My Superhero

Apr 23, 2009 13:38

My Superhero
PG; Angst/Fluff
"You’re like Superman, and I’m the helpless damsel in distress.”

Junsu curls into Jaejoong’s hold. He’s shaking uncontrollably, crying in fail attempts to wipe away his tears before they fall. A manmade waterfall stains his bubbly face once so happy and overjoyed.

Jaejoong sits quietly; wrapping his arms around the younger man’s waist and pulls him closer. They sit like that for while. Jaejoong enjoying Junsu’s company, his strong arms around the one he cared for most. Junsu, holding on for his life if at any moment he’d let go, he didn’t know what was going to happen.

Junsu sobs, hiccupping small mewls.

“Shh,” Jaejoong cooes, rocking back and forth, “Just let it out,” He rubs Junsu’s thigh for comfort, letting him know he’ll always be there.

Then the crying subsides and Junsu tells him everything, he spills his heart. “You’re always here for me. You’re like,” he pauses and thinks, “Superman, and I’m the helpless damsel in distress.”

“Ohh, stop it,” Jaejoong laughs, “Stop being silly, you’re just mine and I’m yours.”

“You’re like…Batman,” Junsu continues, “And I’m still some plain Joe getting my bag stolen.” He sighs. He doesn’t know what he would, could do without Jaejoong.

But today -

Junsu held Jaejoong, just as the many lessons and preparation of being held from before. He mocks Jaejoong’s arms and small kisses. He pats Jaejoong’s hair and wipes his tears. He clean the mucus running from his nose.

“Junsu, I feel so weak,” he murmurs. “I don’t understand…” He trails off, clutching Junsu’s arm around him.

“I’m supposed to be the strong one,” Jaejoong chokes, stifling a dreaded cry. “I’m supposed to protect you, forever and day. Remember?” He curls, covering his face from shame and failure.

“Shh,” Junsu hushes. He lets his lips touch Jaejoong’s, allowing him to kiss back. He succumbs and they indulge. Junsu can feel Jaejoong’s hot, salty tears die on his lips. He takes it in, feeling each other’s intimacy.

“Hey, Superman,” Junsu parts, “Even heroes have the right to bleed.” He smiles and it spreads from Junsu’s face to his.

“Cry, babe. You’ll always be my superhero.”

pair: jaejoong/junsu, :: i write for me!

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