Nov 19, 2006 20:14
...yeah, I know. BAD TIMING what with the holidays and all, but! There will be a football game Thanksgiving weekend, and while it probably won't be like past games, it'll still go by the same format, ie: meet-up/beginning of game post on Saturday, and the actual game being posted on Sunday. If you can't make the Saturday post, that's fine! You can ninja into the Sunday post and pretend you were there the whole time. XD Also, I don't mind if you want to say your character played, but you couldn't participate yourself. WE ARE EASY THAT WAY.
Anyway, I'm lazy and uh, don't remember who else was playing, so I'm going to post the teams that were from the last round, with who I do remember wanting to play.
Team A: (Dealers) Duo, Sena, Hiruma, Katou, Ash, Emilio, Akito/Agito, Clark, Bart, Mwu, Nanba. Mugen
Team B: (Switchbacks) Sakuraba, Izumi, Haruhi, Shin, Dee, Heero, Yzak, Jun, Lee, Yuma, Sanji, Kon
Also, if you want your character to be on a specific team, just ask me. |D
Uh, what else. Oh yeah! I post the first post around 6 PM EST on Saturday, and the second game post is posted around 3-4 PM EST on Sunday. These aren't set times, due to RL being a bitch sometimes, but that's a general ballpark-type time.
Like the last couple of games, #cfudfootball will be open in IRC so we can figure out what's going to happen and whatnot, because planning and organizing is A+. For anyone who can't hit up IRC, I'm also on AIM @ IgnitedBlitz, so feel free to IM me when you want to know WTF is going on.
For those of you who don't know how to play, no worries! Most of us don't know how either. XD General rules and stuff can be explained ICly or OOCly at your choosing.
Also? Suggestions for the next Football game date are very welcome, as I don't know when people are available, especially with the end of the semester coming for many of us. 8D
I think this has become my football icon. |D