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theidolhands asks: "Have you ever quit a job because of a coworker? What was the final straw? Any news on the person (or individuals) after you left?"
Comments 44
I didn't think anything of it until the day before I quit - she was telling me that I was doing a great job while simultaneously telling the boss/the boss's son-in-law (the one who didn't work there) that I was lazy, would abandon her in the kitchen, and was doing everything wrong/not improving.
Welp. Make that four ex-employees, you two-faced something-or-other.
What does she claim (or does it seem) is the reason for her fixation?
In my experience and according the the show Stalkers, they only move on (sadly) when they've found a new person to fixate on and there is little anyone can do -- other than what you've done -- to shake their interest.
I decided I valued staying alive and cut ties as best I could. I would not be at all surprised if she finds someone else to fixate on in my place. I still freak if I think I see her, though. It got pretty scary there for a while.
I also know what it's like to be left with PTSD or toxic stress once an incident like this passes, it leaves marks (despite having only wished well by the person who causes the leftover pain).
I agree so much.
"You didn't ask us first!", that's a form of bullying. That's power struggle at it's finest. These people are who are what give "management" such a bad reputation of just being vile assholes.
I'm glad that management changed and they quit because they couldn't act out like that. Ew, just ew.
I'm in the process of quitting my job due to coworker issues honestly. There isn't enough work to keep me busy and away from them. There is SO MUCH drama among full grown men. Over things like where a fan is placed or unplugging a heater.
Someone once left tampons on another guy's work station. I was livid because of the sexual harassment spin on it. I wasn't mad it was brought to my attention, I jumped quickly to address it. HOWEVER the person who had them left on his station refused to touch them and wanted me to specifically do it because I'm a girl and it was an omg wrapped, unused tampon...and I'm like "You wonder why people don't like you..."
because my daughter did a form of it. there were three people taking the same management course, with the exact same company-issued messenger bags to hold their notebooks, notes, etc. after 4 days of having HER pens disappear because the other two (men) were too lazy to dig in their own bags, she loaded every pocket in her bag with tampons and set it apart from the other bags as she had been doing all along.
when the first guy actually SCREAMED as he found tampons instead of a pen, she told him "that's what you get for putting your hands where they don't belong!" and the pen thievery stopped.
but yeah, that's an entirely different situation than what you described, holy cow what a goober that guy is!
It reminds me of when I'd throw pads on top of everything in my purse so when I had to go through a security check at a concert, they'd stop digging around pretty quickly. Saved me from having to throw out my bottle of Advil and gum a few times. Seriously, some of those places make you throw out gum, argh I get it but it's overkill.
Also, mofos who don't bring BASIC SUPPLIES to classes are way up there on my pet peeve list. People who steal one's own supplies are on my F.U. list.
I'm mentally filing this away for everyone forever in case it can ever help them.
I do not understand what is so horrifying to men about menstruation, it is one of the very least fetishized aspects of women & a vagina (and believe me I've sampled quite a lot) but without menstruation -- which happens EVERY month of most women's lives for DECADES -- including their own mother they would not be on this planet.
Yet, women are the one's frequently accused of being emotional and irrational. Tut, tut.
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