Random Essay #1

Jul 06, 2006 16:06

Dee on people at home

Basically, he loves him. I could just leave it at that, but this is supposed to be an essay, so. XD

Ryo is Dee's partner both in and out of the job. Dee'd do anything for him, whether it be to take a bullet, or babysit Bikky (which he'd whine and whine about, but still do it anyway). Of course, that's not mentioning paperwork, because Dee won't do it. He leaves all that to Ryo. It's out of love, honest. He's very protective of him, even going as far as to tell Ryo not to cheat on him (can't remember the volume, will fix later).

Dee comes off as a hornball, especially with the constant walling/molesting/etc of Ryo, but to be honest, he wouldn't go farther than that without Ryo's permission. In the end of Fake Vol. 7 (scans coming hopefully soon), they finally do get around to doing the horizontal tango, but they haven't since. At least, that's the way I'm playing him. It's not that Ryo won't give him any (no, rly), there's just a problem with the cockblocking on Bikky's part. But Dee doesn't mind too much, despite all the flailing and yelling and fighting. He's got Ryo, and that's really all that matters to him.

Which brings me to the monkey boy himself. Dee and Bikky don't get along most of the time. Dee sees him as the bodyguard Ryo doesn't need, and would call him a little cockblocker if he wasn't afraid of Ryo's Wrath. There are times where Dee just wants the little guy to leave, but he knows that would make Ryo upset, so he would never ever voice it.

That, and he's taken a liking to Bikky. Despite all the fighting, Dee sees him as the little brother he never wanted but can't get rid of. 8D They have there moments where they do get along (or bond over seeing a ghost and not being understood by Ryo, see Vol. 2). But, like Ryo, Dee would do anything for Bikky. He's an important little brat, and Dee's favorite brat. If you mess with him, you're messing with Dee.

Dee thinks of her as another brat, but one he can get along with. Yeah, he might use her to his advantage when trying to get rid of Bikky, but he thinks of her as a good kid. She also falls into his little category of family, so. He'd do anything for her.

Ahahaha, where do I start? Dee doesn't hate JJ exactly, but, he's not too fond of him either. He could do without all the yelling and clinging and glomping, etc., and of course, all the negativity towards Ryo, because really.

But even so, Dee would look after the guy, should he have to. He's a fellow cop and a friend, so, in Dee's mind, that falls under the same category of the other three.

Probably update this more with the other people after I actually read through the canon all at once. 8D

Dee on Camp so far:

He thinks it''s the weirdest place with the weirdest shit he's ever seen. Worse and better than the movies he's seen, because wow. It's not everyday you wake up to gorillas and zombies. Part of him hates it - he misses New York and Ryo and normal bad guys that he can arrest and put away for a long time.

But the other part of him kind of likes it. New experiences, new people, and hey, a mystery to work on without his boss up his ass. He's pretty interested in everyone (especially the "space people", because he's still trying to wrap his mind around 15 yr olds = MILITARY), and wants to get around to meeting everyone. He plans on doing his job every so often, despite the other counselors telling him they don't bother, because it gives him something to do, and a chance to meet the kids. Not that he likes kids, rly.

And yeah, he's a little freaked by all the warnings, but he's trying to be calm about it. No use freaking out unless he has to.


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