
Nov 19, 2008 22:34

Title: Warmth
length: Oneshot; 301 words.
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jaesu.
Summary: Junsu's under pressure and he can't handle it. Between life & death, what matters more.

A/N: Sometimes we're so selfish in our own thoughts, we don't realize how much we're hurting others...

“I just can’t anymore!” Junsu runs into Jaejoong’s chest.

“Baby, don’t cry.” Jaejoong takes the poor boy into his arms. He holds the younger man’s head close to his heart.

The tears that were held back for long finally spill. Each tear staining his flawless face. So much hurt and passion lie within each tear. The salty wetness of dedication and love run low. They stand in the middle of their shared bedroom. Jaejoong’s heart tugs at his eyes, but his mind willing for him to be strong.

“I…I can’t…” Junsu sobs even harder. Jaejoong, trying so desperately to calm his boyfriend down whispers, “Shh, shh.” He strokes Junsu’s hair comfortably.

“I-I hat-te thi-this.” Junsu hiccups. The unwilling stream of tears fight to soak Jaejoong’s entire shirt. “I-I, want-t to d-die.” rolls off Junsu’s tongue too easily.

“You can’t.” Jaejoong tightens his hold around the man, “You can’t.” Tears sting his eyes. “You can’t leave me.” A tear silently falls into Junsu’s shiny locks.

“Huh?” A mixture of confusion brings the younger boy to face his love. Jaejoong traces each tear path with his thumb, drying Junsu’s face. “You can’t leave me.” Jaejoong repeats.

Tables slowly turn as Jaejoong weeps into the arms of his lover. “You’re everything to me.” Flashbacks emerge from his childhood. The feeling of loneliness makes a comeback. He eats alone in a candle-lit room after going hungry all day. Day after day, he’s obligated to care for his sickly mother.

“Please don’t leave me.” Jaejoong whispers into his hair. Their red and puffy eyes lock. Their emotions mirroring each other with understanding and tranquility.

Love has never been so strong, especially in each other’s presence. It’s another witness of life. Nothing more was needed besides the warmth burning within their hearts brushing the cold world aside.

I express myself through fics. This fic was unexpected, I just needed to write. :/ I have so many things on my mind, and so many (3) papers due within these two days. My health isn't helping one bit.

pair: jaejoong/junsu

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