Oct 14, 2014 14:07
A co-worker of mine has become the bosses favourite employee. She gets all the easy jobs, when she's not busy texting people on her phone on the shop floor, that is, can do what she wants, when she wants, is always gossiping to the boss, stands around talking, or just texting and swears on the shop floor. I got told off by my boss for saying "bloody hell" once but my co-worker always uses the 'f' word, 'shit' and also the dreaded c word and my manager knows this and never tells her off. I complained about her to my boss and she just said "That's just the way she is." Seriously? But you tell me off for saying bloody hell? How is that fair?
Anyway, we're all contracted to work certain hours. My boss told us all, indirectly, that she'll reward those who work hard by adding more hours to their weekly contract. I thought, great, I'll get more hours for sure. No. Obviously I don't work. My co-worker, however, got 8 extra hours per week added onto her contract. Out of all of us, she got the most hours. Only two of us, me and another co-worker, didn't get more hours on our contracts. And I have to say, the co-worker who didn't get any hours works harder than all of us. I'm a really hard worker too though. I take pride in my work. I am ALWAYS busy. And yet here I am, being punished, along with the other hard worker... while SHE gets loads more hours... I mean most of us work hard but WHY oh WHY is the ONE co-worker who treats the place like it's her second home, a place she can just doss, getting all the praise and stuff?
As the title goes, why do I even bother? It's just not fair. It's been like this in every job I've ever had. I'm always made out to be lazy, who doesn't want to work. And I do. I push myself to my limit ALL the damn time and for what? Nothing's ever gonna change.
OH! And also! A couple of weeks ago, my boss left early as she was doing a half day. She knew my co-worker was working all afternoon. Anyway, my co-worker was receiving texts left right and centre and was just sat behind the till replying to all of them. I ended up saying to her, "You're popular" and she turned to me and said "Yeah it's *boss*" so I said, "Oh, so it's work-related then?" because seriously, it had better damn well be, and she said "Oh no we're just chatting."
SERIOUSLY? My boss KNEW she was working and warns people about using their phones on the shop floor. A supervisor warned her about using her phone, but boss seems to be okay with co-worker using her phone, as long as no one else does apparently...
help me,
i need a new job now,
retail: clothing,
foul language,
retail: department store,
butt kissing,
unfair treatment,
bad boss,