Random NYPD information and FAKE.

May 19, 2007 05:50

...this is what happens when insomnia hits and you decide to entertain yourself on Blingo.

Salary, chain of command, etc, etc.

Going pay-rate for a cop finished with the academy: $32,000 a year. (note: as of 2005, though an article found in 2002 said it was around 31,000 as of July, 2002.)

Reporting to the Chief of Department:
* Patrol Services
* Detective
* Organized Crime Control
* Transportation
* Housing

There are eleven sworn uniformed ranks of the New York City Police Department:
* Police Officer
* Detective (Note: considered to be the same rank as a Police Officer; this is where Dee and Ryo are ranked)
* Sergeant (symbol of rank: 3 chevrons)
* Lieutenant (symbol of rank: 1 gold bar)
* Captain (symbol of rank: 2 gold bars)
* Deputy Inspector (symbol of rank: gold oak leaf)
* Inspector (symbol of rank: gold eagle)
* Deputy Chief (symbol of rank: 1 gold star)
* Assistant Chief (symbol of rank: 2 gold stars)
* Bureau Chief (symbol of rank: 3 gold stars)
* Chief of Department (symbol of rank: 4 gold stars)

The title "Detective" is not a supervisory rank within the New York City Police Department - it is an equivalent rank. A "Detective" has the equivalent rank of a police officer with the specification of "Detective - Specialist" (specialty task oriented, such as a police sketch artist), "Detective - First Grade" (highest), "Detective - Second Grade", and "Detective - Investigator (Third Grade)." Three guesses as to where Dee is, and the first two don't count.

Detectives can be one of two types: "Detective - Specialist", who is an officer in a specialized unit that might be more dangerous (ESU) or requiring more technical knowledge (Aviation); or "Detective - Investigator", who investigates cases in precinct detective squads or narcotics operations. Either "Detective - Specialists" or "Detective - Investigators" can be awarded pay increases known as "grades". All "Detective - Investigators" start at Detective - Third Grade, which has a pay rate roughly between that of Police Officers and Sergeants; they can then get "promoted" to Detective - Second Grade which has roughly the salary of Sergeants or Detective - First Grade which has a pay rate roughly that of Lieutenants. All detectives hold the same authority as that of police officers, in that none outrank the other. Grades are given out through a merit-based system where a supervisor feels his subordinate deserves recognition and if accepted then makes grade. Detective - First Grades are generally the most experienced and capable investigators in the Department.

Badges in the New York City Police Department are referred to as "shields" (traditional).

FAKE: What's real, and what is...well, fake.

The 27th Precinct is also the home base for the detectives of Law & Order. But it does not exist. However, the 19th precinct - which is where the 27th moves to in volume 7 - does actually exist, and is located in Manhattan.

And going with made-up precinct numbers, the 54th - the precinct Dee transfers from in FAKE extra 01 - also does not exist, though if it did, it would most likely be located in the Bronx.

Let's see, what else... oh! 303 East 15th Street, where Ryo lives does exist, according to Google maps.

The "Criminal Investigations" unit is... well. I don't know what it's really called. It's not the Major Case squad or SVU, because the MCS doesn't investigate homicides, and SVU investigates sex crimes. Law and Order, anyone? "All homicide investigations are conducted by precinct detective squads and borough homicide squads." is what ze wiki says.

And now... well, I'm just gonna quote a page or two of FAKE so it's easier to explain:

Volume 2; Act 5
Ted: Ohh, by the way. Did you hear about the chief?
Ryo: What about him?
Drake: He got reassigned all of a sudden.
Dee: What?! Just like that?
Ted: Yep. And they turned the case over to some big shot from state police. I guess Mr. Big Shot requested the chief's position personally.
Dee: Wait, you can just request something like that and have the chief of police reassigned? Holy shit!
Ted (?): Rumor is, he's got some sort of connection to the top of the food chain.
Drake: I saw him in the locker room just a while ago. He seemed like a pretty young guy still.
Dee: Now, why would a promising young dude go out of his way to become the chief of some teeny tiny precinct? They can't possibly be paying the state police less than what they pay us cops.
Blah blah blah, they talk about their stats and the chief and the chief comes and kicks their asses. And then they introduce Berkeley as Chief Rose.

Now Berkeley's the commissioner. Wiki says "Police Commissioner (or Commissioner of Police) is the title of the chief officer of many law enforcement agencies. In some organizations, the commissioner is a political appointee, and may or may not actually be a professional police officer. In these circumstances, there is often a professional chief of police in charge of day-to-day operations. Usually, however, the commissioner is the professional head of the organization."

So I'm assuming this means that Chief Smith and Berkeley are the same rank and occasionally cross cases to work together, since the Chief appears every now and then to be authoritative and shit.

...more to be added when I'm more awake/bored again. /o/

Reference links:
Wiki: NYPD
Wiki: FAKE manga
NYPD official page: precinct listings
Wiki: Police commissioner
Canon info

info, canon info

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