Dining In.

Aug 07, 2008 21:51

title: Dining In.
length: drabble.
word count: 100 words.
rating: nc-17.
warning: smut - sort of.
pairing: Jaemin.
summary: one plus one.

a/n: i think i'm addicted to drabbles. oh noo! xD

His knuckles turned white gripping the edges of his math desk. He bit his lip, suppressing his scream. He wasn’t sure how he ended up in this situation but he was definitely not complaining. Jaejoong wrapped his fingers around the younger’s waist almost bruising the milky colored skin. So much for a “free lunch period.”

“Changmin!” He barely whispered. He pulled out not wanting to get into a sticky situation. They both released on a graffiti filled desk. Heavy breathing filled the empty room. Their sperm intermingling with each other. Their hearts silently beat as one.

“I fucking love you.”

Lol. this one wasn't sad. xP

comments!!!!! are love.

pair: changmin/jaejoong

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