
Oct 15, 2011 12:26

Oops. This post is meant to be fic. On account of, you know, it being post 250. Instead, let's have a fic comment party! Yay! Because of course Cobalt can't get her arse in gear to actually write full length fics at the moment.

So, prompt away. Fic away, even! See a prompt and like it - write a response to it! (And I faithfully promise I'll write ( Read more... )

original fic, real life, randomness, omgwtf, fic, drabble, dr who

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Comments 28

wolf October 15 2011, 18:13:27 UTC
Hey there! :D

I am still on Season 5 for Doctor Who, though I'll get to it eventually! xD And I totally have to agree with you; the DW fandom can be a scary place, with lots of conflict, but that's the same for many fandoms too. I've found some good fic though (depending on ships, lol). :P

As for Merlin...OMFG IKR!? *withers* ;o; I can't wait for the next episode~

I'll come back with a prompt a little later. I just had to squee first. xD


cobalt_violet October 17 2011, 10:57:02 UTC
Hello! XD

I won't go into spoilers about the latest series then (season 6), but season 5 was a joy to watch. I've watched all the episodes of new!Who but I think that was genuinely one of my favourites if only for some of the absolutely brilliant and beautiful episodes. What do you think of Matt Smith as the new Doctor?

DW fandom quite frankly terrified me, especially when I was under the impression that a good portion of the fans were meant to be relatively reasonable adults, and yet there was so much hate going on in there! I wandered into Who fandom as someone who doesn't have an OTP for the fandom, or a preference for companion/doctor/show runner and ran away again terrified over the epic ship wars and character bashing. (I know, I know, I'm a coward! XD ( ... )


alesca_munroe October 15 2011, 19:02:27 UTC
Prompt: "It's not who you want to spend Friday night with. It's who you want to spend all day Saturday with."

Also, this current doctor is the only one I've watched, and it's een pretty interesting as a whole.


cobalt_violet October 17 2011, 10:58:37 UTC
You know that's a Sinn/Mars prompt, don't you? It screams Sinn/Mars at me. ;)

I've only watched the 'New' version of Who (i.e. 2005 onwards), but it's a genuinely fun and entertaining piece of tv, which I find increasingly difficult to find on UK broadcasting at the moment, given the obsession with reality TV.


alesca_munroe November 7 2011, 02:07:13 UTC
XD Yes!!

And yeah, the good shows are hard to find under all the reality TV...


cynikal_lemon October 15 2011, 19:08:10 UTC
I have mixed thoughts about the current season of Who. It seems like Moffat really twisted things to fit...


cobalt_violet October 17 2011, 11:01:56 UTC
I do agree. I loved last year's series, although I got really irritated by Amy as a character. Contrast it to this year's series, where I felt like it was fumbling frantically in the dark and I surprisingly ended up liking Amy a great deal. Hm. That said, I do think Moffat overplayed his hand - he's a good showrunner, but I think Who doesn't fit comfortably into a two-season story arc, especially when you start to sacrifice characters/characterisation simply for the sake of the overall story. It ends up becoming a bit of a cheat.

So yeah, overall I liked it, but it was a very mixed bag this year, whereas last year I don't think there was one episode I didn't like.


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cobalt_violet October 17 2011, 11:03:57 UTC
Start season 4! OMG DO IIIIIIT! In three episodes they've beaten me over the head and made me laugh and cry and dance with joy and break my heart all at once. So far it's so good and so brilliant and so painful. I will, of course, wait until I have seen the whole season to comment on it overall, but at the moment it's shaping up to be one of the best seasons. (I won't say anything in case I spoiler you, but I suggest not looking into any comments further down this page, just in case!)


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cobalt_violet October 19 2011, 10:25:48 UTC
I know, I never really got into Merlin fandom, but now I'm all 'la la la, I want to read stories about all the knights of the (eventual) round table plz'. And yet, I'm still so terrified of actually going and hunting down fic. I don't have time for fandom commitment either right now and to fic hunt would be fatal. XD

It make actually be worth waiting and watching it in one go. I can't say for certain (only being three episodes in), but there definitely seems to be a stronger overall series story line this year, rather than last year's somewhat weak 'Morgana is evil. EVIL I SAY', which got tiring.


the_beanster October 15 2011, 23:25:20 UTC
Omg, I feel like I'm in the tiny minority who adores just about anything dr who related: all the doctors (well, 9-11 as I've only see the newer ones), every single companion, and altho I def liked rtd more than moffat overall, some of my all-time fave episodes are moffat ones. So it makes me sad to see that there is so much hate in fandom. And there are shipping wars!? I don't even know what this could even be about!

So, please tell me you liked this season as well and if not, I would actually really like to know why.


cobalt_violet October 17 2011, 13:13:07 UTC
Yes, yes, yes! Thank you! I am not alone in the 'I like all Doctors and Companions' thing! *Happy dance* I was saddened by the whole 'My Doctor is so much more awesome than your Doctor' attitude in Who fandom. My reaction to the Doctors was basically ( ... )


cobalt_violet October 17 2011, 13:13:44 UTC
On the other hand, I went into 'The Girl Who Waited' with low expectations, because although Amy grew on me dramatically throughout series 6 (series 5 on the whole just made me irritated with her), I was still not a huge fan. And yet the episode surprised and delighted me, even as it was making me sad and going 'Oooh the Doctor really does have this hard, mean side'. I also loved it for the exploration of Rory as a character, because (I confess!) I have a huge soft spot for Rory. It also made Amy really grow as a character for me ( ... )


the_beanster October 17 2011, 14:37:32 UTC
Well, 9 is my doctor. I don't know why, but I keep going back to him (might be bc my fave epi ever was the empty child/doctor dances....which might be why I've forgiven moffat for just about anything for giving me these lovely epis). But I've found things to love in each doctor. I think part of why I liked The Girl Who Waited was simply bc I thought that the doctor should have a darker side that we hadn't really gotten to see, so it was a nice change.

which saddens me because I think it's one of the few fandoms where I'd happily ship everyone with everyone else
Omg...me too. I simply don't get it. You can give me any pairing and although I might not love it, I would understand it.

...um, do you have any recs? For any pairing?

And yeah, I get not liking a character, but the hate she gets makes me ridiculously sad.

One of my absolute favourite episodes ever is 'Vincent and the Doctor' which, as I'm sure you know, is not a happy episode in many respects. but works so wonderfully well and is so beautifully done that you can ignore ( ... )


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