AECon2 - My Thoughts and Experiences with few Photos - Part 3

Jun 16, 2011 20:15


I’ll start with Jason Manns.

On Friday, the Jason Manns concert tickets were sold out! I suppose Rogue decided to sell more because of the strong demand which make me happy. Jason did start to have a bigger fanbase thanks to Jensen and Supernatural. But, now he definitely owns his success himself. He is at his best live. Really! It was fun but also really tender. Thanks to lupina78  I had a great place in the front (Merci, sweet Andy *padahug*) He played with us and we were amazing! I think he enjoyed us very much. He made a lot of eye contacts and I really do feel he enjoyed playing/singing for/with us! I don’t have to tell how much fun/great Richard was. Even YED aka Fred was good! So much about Jason’s concert… Wait! No, I saw him again in Cologne. He was great even if he didn’t sing Hallelujah which I love. I’m happy I was there. I met some great SPN-Fans who were at AECon2. I think I recorded 3 songs and most of his talks. He is such a sweetheart. The quality is so bad that I try to make something out of it. If you wish, here is the link:

Here a few Pictures :

The 1st one was before he started to sing. He was searching for his notebook which I think is a Moleskine.

Here Jason makes Jared concurrence! Smile, Dimples, Sweat!

Jensen (I already write a little in a former post)

As I already said, I arrived late on Saturday morning. The opening ceremony was already over. I sat down in an actually good sit and Jensen was already on stage saying he was impressed with the room (most of the guest will notice it). But for the one who wanted to take pictures it was too dark (well, not for those with awesome skills and great camera). The acoustic bad which lead for the questioners to have a face to face while asking. That’s a good thing for them but the one sitting in the back not so good. Especially with our beloved agile Jared who sat or knee down a lot.

So back to Jensen!
My first impression?
Hard to tell. I was just thinking that Jensen-Asylum 2007 and Jensen-AECon2 are two different public men. It’s impressive how he now controls the public and plays with us. I do think when he’s alone on stage that he does wear Dean’s leather jacket and give us a show. Of course, he is older but I think he learned from/use a lot Dean’s character and the influence of Jared is certainly not to underestimate. He is sincere but “Jensen” is hiding much when he is alone on stage. Jensen2007 would never have done this “Shut up”-moment 04:50 - 06:12.

That’s for now on Jensen alone on stage.

Jensen’s autograph

I went to the Autograph for Brock, Fred and Jensen Saturday afternoon. The reason is that I wanted to get the most. I mean Jensen’s autograph: Once and at Jared’s autograph: Jensen Twice.

As I was queuing for Brock, Jensen went out. He came maybe 15 minutes later eating something. I will certainly say something now that already been said over and over again. He is indeed skinny but I found him not as tall as everybody say. He is tall, but.... Well, I biased. I never dated a man less than 1m 85. But, like everyone agree, the word beautiful is the right one, like Sam quote: “Male Model-like”. His face is so delicate; it’s a wonder that he looks as manly/rough as Dean. I won’t describe him as feminine but I think his motion (plus bow legs) and his voice are definitely manly.
Weird was to watch him as he came back in the autograph room eating something; his movement and the way he ate were so “Dean-like”. There is something more which amazed me with him. Jensen seems always to screen his environment. His is highly aware of each detail within his space. When he walks his eyes are furtively focusing on each detail. Just a thing I noticed: he has the quality of a woman and a man in his awareness of space.

30 seconds to 1 minute!

That’s was it: Assistant take my ticket and my John Winchester’s Journal I wanted him to sign - He gets it - I say “Hi” - No eye contact - He’s says “Hi” while signing - He gives me the book back - simultaneously I say “Thanks” while he is looking up and smiling at me for max. 5 seconds.
What can I say, it’s not his fault. There were too many of us in a short timeline. It wasn’t pleasant, for me at least. You’ll see at my autograph’s quality. It was hushed and as ordered without personalization. You can see that last year was totally different. I know: Much more people and so on. But then, they could plan more time or don’t add extra autographs for the guest who are already included. Then, it will be worth it. I know I’m dreaming, it’s about money and many fans wouldn’t agree with me, because they bring some for their friends, for example. There was nobody at Jared’s line. It was just me. Still, no personalization. Anyway, that’s was with my personal encounter with Jensen.

