail for later in the future or give me a LONG lecture about why I should not had done that…

This perfect sibling of yours can't be all that perfect themselves, name a few things/traits you would be fine with that would make them imperfect in some way? Egotistic, easily distracted, talkative, and social (well that isn’t a bad trait, but it just irritates me a bit and I’m fine with that).

Now name some of the things your real sibling(s) or what you think would be the most annoying things/traits about a person's sibling(s) to have to put up with?
Argh, blaming me for every little thing!
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