
May 16, 2011 14:10

It's that time again! Coming up to the 250th LJ post which means, in time-honoured tradition (and by 'time-honoured' I mean 'has happened exactly once before') the floor is open to suggestions for a 250th LJ fic ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

keeperofdestiny May 17 2011, 19:57:30 UTC
I would love some classic Alexander/Hep-I-can't-spell-his-name *hides*, but I have no idea what sort of dimension. :p They have a pet bunny, IDK.

Life sucks, and is a great inconvenience at the worst of times.


cobalt_violet May 20 2011, 08:30:50 UTC
You can't spell Hephaistion's name? :O :O :O Clearly I haven't been ranting enough! ;D

I...can see Alexander adopting a bunny (for reasons known best to himself) and then going 'I'm going to name a city after it! Yay!' and Hephaistion being all 'Please don't. We already have one named after the dog and one after the horse.'

Hmm, this may turn into a crack drabble now. XD


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cobalt_violet May 20 2011, 08:31:57 UTC
Lol. I read your comment and had visions of evil fluffy bunny a la Monty Python. ('Big pointy teeth!')

A bunny would indeed be appropriate. Possibly an evil one, now I've got that stuck in my head. XD


dark_kana May 18 2011, 19:28:33 UTC
Hmm ... I'm tempted to ask for more Road to Moonstone ...
But ... I'd like some SamJay, JamesDaniel. Pirate Universe. With prompt "One day, when youth is just a memory, you'll be standing right next to me.

Gah, I know all about life suddenly going BOO and sucking up free time.


cobalt_violet May 20 2011, 08:33:26 UTC
Ahhhh, that's a great prompt! Just to check: when you say 'Pirate Universe' are we talking about the Lorn/Aubrey universe, Pirates of the Caribbean universe or some other universe I have yet to read/watch about?

I have visions of James with a cutlass and an eyepatch now...

Life sucks. Where has all my free time gone?! D:


dark_kana May 20 2011, 10:21:42 UTC
Glad you like the prompt! :-)
Oh, it doesn't really matter. ^^ Just any Pirates universe you prefere. :-) Though I did love the LornAubrey fic you once posted. Will you expand that? *puppy dog eyes*

OH!!! Love that vision!!! :D

Yeah, I wonder too. *sighs*


aur_in_hue May 29 2011, 04:45:42 UTC
Well, I hope life isn't too scary when it goes Boo, I know the feeling. I'll throw a few prompts this way I suppose (not that I expect more anything more than or even equal to one), mostly because I know I love when people give me prompts. It's permission to take good ideas.

Thorn and Rhyses, Assent - and you are sane/Demur - you’re straightway dangerous/And handled with a Chain -

Any character(s), bad days always end with a fish in your rain boots.

James, gen or slash, he never meant to be stuck in the tiniest of tiny Scottish fishing villages, and he doesn't intend to stay long, chowder or no.


cobalt_violet May 31 2011, 08:22:17 UTC
I am...kind of in love with that last prompt. I have images of James moping in a little cottage by the sea in Scotland. :D Also, I'm intrigued by that Thorn/Rhyses prompt. What made you think of them?

Oh, and I may pinch that middle prompt (with your permission, of course!) and add it to a fic I'm going to do re: James/Daniel and Sam/Jay in a pirate-y universe. It kind of... fits.


aur_in_hue May 31 2011, 19:04:14 UTC
Pinch any and all prompts I send your way, I don't mind it's why I offered them.

And I thought of Thorn/Rhyses because I was poking around old journal entries of yours and re-found the Five Bruises story. When I first read it I didn't have an account, but I do sort of follow the Moonstone verse and it's various off shoots. And yeah, James moping in a cottage in Scotland was an image I had in the shower and a prompt was born.


ofcourseiam June 4 2011, 01:14:20 UTC
I'd vote for Sinn and Mars (AU or Hogwarts).

Hmm...a prompt...
I only have one for AU: Mars decides he must work at Coptic Coffee for a few days.

And one for either AU or Hogwarts: Mars asks Sinn if he had ever read/watched porn.

I'm also not sure quite when Sinn and Mars are in the Hogwarts timeline (Marauders, I think? Voldemort was around then, right?). But assuming Voldemort was there:
Sinn gets asked to join Voldemort.

I think I went a little overboard with the prompt thing...


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