Here the autographs scans from AECon1 and 2:

I saw Jensen once or twice walking in the hall way with Rogue peoples and his bodyguard. Some noticed him but most of the fans mind their own business. I’m not sure they really needed a bodyguard. People from Rogue would have been enough, even with the incident. Well it’s my opinion. I saw the videos from NashCon and it was so funny to see all the bodyguards (even cops if I understood well) for example following Richard in the crowd! The guy looks so annoyed. We are not TVD-Fans. I suppose, the Js required it and it is certainly for Rogue easier to handle and also an insurance question. The two bodyguards were tense but I saw them going out as it was over and the Js were gone. They were smiling and chatting with each other and watching at their Js autographed photos. I found it cute and nice from our Js.
I saw the Js  walking in the hallway just once (The other time, they were with the other guests. They were also talking together but not walking so close to each other). They were going to the CL.
I so love the fact that the fans don’t scream and get crazy. Actually, it’s the reverse. The hallway quiet down. As if some are holding their breath and the other just keep doing what they’re up to. I’m sure others won’t agree with me and would love to have more craziness and effervescence. But personally, I like it so. We can cheer them while they are on stage!
So, as I spotted them going out from the green room toward the CL room I think I stopped breathing and focused (you know like going in apnea). They were walking side by side, Jensen slightly ahead, shoulder touching. They were talking to each other. It was smooth and soft. We saw/hear a lot about them when they are together. Everyone have their own conclusion. That’s fine with me. What I see it’s two human beings who are undeniably soul mate. And I can bellieve this was from the go on. It's seem so natural. And of course, they looked astonishing! As you already suppose, my eyes rested a bit longer on Jared! No, I won’t gush on him now. I spare you. ;)
After they disappeared in the room, I was really pensive and asking myself if there are other examples of actors meeting on set and became like the Js. Maybe, Jake and Heath?! I don’t know.

J2 on stage

I had a good seat on the balcony (left side) and room (for my taste ugly) was really good. Because it had daylight and the sound was good. They could see us as well as we could see them. At the beginning, Jared who stand at my/our side look up to us, making eyes contacts and smiled/waved in our direction.
Their panel was awesome. Loved Jared saying “I pushed the button”, loved Jensen’s story about his fan’s encounter in Prague, loved Jensen mimicking Jared riding… Actually, I should think of something I didn’t like, it’ll be shorter/faster.
I didn’t like the question about “their regrets”. Come on guys, it has been asked almost at each con! That’s boring for us and for them. Even if they are always answering kindly, please be more thoughtful by choosing your questions.
Oh, and what I didn’t like was: it was over too soon. I actually thought it was only 30 minutes instead of 45 minutes. But I could be wrong.
Anyway, a great panel as usual and the confirmation for me that Jensen is better with Jared at his side. And I think that Jensen is now the lead on stage. I don’t recall when it started to show up. But at the beginning Jared was the lead when they were together on stage. It’s different now. Maybe I’m wrong. It’s the feeling I have right now. But they’re still like synchronized swimmer. Aware of each other, on the same wave and never stealing the show to the other.

I think this is all I have for now.

Wait, just a thought about Jensen! It seems after his telling that he get hurts the most on set!

The next post will be about Richard and Mark, Brock and Gen. Oups, ja and also a little about Fred.
Now some more crappy pictures from J2’s Panel:

2 crappy pics of Jensen at the J2 Panel:

Thanks for reading and feel free to comment and to criticized. I don't have an overview of the pics I posted, I will at the end Post all of them at once. Crapy pics but I do love them.

aecon2 jared padalecki jensen ackles

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