I've been weaning myself off LJ recently (it's optimism, I swear) because if I do well at this week-long interview next month, then I'll be sans proper internet for 15 months at a time. And that's going to be a lot of zeros after the skip
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Comments 14
And your comments to grav_ity 's listing of "porn" made me giggle. (So does this technically count as a comment to the meme part of the post? I don't know. I've already played the meme via someone else, so don't feel obligated. But, of course, I won't deprive you if there's five things you're dying to list about me.)
And you wrote fic! *bounce* And I read it and it was adorable. Janet and Jack interaction is always a good thing.
I know! When she gave me the five things I was like ACK! But, as she pointed out, it is something she associates with me and I did write it first. Heh. The above commenter was one of the new people on my flist, via a travel interest, who probably didn't know about that. Ho hum ( ... )
And your ficlet made me giggle!!!!
Also, speaking of Jack and Janet (or in this case Jack/Janet), did you see this fic by paian? It's not so much the kind of thing I'm reading much of at the moment, but it dances around a lot of old buttons of mine. And I thought of conversations we'd had about Jack and Janet when I read it.
Oh good! It's silliness, but yeah, words.
Dude! I did not! Thank you for the heads up. As you well know, I love their dynamic and while I cannot think of a realistic (and not pining for someone else) scenario where they'd be together, it would be mighty hot. And now I'm going to leave the tab open for a bit and savour the YEY FIC feeling. Cheers!
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Now that I've gotten that behind me, 5 things.... OK, I'm game. (Be nice, please.) ;-)
Tennessee, puddycats, RDA, faith, and reading porn science
bleugh, ate too much cookie dough
And... ahem... porn? I've read your two spicy Dan/Jan stories and I have copied down some links that YOU have forwarded to me (without my getting around to reading them yet). But if that makes me a reader of porn, then oh well! ;-)
Yum, cookie dough! If you had shared with me, you wouldn't be feeling "bleugh" - at least not by yourself!
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