For once, I write in public, because I truly madly deeply hope the stupid bitch SOMEHOW finds my journal and reads this. Even though that is very unlikely to happen...
Customer: Hi, do you have any other brands of kitten food? *shows me a bag of Royal Canin*
Me: Yeah, sure! How do want it to different from that one?
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Comments 24
anyway, the point of this is, people often don't want to do the best by their animals, even when you're more than willing to take the time to tell them how to have healthier animals. AND IT KILLS ME!!!!
But yeah, people IGNORE my advice a whole lot. They might listen to me, and might even ask further questions, but in the end, they simply do not care enough: they will never get around doing things differently, so the problem just continues. No matter how helpful my info was.
However, this is the first time anyone goes completely ding-dong when I am doing my best to HELP THEM, and starts shouting at me like a maniac. She went completely mental, I'm telling you!
I don't have to take that crap. Not even in customer service.
And I was being so fucking friendly too.
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Yleensä se vääntö on kuitenkin lähinnä sitä, että ne Kitekatin tai Lupan syöttäjät puolustelee toisiaan kilpaa. Se on sitä "ihan hyvin nää on tälläkin pärjännyt!" -jauhantaa. Se osa mitä mä en ole kuitenkaan ikinä siinä ymmärtänyt, onkin se, että miksi syöttää eläintä väärin tietoisesti vaikka se nyt yhtäkkiä päällisin puolin näyttäisikin siltä että se hengissä pysyy. Eiköhän ne Kitekatin syöttäjätkin kuitenkin todellisuudessa tiedä, että kissa on lihansyöjä ( ... )
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Tarkoitatko Barffauksella ihan barffausta niin kuin se tapahtuu koirilla (eli 60% luita) vai onko kissoilla joku oma versio siitä? Vai tarkoitatko ihan vaan muuten itsevalmistettua raakaruokaa?
This is why I find it really scary that almost everyone can have animals and children. (Talking about children, have you perchance seen the documentary "Jesus Camp"? Now, THAT's scary.)
(The film is nonetheless great to see! Either you're into comedy/horror or none of the mentioned. o_O)
How often do you run into customers like that?
Stupid customers? Daily. Schizophrenic customers? This was the first one ever. That's why I am so shocked about it.
But when you are working for someone else.... You always have to be careful about what you say. People love to send complaints. *sigh*
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